A Distant Thunder

1978 1 hr 16 min Fantasy , Drama , Horror , Thriller , Science Fiction

Patty is lying awake one night in a church basement, distraught and scared. She is to be executed the next morning for refusing to take the Mark of the Beast. Patty knows what lies ahead if she takes the mark but can still not believe in Christ.When those around her try to comfort her and encourage her to accept the Lord, she lashes out at them.

  • Cast:
    Heidi Vaughn

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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In this sequel to "A Thief in the Night", the disappearance of the Christians (known as "the rapture") has occurred and a hell on earth (known as "the tribulation") has begun. Those people who have become Christians during this time are being rounded up and told to renounce Christ or be executed. Those who choose to renounce their faith are required to get the "Mark of the Beast" and are damned for eternity. "Patty Myers" (Patty Dunning) is one of those who knows the truth but is unsure of what to do and this film follows her up to the point of no return. Like the original movie, the acting and script are pretty basic. However, I thought this film was more polished and was a bit more exciting than the first. Again, this is a Christian movie which is based on a controversial interpretation of the Scriptures which some viewers might not understand or appreciate. In any case, it's worth watching for those who might be curious or simply enjoy this specific type of film.

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Phil Chapman

The popular Christian film "A Thief in the Night" (and it's sequel "A Distant Thunder") talked specifically about the evils of "uniting" (they called it "U.N.I.T.E."), as well as the satanic computer network of the future. Funny - how we *embrace* the very network of computers they were calling "Satanic" back then (the Internet), and the USA is trying to UNITE Canada & Mexico with them, as well as many other countries. (see http://www.vcdh.virginia.edu/solguide/VUS09/essay09a.html)THE VERY COUNTRY THAT PUTS OUT THIS FILM - IS THE VERY ONE THAT IS DOING IT ALL!Who knew?

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This movie absolutely blows, In every aspect of the film-making process, from directing to the music, it's just horrible. According to this film, the End Days are actually happening, Satan comes out as being REAL. If this were true, most of the globe would be all "damn, I better get on the right path here or SUFFER FOR ALL ETERNITY IN A PIT OF FIRE". Not a whole lot of people would be stupid enough, out-right BRAINLESS to accept Satan as their master just to buy water and food bars for a few years. It seems that no one has a problem accepting the mark of the beast, "ho hum, I guess I'll just suffer for all eternity" I mean am I going crazy here? I give humanity more credit than that. I believe when it comes down to it, when faced with tangible evidence that the bible was in fact real, humanity will GET IT and UNDERSTAND THE STAKES. This film talks to you as if you are a silly little child who just doesn't understand the difference between good and bad. The characters spend their time ANGRY at God that their loved ones went to heaven, they curse Jesus and scream "I hate you" when they find Grandma has gone to Gods Kingdom, how stupid is that? Our lead characters know more about Jesus and talk more about Jesus than Tammy Faye EVER did, but somehow they aren't worthy because some dude didn't touch their for-head and go "you are saved"? God is really that petty? And even though they are supposed to be hiding in the country they spend a lot of time driving around in a fire engine red mustang, going to the park and stuff. You will find yourself laughing out loud a lot, but not because of the awesome writing, but because the writing is so bad you can't believe people actually talk this way. If SEARS mannequins could have conversations, they would speak like this to each other. It's just that bad. They could have saved money by just passing out pamphlets at the mall saying "only born again Christians are going to heaven, the rest of you aren't good enough", it would have saved everyone from having to view such a train wreck. Patty Dunning is the worst actress of our times YET she WON AN AWARD for acting in this film. The new DVD version even advertises this as having "award winning actress Patty Dunning", the award was given to her by The Christian Filmmakers Association or something like that, her competition? no one. There is even a part in the CD where you can listen to Patty Dunning talking about how honored she was to have won the award and what it's like to be an amazing actress. Go on IMDb and pull her credits and you'll see how amazing she isn't. The best scene though, in any film PERIOD and the scene that is worth renting the film for is where Patty and her retarded gal pals are in that awesome mustang headed back to grandmas house in the country and her friend is reading a letter from her husband who is a soldier. It goes "honey, today a pastor came to the base and talked to us guys about accepting Jesus as our lord and savior" she pauses for dramatic effect and finishes with "and I did it sweetheart, I HAVE...ACCEPTED...Jesus Christ AS MY LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOR!!!! NNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!" It's SO good and she screams so bloody loud when she finds out her husband is with Jesus that I need to record it and have it as my outgoing message. It's such a wrong reaction but our leading ladies aren't credited with having any smarts so you just learn to let it go. There is a great part where the barn burns down and our 3 ladies run out in front of the barn for 5 minutes not really doing anything but running back and forth. You can almost hear the director yelling "ok run 20 feet to your left, now stand there and cower, now run back to your right about 20 feet and cower, now look around and run back to your left and cower some more". You'll especially love the earthquake scene. Our Patty the award winning actress, who got her acting skills from the Wide Eyed Screamers Acting School, keeps her eyes wide like saucers and lays there under a table screaming bloody murder while bits and pieces land next to her. I've been in an earthquake, you close your eyes so stuff, like debris for instance, doesn't get into them. She lays out the Welcome mat on all falling bits and pieces into her eyes because, there isn't anything falling, props forgot to drop stuff from the ceiling, except for an air duct and some lumber but those are too big to fall into your eyes, so Patty opens them up for all the world to see, go Patty GO!. It's just bad acting, bad choices. And the director doesn't shake the camera, it stays stationary as stage hands shake different parts of the set at different intervals, "shake the lamp and the curtains, now someone shake the wall and shake the chair, now shake the chandelier and drop the ceiling". Bad directing. Bad camera work. Bad Bad Bad. I think people should call this film what it is, a total failure, and then demand a better product. Someone WILL step up to the plate eventually. The only good thing about this movie is the cool silver laundry basket they use to catch heads in at the end of the film AND the fact they filmed this in Iowa. I am from Iowa and it's about time someone shined a light on how everyone in Iowa is going to hell.

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This is a good sequel to the first, Thief in the Night. The continuation of the main character, Patty, and the "villian," Diane gives it continuity. New characters are also introduced.

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