Funny Man

1994 1 hr 30 min Horror , Comedy

When Max Taylor wins the ancestral home of Callum Chance in a game of Poker, little does he realize that the game is far from over. One by one, Max's family are murdered by the Funny Man, a demonic jester with a varied and imaginative repertoire of homicidal techniques and an irreverent sense of humor. Meanwhile, Max's brother is on his way to the mansion with a bunch of hitchhikers who will be lucky to survive the night.

  • Cast:
    Christopher Lee , Ingrid Lacey , Benny Young , Matthew Devitt , Chris Walker , Rhona Cameron , Ed Bishop



Simply Perfect

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Sadly Over-hyped

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Best movie ever!

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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"Funny Man" is most likely an abhorrent oddity to the more serious & 'intelligent' horror fan amongst the audience and pretty much a fun ride to those who enjoy a loose horror cannon with blood fodder every now and then. It's like Ken Russell's "Gothic" meets "Spookies" on acid without the monsters but with gore and a villain that's a cross between Leprechaun or Rumpelstiltskin (just pick your favorite ) and Freddy Krueger. Virtually no plot, but rather a rigging together of insane gags, with a few effectively gory bits thrown in the mix that would have been very suitable in early Peter Jackson/Sam Raimi movies. So, you may take that as a compliment. Obviously, the absurd - and often pretty dumb - humor is something you'll have to tolerate. Either you fly with it, or you'll get annoyed by it. Christopher Lee makes a cameo appearance that feels much like just a narrator's part in the wraparound story of some B-horror anthology film. And as nothing more than a cameo, his contribution oddly enough works like a silly charm, almost. Because, well, "Funny Man" is a British nonsensical B-horror flick made with enthusiasm, a fair amount of creativity and perfectly acceptable little rippings-off left & right. It's all not to be taken seriously at all. If you do, you're on the wrong track.

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I'm a sucker for things bizarre. So when I first saw the cover of Funny Man a few years back I was instantly drawn to it. But with incredibly mixed reviews I was pretty hesitant to dish out the big bucks to attain it. Well, I finally got my hands on Funny Man, and I'm unhappy to say, it wasn't worth the wait.Funny Man is about this evil Joker lookin' character that resides in this huge mansion. A family and then a group of hitch-hikers make their way to the mansion, and unbeknownst to them they are all about to meet the Funny Man, and their demise. It's really that simple. The flick is basically just a means to show the Funny Man kill people in unique and funny ways. Too bad they weren't very unique or that funny.The flick severely disappoints in the laugh department. It's a very silly and over-the-top type flick, which usually for this guy is the right ingredients for some good laughs, but not with this script or these actors. Funny Man is occasionally smirk worthy but rarely ever anything more. The actor playing him does a pretty good job as the character, but, it's just not very interesting. We don't know why he lives there, or why he's a killer. And not until the end, does a serious tone present itself where and it gives you a tiny clue into Funny Man's existence. It's just who he is. That's it. And there's this very intriguing world mysterious village that Funny Man lives in underneath the mansion, but it's not even slightly talked about. Again, another missed opportunity. If the movie focused a little more on the Funny Man's back-story, the movie would have had a much more interesting sub-plot. But instead we have a crappy, awful sub-plot concerning a washed up guitarist, and a pretty generic character with a mysterious Jamaican woman who instantly knows about the Funny Man's evil presence. Oh and she has a gun....for a hand, but it ain't as cool as you'd think. The film is also incredibly 'British. But just because it's full of British sayings and silly gags doesn't make it instantly funny. Hell, they didn't even make fun of the British's teeth in the flick. Now that would have been funny! There are far more funnier flicks than this that have come out of Britain, and it doesn't take a genius to "get" British humor, I enjoy it to a high degree, but this just doesn't cut it.The flick barely does anything above average and mostly just exists to have a weirdo character kill a bunch of people. Sure some of the deaths were kinda cool, a couple smiles and giggles were okay but overall, it wasn't enough to make this film entertaining. Shame too, cause the flick felt like it had a lot of potential. Oh well. Give it a shot if you're into horror/comedies, but don't expect anything great. 4.5 outta 10

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We now investigate the case of Funny Man. This movie tries to be a horror take on "The Mask" which if handled correctly could have been cool however the movie jumps around way to much and is way to uneven to be considered good. The "story" (and I use that term loosely) is about a man who looses at a game of cards (one of my favorite horror actors Christopher Lee) and his house in the process. The house itself is a family house that has been passed down from generation to generation and appears to have an otherworldly presence that goes along with it known as The Funny Man.The movie under normal circumstances could have been good however the director and those involved tended this to be a hodge podge of sporadic moments that try to be funny but for the most part just come out as ho hum. I did like the Funny Man character and the guy playing him did a good job but this movie was just so random in parts that even that could not help.In the end this movie is just a plain and simple miss. despite some OK kills that happen the rest of the film just didn't do a thing for me. In the end Funny Man gets the not so funny score of: 4/10 Below Average, just a missed opportunity to make and interesting comedy splat fest. The movie is not a total bag of crap but you better be really desperate for entertainment or have some kind of Joker Fetish to really pick this movie over all the other fine horror films that are out there. Watch this for the main character only and don't try to make much since of things and you will have a better time than most.

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Do you like jesters? Do you like demons? If the answer is 'yes' to both, then this is the film for you. The 'Funnyman' is basically a jester-demon with a Lancastrian accent, which turns into Welsh at various points in the film, who likes to kill people via hilarious (?) pranks in his big scary house. Surreal? Yes indeed. I won't go into too much detail about the wild-afro'd weirdy voodoo lady who's hand changed into a gun. The film, in general, is rubbish... but it has loads of comedy value and lots of gore that everyone should see. By the time you've finished watching this film, you can't help but say the word "Sorted", accompanied by a thumb-up.

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