The Prisoner

1955 1 hr 35 min Drama

A cardinal is arrested for treason against the state. He is a popular hero of his people, for his resistance against the Nazis during the war and his resistance when his country again fell to a totalitarian conqueror. In prison, his interrogator is determined to extract a confession of guilt, and thus destroy his power over his people.

  • Cast:
    Alec Guinness , Jack Hawkins , Wilfrid Lawson , Kenneth Griffith , Jeanette Sterke , Ronald Lewis , Raymond Huntley


Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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It is difficult to understand why the producers thought that this talky snail pace drama was more appropriate to the cinema than TV.Didn't cinemas already have enough problems without screening this hall clearing feature.In fact the only reason that I watched it was to see one of my favourite actors,Wilfred Lawson.there sure enough he was acting his socks off whilst Alec Guiness was doing his silent bit.He lights up every scene he appears in.He has this funny knack of starting each sentence on a high note and working his way down.As for the rest of the film,sorry to say it is a total bore.Jack Hawkins was always watchable but Alec Guiness I find a little of him goes a long way.Guiness is not necessarily good for you.

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Bill Slocum

Even for a jailroom drama with a closed-in set and a minimum of exposition, "The Prisoner" is one clenched movie.In an unnamed city in an unnamed country, an unnamed cardinal (Alec Guinness) is interrogated for crimes against the state. His unnamed interrogator (Jack Hawkins) sets the case for the audience in unusually stark terms."You represent a religion which provides an organization outside the state," he says.The cardinal states his position as boldly: "I am difficult to trap and impossible to persuade. I am tenacious, wary, and proud."Obviously based on the repression of Catholic leaders in Eastern Europe after World War II, "The Prisoner" suffers from the sin of its obviousness. Everything about this film seems designed to fit into the right round holes. There's a jokey jailer, an overbearing functionary, even a shoehorned romantic subplot.At one point, we see a young man writing the words "Free Beliefs Free Speech" on a wall. I guess he was too preoccupied to share what those beliefs might be. No matter; before he finishes a policeman walks up and shoots him, I guess because it is more symbolic than arresting him.The stand-off between Guinness and Hawkins is just as tightly regimented, with obvious bits of symbolism designed to make a case any sentient being has picked up on five minutes in. The Interrogator doodles a spider web during his questioning of the Cardinal. The Interrogator plays chess before we cut to the Cardinal walking across flagstones. "God give me cunning against your skill" and "You've defeated me" are actual lines in the movie. The movie doesn't end as one might expect; it avoids this trap with a finale that doesn't make any sense at all.Apparently all this struck some people as controversial back in 1955, as "The Prisoner" was banned from a couple of major film festivals. If it was released today, it would be easier to understand the hostility, even if the role of faith in this film is muted to the point of insignificance.Given the historical and personal background of this project, so close to the heart of Guinness who would convert to Catholicism a year after this movie, it is surprising to see Sir Alec playing the part so awfully. He's a serene statue through the first half, and then a shrieking shamble in the second, even beating his head with his fists.The only plus in the film is Wilfred Lawson's crusty jailer, called "Waldo" in the subtitles though I think that's someone mishearing "Warden." He has a couple of nice speeches, including one when he remembers a boyhood cuckoo clock with a juicy chuckle. The bits we get of Lawson show director Peter Glenville had the good sense to give room to at least some of his actors. But the Warden's a minor figure in a film that doesn't do anything worthwhile with anyone else.

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Spoiler/plot- 1955, The Prisoner, An outspoken Cardinal from Eastern European country is jailed for his rebellious beliefs and subject to relentless interrogation of a psychologist in prison. Hoping for a phony confession that would create chaos among the countries large Catholic population, the interrogator knows no amount of brutal torture will sway his prison subject that fought the Nazi Gestapo. But after months of hard mental torture, the interrogator finds a crack in his subject's facade when the interrogator challenges his religious ideals in a gripping prison scene. The film ending is quite a enjoyable twist.*Special Stars- Sir Alec Guiness plays the lead, as The Cardinal. Jack Hawkins plays the interrogator.*Theme- Totalitarian governments break-down the individual, while religion glorifies it.*Based on- Eastern European world news headlines.*Trivia/location/goofs- An English film shot a the Pinewood Studios. Such a controversial film that it was BANNED at Cannes & Venice Film festivals for it's political implications on Eastern BLOC countries. A memorable line is given by Guiness just before his Cardinal role is jailed, "Any confession coming from me in prison is a lie or completely due to the weakness of man". 'The Motion Picture Guide' rates this film highly and rates the performances by the two male leads as "...two best roles and performed at their very best." *Emotion- A very excellent dramatic and tension filled film plot with meaty roles for these two giants of the British screen. While these two stars were in the same film, seldom have they shared scenes acting off each other like in this film. A true delight to enjoy watching these solid film stars in the beauty of black-and-white. The film's subject matter is thought provoking for spiritual and non-spiritual people alike.

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michael autin

This film makes a good marathon movie with other similar themes:Inherit the wind The Prisoner TV seriesIt seems most movies are essentially epitomized by this film for this reason:Persecution. Be it FOR religion or AGAINST religion. The protagonist/antagonist style which is predominant is EXPERTLY posed here with Alec Guinness playing another brilliant role. This character is the opposite of the character he played in "The man in the white suit" BUT the theme is similar.In todays world the ethnicity is still a root persecution that leads to a lot of violence. This movie shows what should be avoided, but in recent news even the contrast in Iraq is highlighted within the controlled confines of a safe Movie environment. WE know the actors are compensated and safe... The stereotypes they portray seem to be Perennial and eternal...The end line can be said of ANYONE anytime, anyplace, any age.A timeless classic from a time when events moved slower. Todays movies move much faster which do not allow our children to absorb the real humanity pictures like these embody.I am a more aware man for having seen this film, and it allows my to deal with bullies I have encountered in real life who on buses will try to play the inquisitor in a menacing fashion, even though here in America we are supposed to be free of this interaction.There are classic interactions that are highlighted and should not be missed.

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