CLONED: The Recreator Chronicles

NR 4.4
2012 1 hr 31 min Horror

When a group of teenagers stumble upon a secret lab, they become part of a deadly experiment - The Recreator - evil human clones. Craig, Tracy and Derek come face to face with exact copies of themselves that have only one purpose; to find and kill their originals. With time running out it's up to the original group to destroy the lab and save themselves before they are replaced. Gregory Orr's exciting thriller brings science fiction to life with a sexy edge.

  • Cast:
    Stella Maeve , J. Mallory McCree , John de Lancie , Laura Moss , Curzon Dobell



Wonderful Movie

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good back-story, and good acting

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Admirable film.

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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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RECREATOR has potential but turns into a general mish-mash of ideas with way too much of the "teenagers running in the woods" type scenes to recommend it. It's a dimly lit adventure in which a trio of teenagers visit a remote island and take shelter in a mysterious installation when a storm beckons. Pretty soon they find themselves at the mercy of their own clones, which are set to destroy them.Cloning has always been an intriguing idea in cinema but the idea here is workable at best. Indeed so little is made of the originality of the premise that any random monster or human villain could have been the antagonist. Too much of it feels like a teen horror flick while the thought-provoking sci-fi angle of the story is swept aside.It doesn't help that the production values have led to a dim and gloomy looking movie with non-existent special effects. The thinly-written characters are rather trying and despite the best efforts of the actors involved none of them are remotely likable, so you end up having no interest in what happens come the end. It's a pity.

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I actually caught myself staring at this movie with my jaw dropping in a complete daze. I wasn't looking for a master piece, but this isn't even TV movie material.There was so much reaching and grasping to sell what happens that I hit a wall right there, and then the acting finally had to take a beating, I tried to let it slide but the story was so bad I couldn't help but focus on the terrible characters and lack of well, anything at all.Don't waste your time with this movie, if one person doesn't watch it because of my review/slating then I did my job and it was worth posting.

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Jack Worldwideweb

Kean Riley & Kasey Riley are from the region in which this thriller was shot -- and are iconic in local lore - word is that one has a birth certificate filed in Franklin County - Malone NY - dated Feb 28th,1962, and his "twin" has a certificate dated Feb 29th,1962 (There was no 29th in 1962.) They did an awesome job in this flick, and obvious is the influence of Stella Adler, Stanislavsky, and Howard Riley (always available as an "Acting (blank)" when some local politico or other messes up, quits, or is sent "Down the River.") They should be available to accept a single statuette next year for "Best Supporting Actor" - but only if that gig doesn't coincide with the 2012 Winter Carnival in Saranac Lake, NY.

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This movie is so much fun! I didn't know quite what to expect going into the theater, but I really enjoyed myself. Recreator played on all my fears of the woods and camping...irrational fears, you may say, perhaps not!! I loved the all takes place on an isolated and wooded island (filmed in upstate NY). So creepy...and yet the house on this island is AMAZING! It's a gorgeous cabin, but more like a cabin mansion...the kind of place you think of when you hear the words "dream vacation home." I'd love to spend a weekend there relaxing, swimming, reading...though maybe not after seeing what happens on that island in the film...ha. I don't want to say too much, because it will give away half the fun. But I can say...I'm glad I'm not a twin. Buy a big tub of popcorn and go with a few friends!

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