
2008 Animation

The capital of the empire of Euria is attacked by the empire of Titania, a much more powerful enemy that controls a large part of the galaxy. The story follows a soldier who flees the Titania empire and seeks refuge with the rebellion force, that rose up since the battle.

  • Cast:
    Kaori Nazuka , Kenta Miyake , Katsuyuki Konishi , Daisuke Kishio , Takashi Kondo , Hiroyuki Yoshino , Sayuri Yahagi
Episode 26 : End of the Song of the Souls` Repose (Requiem)
March. 26,2009
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Episode 25 : Fierce Fighting on Hot Sand
March. 26,2009
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Episode 24 : Honest Old Man
March. 19,2009
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Episode 23 : Desert Rat
March. 19,2009
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Episode 22 : Prelude of Ambition
March. 12,2009
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Episode 21 : Chance Meeting on Esthar
March. 12,2009
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Episode 20 : Chronos Assault
March. 05,2009
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Episode 19 : The Radmose Case
March. 05,2009
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Episode 18 : Prison Satellite Chronos
February. 19,2009
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Episode 17 : Overpriced Ransom
February. 12,2009
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Episode 16 : Imminent Counterattack
January. 29,2009
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Episode 15 : Like A Grain Of Wheat
January. 22,2009
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Episode 14 : Storming the Ryutehhi
January. 15,2009
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Season 1
Season 1 2008