Playing Mona Lisa

R 5.8
2000 1 hr 37 min Comedy

A young pianist is looking for love in all the wrong places once her fiancee drops her. Maybe her flame will be rekindled both for the piano and a new love?

  • Cast:
    Alicia Witt , Harvey Fierstein , Brooke Langton , Johnny Galecki , Ivan Sergei , Marlo Thomas , Elliott Gould



Load of rubbish!!

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Great visuals, story delivers no surprises

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Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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You really can't say that you "had fun" with a movie that often, but this movie actually has a feeling to it. She's scared to do something so she counts on others to help, and we have no idea if she gets what she wanted or not, and that's how i saw feeling with it. The acting is fun also, Alicia Witt is such a great talent I just can't believe she's not a superstar yet. I know and so do other people that there are a lot of other people that are labeled "SUPERSTARS" that really "SUPER-SUCK", and Alicia Witt is not one of them.

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I used to run a video store and this movie rarely got rented. It came on cable this afternoon and I didn't have anything else to do. I found the beginning of the film slow and rather predictable, but, as it got further into the story, I actually found myself hanging on the story, curious as to what could POSSIBLY happen next. I now find myself wondering why it never got rented in the store, because this was REALLY a good movie. I keep guessing if it was a romantic movie trying to be funny or a comedy trying to be romantic. The blend of both is what I actually enjoyed most about the film.I have only seen one other movies with Alicia Witt, but I think I'm going to be looking for more of her. Elliott Gould and Marlo Thomas are a nice blend as her parents, too.

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While it's tempting to dismiss this as just another chick flick with just another up-and-coming young adult actress, PLAYING MONA LISA is different in a lot of ways. For one thing, the writing is terrific. Characters are well-developed, their relationships are complex and engaging, and just about everyone in the film oozes charm (especially Alicia Witt, who is just terrific). For another thing, the film does not follow the traditional romantic comedy formula and still comes to a satisfying conclusion.And this movie is also DAMN funny. One scene in particular, which involves drug use, is so hilarious. I laughed so hard my dog was giving me funny looks.PLAYING MONA LISA is enjoyable from the first second to the last. Just go rent it already!

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P Adkins

I never even heard of this film... It just happen to be on last night. All-star cast drenched in good writing, & flooded with comedy! Lots of good points are made throughout the entire movie. Storyline is girl loves boy. Boy dumps girl. Girl must pick up the pieces & move on...? EVERY SINGLE ACTOR in this film will carry you through life's little problems in the most humorous way! (9)

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