Whole Lotta Sole

R 5.5
2011 1 hr 34 min Drama , Comedy

In a misguided attempt to protect his family and pay back gambling debts to the local Mobster, Jimbo robs a fish market, which is coincidentally owned by the same Mobster. On the run, Jimbo is cornered in a local curio shop, where he takes hostage an assortment of colourful characters, including a man who may be his illegitimate father. Surrounded by the Police, the SAS and the Mobster's crew, the young man must find a way out of his precarious predicament with the help of his oddball captives.

  • Cast:
    Colm Meaney , Brendan Fraser , Martin McCann , Yaya DaCosta , David O'Hara , Michael Legge , Conor MacNeill


Perry Kate

Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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Pretty Good

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Highly Overrated But Still Good

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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From start to finish an impossible to believe story, a title that really has nothing to do with the plot, bad accents, worse acting and really poor direction from Terry George.The lines delivered are almost forced, when Jimbo is trying to cajole the babysitter with "Twenty-five pounds", delivered straight out of a speech and drama school, it's as though they were ashamed of being from Belfast. Very poor editing, Jimbo runs around a corner from the antiques shop on a sunny Downpatrick afternoon into a deary Ormeau Road.Just really awful stuff, an hour and a half of my life that I'm not going to get back.

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P.S. Paaskynen

This film is an attempt to make a British crime comedy for an American audience. It gets off to a promising start (if we disregard the wholly unnecessary exposition explaining why Brendan Fraser's character left the United States). The three main story lines are introduced and succeed in raising interest in the protagonists, but as more and more superfluous side characters are drawn into it, the plot starts to unravel. Yaya Dacosta turns into a cardboard cutout placed in the scenes to present stock reactions in the background. What little chemistry existed between her and Fraser evaporates in the silliness of what are supposed to be plot twists. Fraser and McCann had no spark to begin with. Really, this film is carried between Colm Meaney and Michael Legge.

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Tony Heck

"We were robbed, he got the brown bag. Yes, that brown bag." Jimbo is a young father who has a gambling problem. When he gets in deep to a local mob boss he has one choice. Pay him back or give him his son. With his back against the wall he decides to rob a fish market, but for a non-criminal things don't always go right. This first and foremost is a really funny comedy. Just seeing the events unfold on its own is really funny and entertaining to watch but when mixed with the dialog it makes it that much more fun to watch. This movie combines the best of British crime movies with American comedy. While this movie won't win any awards it is one of the most entertaining movies that I have seen in a while and I recommend this. The type of movie you can just put in and not really have to think about, just watch and enjoy. I liked it. Overall, very entertaining and very much worth seeing. I give it a B+.

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Brendan Fraser wasted his talents with this piece of junk movie. If it was meant to be funny, It's not. Whoever wrote the screenplay needs to go back to college to take a few more writing courses. Plain and simple. This movie sucks. Brendan's career has been with ups and downs with he is a very good actor. The movie companies haven't given him credit for his talents. But in this movie his talents were used in a very wasteful manner. He is better than that. Again, wasted talent in the part of Brendan Fraser. He needs to choose his roles better. I am glad this movie was on DVD and not on the theaters. It would have been a waste of money. Again, Brendan Fraser is a great actor but his role in this movie sucks.

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