Sisters of Death

PG 4.3
1976 1 hr 27 min Horror , Thriller , Mystery

During an all-girl secret society initiation, one of the new members is killed playing Russian Roulette. Many years later the survivors are invited for a reunion to a lavish estate, which turns out to be owned by the crazed father of the girl who died.

  • Cast:
    Arthur Franz , Claudia Jennings , Paul Carr , Joe E. Tata , Sherry Alberoni



I love this movie so much

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Just what I expected

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Don't listen to the negative reviews

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Rainey Dawn

This is a film I got in the Horrorlicious 9-film collection. It's mildly "OK" to watch. It starts out kinda interesting but works its way to a terrible and unbelievable ending which didn't help the film at all.In some ways the film is a little bit entertaining - but only a little bit. This is not a film I would recommend to horror fans but I is one that I can say you might find it barely entertaining if you happen to get it in a film collection or find it on TV and there's nothing else better to watch.The movie is very forgettable - nothing to see here but a typical 1970s horror trash slasher film with an ending that is just a joke - it's awful. Gatling gun? Who was behind it and why? The real killer? Just a really crappy ending.2/10

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Stupid. Vulgar. Trashy. Sleazy. Garbage. 8 out of 10 times, I'm there! But "Sisters Of Death" is one of those very, very rare films that can shoot for a lowly, lowly target and miss. This film seems to be made by people who would try and make a porno film and then, keeping the actors fully clothed, have them arm wrestle. I can have great affection for bad or dubious films, but I truly hate "Sisters of Death." I can't stand the people who are in it, the people who made it, or the people who overrate it on IMDb!!Another thing I hate about SOD is that so many people have apparently seen it on cheap videos. I saw it on my nook on a cheapo public domain movies app. Truly, this is one film that should have never emerged from the lab. Yuck.You can probably see it free on Youtube, as it infects the world with it's presence.

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***SPOILERS*** Pretty Elizabeth Clybourn accidentally had her brains blown out in a sorority initiation ceremony while playing a fake game, with a blank in the chamber, of Russian Roulette with a one shot derringer no less. It was her music loving father Edmond who then planned to find the person who slipped the live bullet into the gun that killed her. That on the 7th anniversary of his daughters death Edmound now known as Crazy Eddie sent invitations to the girls at the initiation, unsigned of course, with $500.00 in each letter for them to show up on this out of the way place for a what was thought to be an all night orgy into the wee morning hours. What Crazy Eddie's invitation to the girls and the two guys, Joe & Mark, who tagged along was really a death trap to kill everyone who was at his daughter fatal initiation ceremony! With the two unsuspecting guys, who had nothing to do with it, just for good measures or to hike up the body count!Arthur Franz as the crazed Edmound "Crazy Eddie" Clybourn has planned this get together for the girls for some seven years and during that time he lost it to the point that he's by now completely divorced from reality.That in his insane hatred of the girls whom he holds responsible for his beautiful blond daughter Elizabeth's death. Unknown to the girls Crazy Eddie has a partner or collaborator among them thats how secretly helping him set them up for the kill. What the wild and crazy guy doesn't quite realize is the true reasons for Eizabeth's death which will come as a great shock to him when finds them out. That when finally reviled makes the guy even more crazier,if that's at all possible, then he already is!***SPOILERS*** Taking his time Crazy Eddie Clybourn finishes off the girls as well as one of the guys, guess which one, who was there looking for action but only ended up fried. That until only two of the original five sorority members were still left alive. It's then that the truth came out to what was really behind Elizabeth death.His driving her crazy, like himself, with him forcing her to listen to his music, mostly classical, and flute playing which she greatly detested. By then the game of death that he was playing had lost its punch! With it now having no meaning at all to the nut case he then just went plain bananas and started wildly shooting, with his home made Gatling gun,at the messenger of the bad news. Only to end up getting himself killed together with his secret partner,one of the girls,who set the whole crazy plan of his up! for him But were in, like in most of these kinds of low or even big budgeted horror films, for a big surprise at the very end. Which by then there's really nothing left in the movie that could possibly surprise us!

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"Sisters of Death" is the story of a sorority initiation ceremony that goes horribly wrong and one of the members ends up dead. A few years later, the remaining members all get invitations to a reunion at a secluded mansion. Little do they know that the host is the father of the dead girl- and he's looking for revenge! First off, the dialogue is pretty bad, as well as the film itself. However, this film IS watchable if you shut your brain off and just go for the ride, it can really be a fun little flick! I did like the fact that this film got its inspiration from Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None", it basically was a campy little kill-them-one-by-one slasher flick with a little twist in the end. If you're a fan of B horror movies, then I recommend that you check this out! Rated: PG for Violence and Partial NudityGrade: D+

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