Star of David: Beauty Hunting

1979 1 hr 40 min Horror , Thriller

The film portrays the life of Tatsuya, a young man of proper descent whose outward respectability hides his urges for rape and torture. This handsome rapist seduces women, then brings them to the basement of the mansion he inherited from his well-to-do parents, where he indulges in lengthy sessions of sado-sexual violence. Based on manga by Masaaki Sato.

  • Cast:
    Yuka Asagiri , Hiroshi Nawa , Asami Ogawa , Rei Okamoto , Nagatoshi Sakamoto , Bunta Sugawara , Akira Takahashi

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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With shocking scenes of violent rape, murder, bestiality, necrophilia and torture, Beautiful Girl Hunter (my first foray into the 'pinku-eiga' genre) is certainly an eye-opener.Tatsuya is a little messed up: he is the result of a vicious sex attack on his mother by a violent rapist/thief. His surrogate father treats him like dirt as a child, and degrades his mum (by tying her up, whipping her and having sex with other women in her presence) until she can take no more and kills herself.Tatsuya eventually gets even by killing his father, inheriting a fortune as a result. But it seems that he has also inherited his real father's penchant for mistreating women, and is soon following in daddy's footsteps, abducting, raping and killing beautiful women.A misogynistic, ultra nasty and disturbing movie, Beautiful Girl Hunter is certainly not for everyone. However, those who have an 'anything goes' attitude towards their viewing matter will probably enjoy this simply for its willingness to show pretty much anything in the name of entertainment.A series of busty victims suffer at the hands of Tatsuya (and his biological father, who turns up towards the end of the film to join in the fun) and the humiliation they have to endure is certainly very imaginative: one is smeared all over with butter, only for it to be removed by a dog with an obliging tongue; another is forced to masturbate in front of her captor; and, in a particularly gob-smacking scene, one poor girl is denied lavatorial facilities until she can hold on no longer...The forced sex, which occurs at regular intervals throughout the film, is also very unsettling and not for those who are easily offended. Peculiarly enough, though, for a film that is so extreme in places, the nookie is at times made rather laughable by carefully placed objects in the foreground obscuring the 'action' (think of that scene in Austin Powers and you'll get an idea of what I mean). I always find it amusing when I see what the Japanese find acceptable to show and what is deemed too obscene (for example, they have no problem with a scene in which Tatsuya masturbates over photos from the Nazi holocaust!!).What is also rather surprising about this film is its technical excellence. There is no evidence of the low quality prevalent in many of filmdom's more seamy productions—the cinematography is great and the direction very effective. Director Norifumi Suzuki has managed to imbue this sordid tale with a level of class which is rare in exploitation movie-making.And if Eli Roth thinks he is the last word in extreme bloodletting, he ought to check this baby out: his Mrs. Bathory bath scene in Hostel 2 pales in comparison with the bit where Tatsuya stabs a girl suspended by chains and is drenched in her blood! Beautiful Girl Hunter ends with a rather confusing and pretentious finale which might be a case of the director trying to justify his film with some kind of message. He needn't have bothered: viewers of this movie will be too busy gasping at the on-screen filth to care about any deeper meaning.

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This movie is about young sex murderer. His mother herself was raped by a criminal and afterward his formerly milquetoast professor father abused both of them, believing his wife "enjoyed" the experience and his son was the product of the rape. Through either "nature" or "nurture" the son grows up to be a sex criminal himself, kidnapping women and sexually abusing them (onscreen) and then sometimes killing them (offscreen), even while he tries to have a conventional romance with a childhood friend. Eventually he meets his birth father, who is still and active rape-murderer himself.This is a controversial movie, mostly because it has been more widely seen than most "pinku eiga" films and a lot people simply don't understand the genre. If people like violent action movies or slasher movies, no one (today at least) assumes they're homicidal maniacs because everyone knows that people aren't REALLY being killed. Well, the same thing is true in "pink" films. Of course, the women aren't REALLY being raped (nor are the girls in schoolgirl uniforms REALLY schoolgirls), and in fact the rape scenes are actually kind of ridiculous. Some people are either incapable of separating fiction from reality (notice I didn't say fantasy) or they don't give other people credit for being able to do so. The ridiculous rape scenes aren't necessarily even sex fantasies for all the male viewers (like me, for instance), but to the extent they are--well, even feminists acknowledge that woman have rape fantasies (yet don't want to really be raped), why is it surprising that many NON-RAPIST men do as well? Ironically, the controversy largely comes about because the women in "pinku eiga" like this often end up enjoying the rape. After the "schoolgirl" is abducted, tortured, forced to masturbate for her captor and eventually violated, he lets her goes and sees her later back at school where she is now happy and well-adjusted. But this is exactly WHY these rape scenes are so unbelievable. It's an old-fashioned idea that men commit rape because they think the women "enjoy" it. Rapists are sadistic *bleeps* who probably would be very disappointed if the woman enjoyed it, or in most cases they are simply sociopaths who don't care (nobody thinks murderers, muggers, and burglars do what they do because they think their victims "enjoy" it). But you simply don't judge movies by how a child or a disturbed individual might react to them--or we'd only have movies fit for small children and disturbed minds. A NORMAL person will just laugh this off, or perhaps be titillated by the basically consensual BDSM. Besides, compare rape and sexual assault statistics in Japan to those of that "PC"/feminist fortress that is America and then you can try to tell me the problem is MOVIES. . .

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I heard about this film on the "cult film" message board of IMDB and, on his dare, ordered the video through WitchingHour Video.How can one fairly review this trash? For what it is, the photography is well-done such that I was surprised the film was made in 1979 and not more recently. The plot has something to do about a notorious rapist/kidnapper father begatting a son to one of his rape victims, a son who grows up to be like his father (at film's end, they team up). Of course, the rape victim/mother of this son is flogged by her husband in the nude for several minutes when she tells him the rapist impregnated her and begs him not to strike her belly (which he does). Overall, as if plot was relevant, I thought it tried to imply that there's a "rape" gene that can be passed from father to son -- not just any rape gene, but one that causes its bearer to commit acts of ultra-violent depravity: prolonged rape, sexual torture, bondage, bestiality, caging women and everything under the sun (female masturbation and urination scenes are here too, although it's all exaggerated). Each scene seems carefully planned by the director (unusual in Western adult films). Some scenes are more realistic than others. A depraved filmmaker, this guy Noriyumi Suzuki. Japanese males must really be misogynistic that it could be made and distributed. School-age girls and even the rapist's sister aren't spared (although the sister, in a bizarre twist, doesn't find it at all offensive and turns on her co-captive -- so there goes the "gene" theory, unless she was a twin). Something in the story about hidden sexual desires in females, regardless of age or relation. About two hours of bondage, simulated sex and sexual torture, attractive and capable and surprisingly buxom Japanese actresses (acting defined as mostly physical bumping and grinding and hanging from ropes; oh, and some begging then being killed, others begging then submitting and later killed; Russ Meyer would be proud of the talent here). Comparable to Texas Chain Saw Massacre but with a prurient sexual theme. Oh, a pretty realistic, albeit simulated, bestiality scene is thrown in. The pacing from one depravity scene to the next is impressive; must have had a large budget; true, there is little story development in-between. Pretty graphic stuff, even if it is simulated.Strange values, these Japanese film authorities: no male frontal nudity, no graphic penetration scenes but lots of the most realistic, prolonged simulated rape/torture scenes I've ever heard of. Still, if America allowed its distribution, it would be X-rated for its content alone and the realism of the "simulations" of murder and rape and degradation of the women... One could easily conclude that nothing like this could ever be made in a more civilized country that actually respected its mothers, sisters, and female children. I guess they call it "free expression."More pornographic than what passes for "XXX" here, even though it is all simulated. Not a "date" movie. I can see only envision that hard up guys who blame females for their dating ineptitude and wish to vent on them, similarly-depraved minds and misguided liberals (an oxymoron) will champion this one.

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Karl Ericsson

Gave this film a 10 out of 10, which it probably doesn't deserve if you compare it with 'Citizen Kane' but if it's about originality it deserves it. On the surface, it's just another of those Japan-shock-films. But notice how one girl is set free and how another one is shot on top of a building for everyone to see.Disguised as a Japan-shocker this is an anarchist smuggler-film. Of course it is not too obvious as such, but still enough to enjoy. Easily the best of Japan-shockers.

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