
2009 1 hr 39 min Fantasy , Comedy , Family

Imagine if you'd had a six-foot tall monster to help you through the rough times when you were 11! Willy is terrified about moving into the family's new house. He's convinced it's filled with evil space aliens out to get him. In response to his wish for someone to save him, Gooby comes to life as a loveable, full-size, scraggly, orange, furry creature who in fact seems more frightened of the world than Willy. The two have hair-raising adventures and learn something about the power of friendship. In the end, Gooby fulfills Willy's initial wish by bringing Willy and his dad together in a touching and exciting climax.

  • Cast:
    Robbie Coltrane , David James Elliott , Ingrid Kavelaars , Eugene Levy , Matthew Knight , Derek Scott , Martin Roach



Truly Dreadful Film

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Pretty Good

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Excellent, Without a doubt!!

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Loui Blair

It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.

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Reno Rangan

The outcome was as expected, so I haven't disappointed with it. But sparing time for it was the big decision I had made, knowing a film not for my age. Without a single bit of graphics they have managed it well to tell a story. The production was decent, but the story was too predictable with a below average jokes. I just wanted to clear the air that I was not bored of it, simply not my type of entertainment film, that's all.Perhaps the adult comedy, 'Ted' might have inspired by this, except it is a children's film. The actors were decent, because they did not get a challenging role. With a giant Ted in the title role, it should have been an adventure film. He's here to help the kid and I think his character did nothing big achievement rather boring writing of his character.Everyone knows that's a man was inside the fur, so the stunts would have not cost too much if they had used a stunt artist. Because adding a couple of those scenes would have given a reason for the audience to cheer. The end was a loop, they kept it that way, in case of a sequel planned in the future. But I hope they won't make it, unless a very adventurous. Not recommended unless you plan to show it for your kids.3/10

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Superb, Fantastic, Mind Blowing, Outstanding! Me and my family watched this movie and we couldn't stop cracking up! Despite the fact that my 10 year old daughter had nightmares for a few weeks, we still enjoyed laughing at her crying in the night. If you love your children, watch this movie by all means!The part that was the best was when Gooby died when the fluff was torn out of him my the family dog, Rufus. The great addition of the voice of popular giant Hagrid, really helped me feel that this bear is really really really big, like Hagrid.If you like romantic comedies, don't watch this, there's no romance. Squeaky clean like the kid's heinie. Fear not my fellow friends, this movie is not for you!

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I've registered just to post this, since I really can't believe this movie is only rated as a 3.3. It was on TV a few months back and we ended up seeing the last half of it. Then my son woke me up last weekend asking about that movie with the big bear, he'd been dreaming about it. Sought the whole internet based on some keywords and finally found the DVD. We saw it yesterday and it was better than I even remembered it. It really is a simple but great movie on a kid that suffers "huge" ordinary problems, a bit of isolation, (loving) parents that move because they think more expensive housing is better and a father that's always working supposedly to pay for all these improvements. But then suddenly a forgotten toy turns out to come alive into a huge bear with strange beady eyes, just a tad scary in the beginning, but then turns out to be his best friend. He needs to hide from the world (kids love it). Gooby eats all the chocolates, candy, ice-cream you can find (again, my son found it hilarious), helps him be cool with his friends and eventually ends up setting everything right again and help his parents learn a valuable lesson. Call it corny, but I think even the message is valid for a lot of kids and parents these days. Loved this films, hope the cynics who forgot to look through a kid's eyes don't put you off seeing it!

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No, it isn't Monsters, Inc or Toy Story but a solid, "clean", family film. My kids are 7 & 10 and they enjoyed it. Purposely low end special effects but it produces smiles and lessons in growing up. The parents actions are a bit far-fetched, but hey---it's a movie. If your kids only like high action, semi-violent PG-13 flicks, then this isn't for them. One word review: CUTE. A boy has to move to a new town and school (that's never been done in a movie) and can't make friends (Hmmm?). There's a bully! Inattentive parents. A not-so-great baby sitter. I know what you're've seen this all before! But for some reason, it works better than similar flicks. I think "less-is-more" here. Simple story, with a few laughs and some touching moments. The ten and under crowd should love it or they've grown up way too fast.

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