
1987 Animation

TigerSharks is an American animated children's television series developed by Rankin/Bass and distributed by Lorimar-Telepictures in 1987. The series involved a team of heroes that could transform into sharks and other marine animals and resembled the series ThunderCats and SilverHawks, also developed by Rankin/Bass. The series lasted only one season with 26 episodes and was part of The Comic Strip show, which consisted of four animated shorts: TigerSharks, Street Frogs, The Mini Monsters, and Karate Kat. The animation was provided by Pacific Animation Corporation. Warner Bros. Animation currently owns the series, as they own the 1974-89 Rankin/Bass library, which was incorporated into the merger of Lorimar-Telepictures and Warner Bros.

  • Cast:
    Larry Kenney , Maggie Wheeler , Gerrianne Raphael , Camille Bonora , Peter Newman , Earl Hammond
Episode 26 : Redfin Returns
January. 01,0001
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Episode 25 : The Treasure Map
January. 01,0001
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Episode 24 : Paradise Island
January. 01,0001
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Episode 23 : The Scavenger Hunt
January. 01,0001
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Episode 22 : The Point of No Return
January. 01,0001
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Episode 21 : The Waterscope
January. 01,0001
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Episode 20 : Spellbinder
January. 01,0001
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Episode 19 : Murky Waters
January. 01,0001
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Episode 18 : Departure
January. 01,0001
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Episode 17 : Eye of the Storm
January. 01,0001
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Episode 16 : A Question of Age
January. 01,0001
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Episode 15 : The Volcano
January. 01,0001
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Episode 14 : Iced
January. 01,0001
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Episode 13 : Stowaway
January. 01,0001
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Episode 12 : The Kraken
January. 01,0001
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Episode 11 : The Search for Redfin
January. 01,0001
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Episode 10 : The Terror of Dragonstein
January. 01,0001
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Episode 9 : Termagant
January. 01,0001
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Episode 8 : Go with the Flow
January. 01,0001
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Episode 7 : The Lighthouse
January. 01,0001
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Episode 6 : Pappagallo's Present
January. 01,0001
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Episode 5 : Bowfin
January. 01,0001
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Episode 4 : The Deep Fryer
January. 01,0001
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Episode 3 : Save the SARK
January. 01,0001
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Episode 2 : SARK to the Rescue
January. 01,0001
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Episode 1 : Voyage to Water-O
September. 07,1987
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Season 1
Season 1 1987