Slaves of New York

R 5.6
1989 2 hr 4 min Drama

Meet the denizens of New York City: artists, prostitutes, saints, and seers. All are aspiring toward either fame or oblivion, and hoping for love and acceptance. Instead they find high rents, faithless partners, and dead-end careers.

  • Cast:
    Bernadette Peters , Chris Sarandon , Mary Beth Hurt , Madeleine Potter , Adam Coleman Howard , Charles McCaughan , Mercedes Ruehl



everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Slaves of New York, is a lovable, bittersweet portrait that gets better with age. It captures the essence of the late 80s art world inhabited by those on the artist food chain: future superstars, struggling unknowns, narcissists, star-f*ckers, martyrs, creeps, losers and hangers-on. Eleanor's battle with finding her place in the world while in the shadow of her ego maniacal boyfriend is a story as old as time. Slaves is a thinly-veiled art-world "A Star is Born" and there are many characters to love and hate. The main focus on Stash and Eleanor is bothfrustrating and believable. Stash being immensely insecure, Eleanor being quietly talented, the actors portray their roles with such intensity, it must be noted that the casting is perfection. Everyone from myopic art dealers, lazy femme fatals, bloated benefactors and competitive artists are here waiting for their chance for their big score, whether it is buying low and selling high, getting into the "good" gallery or hooking up with the "right" lover or muse. It is satisfying in the end to see how Eleanor, by just being who she is, basically fumbles into her true calling while trying to navigate a world so cutthroat and critical. She eventually finds satisfaction with her lot in life and realizes that, that in itself, is an art worth mastering.

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It can't be easy to bring a Tama Janowitz novel to the screen. Her characters are strange and chronically flawed. Her plots progress like real life -- loosely, with lots of extraneous details and false starts -- yet contain a lot of wacky situations which we have trouble relating to reality (until we really think about it, and realize it's weird because it REALLY HAPPENS, everyday). I love her sense of humour and her style of writing, especially since her novels don't follow a traditional form of plot development.That said, this movie could have been better. I don't think that the split-screen presentation of different scenes works at all, and many of the actors don't seem to understand why they're uttering the lines -- I don't think they "get it." Adam Coleman Howard (Stash) struggles valiantly, but always seems one step behind his character. Madeleine Potter (Daria) isn't very convincing either. Bruce Peter Young (Mikell) looks by turns bored and baffled. And -- perhaps the biggest injustice of all -- the knight in shining armour at the end is a terrible actor; instead of being happy and hopeful at the emergence -- finally! -- of a single genuine person in Eleanor's life, I couldn't get beyond his wooden delivery.Everyone else is great, however. Bernadette Peters seems tailor-made to star in a Janowitz adaptation, as do many of the other oddball characters (Wilfredo, Mooshka, Samantha, the Japanese film crew). Things pick up in the second half, and it certainly gets funnier as it goes along...Eleanor mentions a dream she had the other night about a baby with long arms and legs like a chimpanzee, "but it was cute." The party (and the blender) is a blast. After so long in more-or-less quiet neutral, the last half hour kicks into gear.Some people mentioned, "how could Eleanor put up with Stash?" Well, look around, sadly...there are lots of Eleanors and lots of Stash's (people who are "abridged" like their "tentacles have been cut off at the wrist"). As for the odd artsy SoHo this film to "Mondo New York" and see that, if anything, Janowitz has missed out on a few bizarre and self-indulgent art types.Don't expect to be on the edge of your seat when you watch this one. Just sit back, enjoy, and take it for what it is: an expose on the New York art world in the 80's, and an examination of one woman attempting to deal with a city full of shallow, uncaring, jealous and stupid people.

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Why did Eleanor put up with Stash? Why is Daria so annoying? Why didn't this movie get any play at all?It has a great cast, with (literally) hundreds of "New York" types, and every single SoHo type is represented, eventually. I like Bernadette Peters so I appreciate this movie cause its one of her only starring roles.For a touch of trivia, at the party Eleanor throws at the end, the woman who spends the party hiding in the bathroom is Tama Janowitz, who wrote the novel "Slaves of New York".

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I LOVE "Slaves of New York"! It´s a charming movie despite it being set in a contemporary big scruffy city. The reason is the main character, Eleanor, played by Bernadette Peters is so sweet! She feels she´s just a "normal" girl who wouldn´t mind having a kid, while living among all sorts of arty big city characters. I wish I had a friend like her. The film has a calm pace, not as frenetic as one would think about a movie about art types in New York. It´s a very underrated movie. It´s funny too in a low key way. It grows on you.

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