
2000 Animation

éX-Driver is a manga series by Kōsuke Fujishima, which was adapted into an anime series, produced by Bandai Visual and Actas. The anime series spanned 6 episodes, as well as a feature movie, entitled éX-Driver: The Movie. The complete anime series, including the movie, were broadcast by the anime television network, Animax, across its respective networks around the world, including East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and other regions.

  • Cast:
    Yumiko Kobayashi , Miki Nagasawa , Mami Kingetsu , Shin-ichiro Miki , Ryotaro Okiayu , Michiko Neya

Watch Full Seasons and Episodes

Season 1 : 2000


6 Episode


July. 25,2000

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EP2 - On and On
August. 01,2000

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EP3 - No Problem
August. 08,2000

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EP4 - éX-Rider
August. 15,2000

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EP5 - Crossroads
August. 22,2000

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EP6 - The Last Mile
August. 29,2000

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