The Defender

R 4.8
2004 1 hr 30 min Action , Thriller

The global war on terror rages on. When a government official goes missing, Lance, a man with an impressive record of service to his country, finds himself protecting the man who embodies everything he has dedicated his life to fight against.

  • Cast:
    Dolph Lundgren , Jerry Springer , Shakara Ledard , Thomas Lockyer , Caroline Lee-Johnson , Gerald Kyd , Ian Porter



That was an excellent one.

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It is a performances centric movie

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Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Two interesting facts – it's Lundgren's first movie as a director and Jerry Springer plays the president of United States. Dolph has to protect the president from the terrorists. That's all the plot . Well , not really , the movie makers do try to tell us some kind of story , but is just boring and predictable . The big twist ? Some people want to keep war going because it's a good business . Unless you're as intelligent as Forrest Gump that shouldn't be a surprise to you. Also Lundgren's back story seems to be made only to make the movie longer. It doesn't have any connection to the main plot whatsoever.The movie is mostly one shootout after another in big castle. The characters have no personality . The acting aside Springer is non-existent. There is plenty of action but it's so empty because the meager plot that exists makes such little sense.Only for die-hard Lundgren fans. I give it 1/10.

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I usually like Dolph Lundgren movies (Universal Soldier, Rocky II, The Punisher, Masters of The Universe). Unfortunately, this has to be one of his worst. It has a great premise: the head of the NSA goes to Romania for a secret meeting with a mysterious party, who turns out to be the head of a terrorist organization. Lundgren plays the Secret Service agent who is leading the team that protects her.Most of the major points of the story take place in the first 20 minutes and the the final 10 minutes of the movie. Most of the rest of the movie can be summed up like this: 10-15 minutes of shooting, 5 minutes of talking, 10-15 minutes of shooting, cut scene of the president, 10-15 minutes of shooting, cut scene of a group of men standing in the middle of a circle of SUVs in the middle of the night talking, 10-15 minutes of shooting.There is a great plot twist near the end. And it's pretty obvious who the terrorist and president are supposed to be.Overall, I would not recommend this film unless you are really bored and there is nothing else on TV.

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I did not like that movie. Probably because it did not offer anything new or interesting – just shooting – there wasn't even a good scenario. As far as the soundtrack goes – it sucked as well with exception of the song they played at the very end.At first I thought that the movie will be interesting as is started with an operation in Iraq – and you know all these terrorist references which seem to be modern these days. But as the story unfolds I have lost my interest and was hardly keeping myself awake till the end of it.I guess I am not really into action films, but even if I was – I doubt that I will like the way the Defender is filmed. There was only one idea which seemed to be true – that some people have interest to keep the wars in the world going. That's why I am going to give two pints for this movie and a warning that seeing it can be a waste of your time.

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Spoiler: A short scene not (too) relevant to the plot is described in this comment.I found it on TV while having dinner and kept watching it because it seemed interesting. I immediately started noticing obvious jokes/situations, such as the one where they are preparing for the attack and you can see Lance through a sniper's bullseye, he follows him as if he was aiming for a few seconds wanting you to believe it's one of the bad guys, until Lance salutes him. Now, that looked like a desperate attempt to be smart, didn't it? There are plenty of situations such as this one in the film, but still, the acting wasn't bad and the story kept you going, hence 5/10.

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