Dark Feed

R 3.3
2013 1 hr 26 min Horror

When a film crew moves into an abandoned psychiatric hospital with a shadowy past to shoot a low budget horror film, they get more than they bargained for. The late nights and lack of sleep begin to take a toll, and the longer this crew works, the more the leaky, wet building seems to be coming back to life, feeding off its new inhabitants. As the shoot wears on, members of the crew exhibit increasingly strange behavior leaving those still sane realizing they need to get out of this place before they too succumb to the building's infectious hold, the only problem, the old hospital is not ready to let them go.

  • Cast:
    Evalena Marie , Michael Reed , Bree Elrod



I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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It is a performances centric movie

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This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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DARK FEED is yet ANOTHER film set in an abandoned old psychiatric hospital with a disturbing past. The characters of the storyline are a group of film-makers shooting a low budget horror flick (hooray for self-referencing) who soon find themselves menaced by something much more real and disturbing. As the tagline went...who will survive and what will be left of them?The answer is not a lot, not that you'll care as this is strictly ordinary horror fare for the masses. DARK FEED is the kind of film that low budget filmmakers love to make, because it doesn't take a whole lot of effort or imagination or indeed talent on the part of the crew. The acting here is resolutely poor, the special effects limited, and the plotting almost non-existent.What we're left with are a handful of loosely connected scare and kill scenes, some of which are pretty gory by genre standards. In the film's favour, it does manage to summon up a couple of relatively intense and frightening scenes, like the hands coming out of the wall, but these tend to be loss in a jumble of the merely ordinary.

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Well, I made sure I had an account just to review this waste. I sat and watched this whole thing from beginning to end. It has a few gore scenes but lack of everything takes away from it. A one-man cemetery has more plot than this film. How do I get time back from my life? Is there a time refund for wasting mine on watching this. I couldn't shut it off because I had hope that something would change. The description made it sound so good-but no it's not. I want my hour and 21 minutes back. Who do I see about that??? The actors were not even famous or well known so that should have been a sign that this was worthless, but hey, that is how you start and get noticed isn't it? Well they will continue to go unnoticed for taking part in this nonsense.

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A film crew has taken over an abandoned psychiatric hospital with a dark past. The crew is filming a low budget film and using the hospital as its set and production headquarters. The story picks up with the screenwriter Chris (Rudick) visiting the set for the first time. It becomes clear that an evil force is at work which may be circulating through the water system in the creepy old place. The evil possesses different individuals as creepy things move in shadows down long hallways. Chris must figure out what is happening before it is too late. This low budget chiller is from the writers of John Carpenter's film "The Ward" which was also set in an insane asylum. Brothers Michael and Chris Rasmussen write produce and debut as co-directors on this film that doesn't sound like much on paper but is quite a nice surprise. The Rasmussen's let their location work for them much like Brad Anderson did in the superb "Session 9", as they ring out every drop of atmosphere they can. The acting and even dialog isn't anything to get excited about but the brothers Rasmussen show good skill at delivering creepy scares and some gore. There are several surprises that catch the viewer off guard and deliver a shock. One inspired sequence happens inside an Elevator with actress Rachel (Whitehurst) that is sure to raise goose bumps. Along with the creeps this movie supplies, the Rasmussen's also deliver some gory and memorable death scenes that add to the fun. The cause of the strange happenings isn't fully explained but it seems intentional, these guys leave some of that up to your imagination. The ending is just the right tone for this film. These brothers obviously love Horror films and it shows in this tight little scare show.

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The story revolves around a film crew who enters an abandoned psychiatric hospital to shoot a horror film and get more than they bargained for. I get a feeling that the Rasmussen brothers have a "thing" for old, abandoned psych wards which is lucky for us viewers!Dark Feed was shot in New England using some of the same buildings featured in Shutter Island and Roger Danchik, art director on Session 9 was in charge of production design for the film. Dark Feed also features a haunting original score by award winning composer John Kusiak who scored Errol Morris's recent film Tabloid. The makings of a garishly good time and film are all there!

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