Two Arabian Knights

1927 1 hr 32 min Adventure , Comedy , Romance

During World War I, two American soldiers fight to escape the Germans while squabbling over a beautiful harem girl.

  • Cast:
    William Boyd , Mary Astor , Louis Wolheim , Ian Keith , Michael Vavitch , Michael Visaroff , Boris Karloff

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Too much of everything

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As Good As It Gets

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Lewis Milestone tightly directed this picture packing the film with plenty of gags and jokes without piling it with extra fluff. It breezed by fast and everything included in the film was either funny or helped moved the plot along. Mary Astor's character only looked Arab when she covered her face but we have Hollywood whitewashing to blame even though it was a fine performance. William Boyd and Louis Wolheim had amazing chemistry that ran throughout the whole film and was showcased in the opening sequence as Boyd's character starts a fight with his Sergeant. It was interesting, fun, and a bit different to see a good silent comedy whose humor wasn't derived mainly from slapstick but a variety of plot points and excellent direction. Definitely one not to miss!

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"Two Arabian Knights" has the distinction of winning one of the first two Oscars given for Best Direction. In the Academy's first year, 1927-28, the Best Director award was split between dramatic and comedy categories, and "Two Arabian Knights" won the latter. Indeed, it's only the first of two films in Oscar history -- the second being "The Divine Lady" the following year -- to win a Best Director Oscar without being nominated for Best Picture, but since that first year was the only one in which two directing awards were given, it isn't an apples to apples comparison with other years. Lewis Milestone, who certainly deserved to win an Oscar for something and would become the first person to win two directing Oscars when the Academy awarded him the prize two years later for "All Quiet on the Western Front," beat Ted Wilde ("Speedy") to win the one for this film, and I have to say the Academy got it wrong. "Two Arabian Knights" is enjoyable, at times very funny, and features a very fetching Mary Astor (this was the first silent performance I'd ever seen her in), but it doesn't hold a candle to Harold Lloyd's hysterical comedy.If all had gone originally according to plan, we would be saying that both "Two Arabian Knights" and "Speedy" were bested in this category by Charles Chaplin's "The Circus." But the Academy decided to yank Chaplin's film from competitive consideration and instead give it a special award.Grade: B+

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German aristocrats are famous for their stiff Teutonic humour, but at least once a year-no more than one or two days of course-the German mood lightens and it is time for frivolity. One seeks out the company of a rich and fat heiress and when the planets are in rare alignment it is also good to watch an entertaining though unimportant silent film.But that it is not an easy matter to achieve because, besides classic Teutonic gravitas, there are no insignificant silent films in Germany. Thus it is necessary to turn to developing cultures, particularly Amerika, where there are many light hearted films that can occasionally be enjoyed even by a strict German count."Two Arabian Knights" is one such Amerikan film and was directed in the silent year of 1927 by Herr Lewis Milestone. The film tells of the complicated relationship between two Amerikan soldiers as they travel across Europe; an enmity and rivalry that will traverse frontiers and take those strange comrades from France to Northern Germany and then to Turkey and finally to Arabia. In this latter place they will, after being rescued from a shipwreck, fight each other for the favours of Dame Mirza, a mysterious Arabian lady.As this German count mentioned before, the only purpose of the film is to entertain and certainly that intention is achieved in this conventional adventure silent film that includes the necessary ingredients of those commercial and popular films; that is to say, exotic settings, some action and funny situations. Herr Milestone has not made a milestone silent film though there is some clever camera-work, particularly at the beginning of the film where, from different angles ( up and down ), we see the two men battling each other in a foxhole while astonished German soldiers look on.The film intertwines World War I sequences (light hearted rather than dramatic)as well as exotic adventures in the East, an East of course that is seen through Western eyes and one that is deliberately frivolous and cliché ridden. It is the perfect fictional setting for these two strong personalities who, in spite of their rivalry, can't live without each other ( or Dame Mirza, natürlich!.)And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must continue with the exclusive and aristocratic art of being bored.Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien

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Michael Morrison

Not very many movies come to my mind that covered as much geography as this one.Naturally, being a Hollywood product, there is not a whole lot of realism here, but there is a whole lot of entertainment, and a whole lot of talent.Louis Wollheim apparently never became a household name, but his performance in this film would indicate he should have.In one priceless scene, when, without inter-titles, the Bill Boyd character whispers the explanation of a word (often found in the Bible), Wollheim's expression almost makes the whole movie worthwhile.Lewis Milestone's direction is another plus. This was still early in his career, but his use of inventive angles and a moving camera showed brilliance.Ian Keith made a superb suave villain in one of his best roles.Being a silent film, "Two Arabian Knights" probably won't be shown even on Turner Classic Movies very often, but I urge film fans to grab any opportunity to watch it.

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