
R 5
2011 1 hr 18 min Horror

Ryan is making a documentary on his friend, Brett, about camping for the first time. However, once they begin camping, they discover that there is a mysterious figure that is hunting them.

  • Cast:
    Ashley Bracken , Blaine Gray , Ben Bayouth

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Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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Better Late Then Never

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Absolutely Fantastic

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Just so you know, there are minor spoilers here.Unlike some of the claims here, it's not actually a "found footage" movie. It's filmed in that style though, portraying events which are purported to be real, from a 1st person perspective. however if you watch closely the last 10 minutes or so you'll realize it can't be found footage. I'm trying to avoid spoilers here, unless it's absolutely necessary.there's some good ideas here, some of which i'm sure we've all had while watching yet another horror movie made in the wake of "the Blair witch project", you know the sort, when you think "if they had shown that (censored) there, the tension would really, really go through the roof". well, they finally did, you'll realize what I mean when you see the bit about the trees.That's the good part, the bad part is that it's yet another of those movies that can only scare that class of viewers that cover their eyes at the first sight of anyone that's simply running in the dark screaming. i've already watched this movie 12 times in the last month, all of them with different titles, all of them with the same plot:"remove protagonists from the perceived safety of urban life, and throw them into an isolated, unknown location. have them hear and even glimpse a threat, but never clearly enough for them to understand exactly what it is that's after them. never show the threat clearly enough that the viewer can identify it either. reveal that the threat is strong and fast enough that it can run them down and tear them apart if it should choose to do so, then reveal that they're obviously facing the son of a scooby-doo cartoon monster: whenever they're out in the open and vulnerable, the monster stands there and watches them, listens to them ... does things to the trees around them ... but otherwise leaves them alone. when they see proof that the monster is lethal, get them to run like headless chickens from a to b to c, in the dead of night (hardly ever a good idea) yet the scoober never quite manages to catch them, only showing a desire to do so if and when they reach shelter."unfortunately they've made so many of these movies that it's become virtually impossible to come out with an innovative conclusion to these events, or even an innovative plot twist. they've been repetitive up to the very end, they might as well have a rational, if repetitive, denouement, but somehow that doesn't satisfy the filmmakers. fortunately for them, the found footage genre gives them an easy out, and this is "close to found footage" enough that it can be bent into the same kind of ending: EXPLAIN NOTHING. NO. THING. to be fair, in this particular movie, at the very end an unseen man's voice actually puts a name onto some of the things you see, SOME, and it's more of a hint to get your brain working in the intended direction. if they had shown some restraint about what to put on screen at that point, it would even have worked, but they chose to put a large number of people behaving inexplicably at the end (the message apparently being that they're either mental patients, or at least they've gone mad) and that doesn't work well with the (SORTA) explanation provided by the unseen man...it's just another mess of a movie. there are a few decent special effects at the end (up to that point there had been only three moments with special effects) but they're off the screen before your brain catches up with what you've seen, and personally I wish they'd invest more money into coming up with a coherent and believable script throughout, rather than for special effects in the last 10 minutes of the movie.like all the rest, it's a lightweight horror movie that only easily scared people will appreciate, you know the kind: they will invariably tell you that they've "watched it from behind the sofa".

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The movie starts out with your standard slow buildup of characters conversing to each other, filming for no reason, creepy things being found or heard. All the standard clichés. Why I felt the reason to review this film was because this movie really went above and beyond with the shaky camera, screaming into the mic, and pointless static and video glitching. I couldn't even tell what was happening at the end of the film, it looked like you gave a 5 year old a phone camera and had them run through a haunted house, then added all sorts of shitty interference filters in after effect. This is too bad, as it seemed there were some interesting creatures and a stranger plot to be explored.... at least I think there was, it was really hard to see what I was looking at.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

Had I known that this was one of those mockumentary type movies with unfathomably bad camera-work, then I would never had wasted $2 on buying the DVD. And I will go as far as saying that the movie isn't even worth the disc it is pressed on.The storyline is just your typical found footage type; a group of people are filming a documentary when they find themselves in deep trouble.After having suffered through 79 minutes of unbelievably bad camera-work, I can say that this movie was bad on every level and every aspect. And it is not clear what the event actually was. Zombies? Disease? I don't know, and after the movie ended, I can't say that I really cared about what it actually was.The acting in the movie was adequate, but that did nothing to salvage this awful train wreck of a movie.As with all movies in this bad found footage genre, then the camera-work was all over the place. And that is really something that doesn't go well with me at all. If I pay money for a movie, then I expect a proper production, and not just getting something that I could make myself with my own digital video camera.I suppose that some evidence is better left unearthed, unheard of and unseen, and "Evidence" is definitely all that.

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Pauls Page

well,i have found myself watching a lot of found footage,indie type films and occasionally i find a gem. this one is sort of like that..it starts off like a generic found footage film but then takes a twist.. its simple monster in the woods to full blown military complex style horror..it actually reminded me of resident evil. in fact.. this could be the start of the resident evil game franchise..the game that is and not the awful films with milova jokokokovich or whatever her name is..4 teens go to the woods, 2 get butchered which leaves 2 women who ,on trying to make there escape, run into a big military complex which has what looks like phycopathic zombies running about and creatures that look very similar to the resi evil hunter.. even the very end has a spec ops team wandering the complex with night vision complex looking at what seems to be dead hunters..and.. the end scenes feature the survour being flown away by helicopter.. catch my drift here.. i say its a entertaining film and worth a watch to decide for yourself if you think that the director was a fan of the resident evil games!

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