Stranger Fruit

2017 1 hr 35 min Documentary

What happened on August 9th, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri? On that hot summer day, Officer Darren Wilson killed 18-year-old Michael Brown. Stranger Fruit is the unraveling of what took place that day, told through the eyes of Mike Brown’s family.

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Sadly Over-hyped

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Brilliant and touching

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Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Forget the eyewitness statements, true reaction to the shooting is ON film when watching the contractor's reaction.

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This is a very one sided piece. Writer/director contradicts himself regarding evidence. This is an emotional piece, but it seems more vindictive vs fact/truth finding.

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At first, I was completely baffled as to why the rating for this doc on this site is so low. Then, I remembered the current climate, the climate when this took place and the climate every time something like this takes place. I read some of the reviews, and again had to consider the climate of things. So...At no point in this doc was Mike Brown painted to be an angel. Anyone who got that idea clearly missed the point. He was portrayed as exactly what he was, a person. Something people sometimes forget when the matter of racism or racially motivated issues are concerned. That and the fact that they left his body on the ground for over 4 hours them took it away in a wagon like he was a dead animal. There was not, and still is not any justifiable reason why Officer Wilson murdered him. Yes, he murdered him. Point blank. There is a pile of evidence that confirms he was murdered. I know when a cop does the shooting people try to change the narrative, but a cop is still a human. And a human killing another human is murder. It was not self defense. He died from the shot to the head, which took place while Brown was already down from being riddled with bullets. A person who is already crippled from gunshots and has no weapon is not a threat. He did not charge at Officer Wilson and this was proven by evidence.And lastly, yes there are a lot of racial references that I'm certain make some people uncomfortable. To that I say, you should ask yourself why does it make you feel uncomfortable? And don't use tired excuses or made up concepts, such as "race baiting" or "creating division". Because the truth about why this makes you uncomfortable, those exact feelings, are the usually the motivating factors (or the beginning) to the occurrence of situations like this.

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One of the more ridiculous points made in the film was by Patrick Green, Mayor of Normandy, Missouri, which is a neighboring town to Ferguson. I'm not exactly sure why he's a part of this, but whatever. He claims that for police to have released the surveillance video of Michael Brown committing robbery at a local convenience store and roughing up the clerk just before the shooting was somehow an attempt to show the world that Brown wasn't really a good person. He goes on to say that to defame or demoralize someone in that way is the oldest trick in the book. I gathered by his statement then, that it wasn't Michael Brown's own actions, because I guess he's not responsible for them, but it was that evil surveillance video that painted him in a negative light. After all, he was a "good person". It was that evil video, which made him look bad, and it should never have been released!!!There's plenty of references made about slavery and about racially charged incidents that occurred over 100 years ago. It may be worth noting that I don't believe anyone remotely associated with the Michael Brown incident was anywhere near 100 years old. They even make the claim that the Daviess County Sheriff's Department badge was designed to look exactly like a Plantation Police Badge worn by the Runaway Slave Patrol in South Carolina back in 1858. The only thing this "slavery badge" has in common with The Daviess County badge is there's a star in the center of it. Other than that, the "slavery badge" looks more like a coin than a badge. The Daviess County bade looks just like any Sheriff's Department badge I've ever seen. So, I'm not sure if the inference is that ALL law enforcement badges are derived from the slave trade and are evil, or if it's just the Daviess county badge that is unique, which it clearly isn't. After that point is drilled home they actually make the claim that the concept of Community Policing is a concept carried over from the Plantation Patrols back during slavery. Community Policing is nothing more than white cops patrolling black neighborhoods to stop and harass innocent black folks for no good reason. I guess the point here is white cops are instinctively predisposed to be slavery cops! This is the point I literally started becoming nauseous. The thought that anyone would watch this one-sided, racially charged propaganda and accept it as an investigative documentary is disturbing.

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