Boom Bust Boom

2016 1 hr 10 min History , Documentary

Terry Jones presents Boom Bust Boom. The result of a meeting between writer, director, historian and Python Terry Jones and economics professor and entrepreneur Theo Kocken. Co-written by Jones and Kocken and featuring John Cusack, Nobel Prize winners Daniel Kahneman, Robert J Shiller and Paul Krugman, the film is part of a global movement to change the economic system through education to protect the world from boom and bust. A unique look at why economic crashes happen, Boom Bust Boom is a multimedia documentary combining live action with animation and puppetry to explain economics to everyone.

  • Cast:
    Terry Jones , John Cusack , George W. Bush



You won't be disappointed!

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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Emma Fowler

I don't know anything about economics but I found this program very interesting and definitely entertaining! At times if I stopped paying attention I got slightly lost, but it explained things in multiple ways to make it easier to understand. The funny clips from movies and cartoons were great and well-placed to highlight what was being talked about.

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This was a pretty good retelling of the financial crisis and told it in an interesting way, which is sure to please regular folks who aren't all that into these matters.The illustrations were good, overall very nice production value.Bubbles are mentioned - by a dedicated song even (!). However, it is glaringly obvious that no views on the current bubble(s) we're in were allowed to be included in the final cut of the film.It would have been a lot better if they had gone into more detail on how the current state of the economy is far worse than the last financial crisis and what people can do to protect themselves.

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Paul Savoie

It was an enjoyable hour but by no means was it groundbreaking. For someone who is not intimately acquainted with economics Boom Bust Boom could be an enjoyable lighthearted crash course in the 2008 recession and a few other basic economic theories/concepts. For economists and anyone studying economics, such as myself, the film is lacking any kind of in depth discussion of the finer details relating to the 2008 recession and does not really tell you anything that you do not already know about the recession and the field of economics. It relies almost entirely on quotes and discussion by some notable, and some not notable, economists and academics. I can only recall a few actual data points being used, such as the size of the government bailouts paid to failing banks. So, Boom Bust Boom should not be taken as a serious economic analysis, it gives you the quick and dirty outline of the 2008 recession and the crisis tendency of capitalism but does not go much further.

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David Ferguson

Greetings again from the darkness. On the heels of Adam McKay's scathing and entertaining explanation of the 2008 financial collapse comes Terry Jones (of Monty Python fame) with a more global perspective of the same era. McKay's Oscar nominated The Big Short was designed to let us know who did what and why, while Jones' version applies a British spin and his wildly creative approach in breaking down the long-standing economic models that wreak havoc with our money.Jones has joined forces with Economics Professor Theo Kocken to school us on the "leftover" strategies and economic models used by Politicians and Bankers … models that assume the market (investors and institutions) will act rationally. Our education comes courtesy of a multi-media show featuring animation, puppets, music and expert interviews (economists, authors, academic leaders, and at least 3 Nobel Prize winners). According to the movie (and it's difficult to argue otherwise), human nature is the Achilles heel of Capitalism. In fact, they use the term euphoria to describe the phenomenon that occurs as "stable" economic times lead to more risk and more debt. Debt clearly is the most profound 4-letter word in economics. A film within the film … "Terry Jones' Short History of Financial Crisis" takes us back to the 1500's and through modern times, as the same mistakes recur. One of the more effective sequences shows State of the Union addresses from President Calvin Coolidge (1928) and President George W Bush (2006). Both speeches proclaim solid economies only 1-2 years prior to the two biggest collapses in U.S. history … just two extreme examples that the experts have no idea where the economy is headed as long as they continue to utilize the models that have proved to be ineffective.It's fascinating to get specifics on Hyman Minsky's "Financial Instability Hypothesis", as well as an explanation of the Neoclassical Economic Model (better known as the Free Market). Insight is provided by University of Texas Professor James Galbraith, son of famed economist John K Galbraith, and it's quite enlightening to hear Allan Greenspan (a long time believer in the Free Market system) admit to being wrong about expecting rational behavior from those in the market.The movie will forever act as a reminder for us to pinch ourselves should we think "this time is different". In fact there is a movement by Economics students to change the way Economics degrees and PhD programs are structured – more emphasis on learning from history, and re-thinking and re-designing economic models. The applicable websites are:

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