The Last Sign

2005 1 hr 30 min Thriller , Mystery

A woman who is tormented by the ghost of her abusive, alcoholic husband. She must come to terms with the past if she is to find peace and love...

  • Cast:
    Andie MacDowell , Samuel Le Bihan , Tim Roth , Margot Kidder , Mimi Kuzyk , Tyler Hynes , Amanda Tilson

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Just perfect...

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Great Film overall

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Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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Elle ( Ellen Smith ) Fagan

Widowed, too young, I must say that "The Last Sign" was not all that far-fetched, for what really happens, 'when'.According to the experts, the paranormal is 'normal' in the case of sudden death, violent death or not, especially if the grieving 'other' is young. The normal self-system rebels against death, in general, because the message of youth is life. As a result, hallucinations, at least, and wild dreams are normal, for a bit, till the mind of the grief-stricken has a moment to recover from the shock. If the grief-stricken person has a path to the paranormal, the hallucinations are quite real apparitions, visions and perceptions. Such are meant to be used as tools to help/resolve, and often are. hallucinations are merely nature's 'buffers' for the shock and usually go their way, soon enough. Our heroine was right to get help when it went on, though. That is the key to normal/crazy in it: its duration and intensity. Mine stopped in a few weeks, and I actually tried to conjure them back up, a bit, for the comfort they brought, however zany.Our heroine does the same: confront and win, though the details differ.MY idea. not death's, not madness' ...MY idea. Baby steps to regaining integrity of the personhood, and a great strong new life. Had my art to the White House last year, so I guess it worked.I was fortunate in that I had little conflict or relationship with my late husband and that of our children was great. But I did not want someone new, for a much longer time, than girlfriends whose marriage had been difficult or unhappy.Oddly enough, that our heroine needed to trash the past and make new happiness was in her favor. New men in my life left fast, at first, unable to understand that I needed 'continuum' - not 'trash it and find new'. My late husband and the lives we made as a family were a thing to celebrate and remember happily and so build new happiness and grand new love. I won some great alone time, with my view, at the time, but am glad of it now.One way or another, and unique to each person, the idea is to survive, to heal to resolve, and to get on with the miracle of life INTACT.I especially liked this particular film's career-choice for the widow and the deceased, similar to ours, in real life. Sci/tech minds can be stubborn at dealing with such scenarios, but great at being able to pick it up, focus and purposefully follow it out ! I just felt that the film deserved my true note of praise. And a chance to jot a note that might help a reader.Thanks to all who made and screened 'The Last Sign'elle

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I took this movie out of the library free, so at least I didn't waste any money. The acting of all characters was unbelievable. It made me feel it was the directors' first directing job. There are a lot of loose ends that are not explained but by reading the reviews on this web site I now understand things better. Thank you IMDb. I know I did not fall asleep during the movie but that was how I felt since it seemed I missed something. It is not the worst movie I have seen but I definitely could have used the time in a more rewarding way. For some reason I missed picking up on the fact that the husband was an abusive alcoholic. Also whenever the two main characters were together I felt uncomfortable because it was embarrassing to watch such bad acting.

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I went to see the last sign yesterday night, more because I came late to the theater, and thus missed the start of all the *good* movies, and also because wanted to go in anyway. I should have noticed that there were not many people besides me going to see it…Samuel Le Bihan sounded cheesy (actually, he's been dubbed, which I don't understand since he was supposed to be French in the movie), Andie MacDowell should have used all the anti-aging creams she's always seen advertising (at least in France, we get to see her often like that), and Tim Roth looked, well, he looked like he wasn't there at all (but then he shouldn't have, since he was dead). The kids were cliché, too !Worst of all was the Endora character, Whose name made me think about Sam's mom in the Bewitched show… Everything she uttered was completely insane… And she has false teeth !No point seeing, and even less renting that flick, I'm telling you !

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This was the worst movie I have ever seen. No wonder it was released straight to video. I think everyone would've eventually walked out of the premiere. Almost everything about it was horrible. The acting made it sound like people just reading off the script (other than that, or people were over-acting with their face), the special effects looked like they were made on a Microsoft computer, the script sounded like it was written by an untalented 10-year-old, and the plot was the weakest ever written and made me constantly think, "What the heck is going on?". I wouldn't recommend this movie to my worst enemy. All copies of it should be destroyed!

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