Psychic Squad

TV-14 7
2008 Animation , Comedy

They're cute, adorable and three of the most powerful Espers the world has ever seen: Kaoru, the brash psychokinetic who can move objects with her mind; Shiho, the sarcastic and dark natured psychometric able to pick thoughts from people's minds and read the pasts of inanimate objects like a book; and Aoi, the most collected and rational of the three, who has the ability to teleport herself and the others at will. So what to do with these potential psychic monsters in the making? Enter B.A.B.E.L., the Base of Backing ESP Laboratory, where hopefully "The Children" and others like them can become part of the answer to an increasing wave of psychic evolution. It's a win-win solution... Unless you're Koichi Minamoto, the overworked young man stuck with the unenviable task of field commanding a team of three pre-teen girls!

  • Cast:
    Aya Hirano , Ayumi Fujimura , Eri Nakao , Masumi Asano , Koji Yusa , Rie Kugimiya , Haruka Tomatsu , Hiroshi Yanaka

Watch Full Seasons and Episodes

Season 2 : 2008


25 Episode


EP1 - Declaration of War! A Challenge from P.A.N.D.R.A.
October. 05,2008

The P.A.N.D.R.A. release of several commercials that appear to be for the purpose of membership recruitment (or for simply flexing their muscles since there is no contact information given) abruptly forces Minamoto to set aside his anguish over Ikyuugo's mortal sacrifice to protect Taizou when he is charged the apprehension of a pair of sibling espers with electromagnetic powers that wish to manufacture a false news broadcast of The Children attacking normal humans without cause. Prior to mission zero hour, the quarry sibling electromagnetic espers introducing themselves with an electrical charge that incapacitates their helicopter and an electromagnetic eidolon pre-empts Minamoto's explanation of Kyousuke's ultimate goal being an esper-led war against humans. As Taizou frenzily works the main nerve center to locate them, Kaoru is loving the attention not realizing that she is playing right into the hands of the perpetrators who decide that it is necessary to have footage of Kaoru and her teammates attacking the city and its human citizens to ruin the image of espers in general. The deus ex machina to apprehend the perpetrators comes from a mysterious esper that uses Taizou's phone to suggest blacking out the entire city. A blistering reproof at Kaoru coupled with stringent orders to restore the severed cables later, Minamoto directs Shiho and Aoi after the two fugitives only to find that they have to be apprehended simultaneously. Kaoru rejoins the battle to find that the tables have turned -- her company with P.A.N.D.R.A. for Minamoto's life. After Shiho and Aoi break the stalemate with an avenue for perverting the toxic electrical wave to their advantage, Kaoru emphatically refuses to join P.A.N.D.R.A.; a furious telekinetic pummeling later, the two sibling espers are apprehended and made to undo all the damage that they have done even as there are unresolved loose ends.

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EP2 - Beauty of Feature! Tsubomi Kiss Alert
October. 12,2008

While they are undergoing a cops-and-robbers exercise at Ichirou's behest to teach them the sentiments of the criminals that they confront, Kaoru and her teammates wonder what their leader is up to that for which their presence is a hinderance -- Minamoto in convoy with Taizou and Oboro to pay a visit to Fujiko Tsubomi who has been in a decade-long estivation. After a brief history lesson, Taizou concludes that not much can be accomplished and is about to lead Oboro and Minamoto away when Aoi and her teammates phase in from a teleportation jump eager to find out what their leader is doing. A ping-pong match of insults/errant comments/seduction and Kaoru's telekinetic shoving defines the conclusion of Fujiko's estivation after Shiho's psychometry reads Fujiko's involuntary energy siphoning as voluntary seduction/copulation. After an introductory kiss to Kaoru/Shiho/Aoi (much to their watery/soapy disgust) along with the just-arrived Naomi, Fujiko sets to bringing herself up to speed at B.A.B.E.L. and yearns to spend more girl time with Double Face before approaching Minamoto to explain that his esper charges are going to turn out exactly what Kyousuke wants if they stay under his leadership in its incumbent state. As Minamoto is sent off to another location to be detained, Ichirou leads Naomi and The Children on another exercise -- this time, a tanker with a leaky fuel tank that will explode in 30 minutes. Fujiko phases in to begin appraising both The Children and Naomi before mentioning Minamoto's impending arrival. After seeing Naomi beating up on Ichirou, it becomes apparent that Fujiko wants Kaoru and her teammates to help her teach Minamoto what it takes to change fate. Unfortunately, the only change to fate that Fujiko's cruel prank successfully effects is Minamoto angrily resigning from B.A.B.E.L. in disgust of his feelings being trivialized and manipulated so friviously by his esper charges.

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EP3 - Finesse of Love! The Sea Which is the Nearest to Heaven
October. 19,2008

Taizou and Dr. Sakaki's endeavors to pacify Minamoto and dissuade him away from following through on his resignation announcement from the previous episode quickly take a back seat when Kaoru, Shiho, and Aoi's extreme anguish and anxiety at losing their leader prompts the girls to combine their energies into a frenzied and effulgent psychic tempest. After successfully pacifying the girls before they completely destroy B.A.B.E.L. Headquarters with such ease that it could be argued that the tempest was by her design, Fujiko resolves to make Minamoto recant the resignation declaration as she spirits him away into a brief history lesson and personal anecdote. While Fujiko illuminates her awareness of Ikyuugo's final prediction for Minamoto through her admonition to guard against being such a workaholic and to spend quality time with his esper charges, Kaoru and her teammates are not thrilled about Taizou and Oboro paying them a visit. Fortunately, Taizou sees the light as he explains that Fujiko is training Minamoto to increase his power. As Oboro mirrors the girls' confusion regarding Taizou's inadequate explanation, Fujiko is directing the hypnotic nurse Hanae Suetsu to take good care of Minamoto. Minamoto's disgust and Hanae's anguish give way to Fujiko again warning Minamoto that he will see his esper charges as adults unless he makes some drastic changes. Fujiko is realizing some meager success from her plan as Hanae successfully emulates both Shiho and Aoi as adults; aside from Fujiko rushing things a little, not a whole lot could go wrong . . . except the real Aoi who is not at all flattered by the emulation and Kaoru who sees Fujiko as her vendetta. After driving home his passionate displeasure of Fujiko and Hanae's conduct of him as a plaything, Minamoto apologizes about the resignation threat and realizes that the avenue to save his esper charges' future and keep them away from P.A.N.D.R.A. is to make lots and lots of euphoric memories with them in the present.

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EP4 - Woes Unite Foes! Do Safeblowing by Design
October. 26,2008

Taizou's magical anime hero emulation (and Minamoto resisting Fujiko's uxorial affection solicitation) gives way to Fujiko's maiden exhibition of unsolved probability case file #666 -- better known as »Do The Children become demons or angels in the future?« -- that depicts The Children having demonstrated a 29% probability of falling to vice (and a 26% probability of remaining in virtue). In an attempt to resolve the undecided 45%, Minamoto presents his esper charges with new portal limiters that serve as communicators/transponders like their predecessors and boast a function that enables any of the girls to rally their teammates' powers to enhance their own. Kaoru, Shiho, and Aoi playing with all the treasures in the bank vault using their psychic powers is brought to a screeching halt when Minamoto reminds them that they are charged sentry duty thereof and that there are ECM generators lining the ceiling of the vault. Muscle and Mio's arrival instigates a battle with Kaoru (a psychokinetic gold ingot barrage), Aoi (teleporting away the ECCM generator), and Shiho (a well-aimed bullet to the generator's battery) that easily stalemates the two P.A.N.D.R.A. espers but places them before The Normal People operatives' mortal designs as they close the vault and exhaust out the air. Their lives in jeopardy, an uneasy armistice is forged as Minamoto works to repair the damaged ECCM generator before directing Kaoru to psychokinetically breach the inner walls of the vault along with the electromagnetic fence once Shiho, Aoi, and Mio all rally their powers behind her. Unfortunately, a thoroughly-exhausted Kaoru and paper money/gold ingots/various treasures scattered about for the people to grab up quickly takes a back seat to Fujiko successfully cornering the evacuating Kyousuke into a one-on-one psychic duel that ends in a stalemate illuminating that P.A.N.D.R.A. does not conquer easily.

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EP5 - World Heritage! Then, Shall We Go to Kyoto?!
November. 02,2008

Aoi demonstrating a uxorial emphasis on properly aligning her leader's tie prior to boarding the westbound Shinkansen to her hometown Kyoto gives way to the disheartening revelation that Minamoto has been charged convergent criminal quarry navigation as the Comerican clarivoyant Ken approaches the pair having misunderstood that he is to carry his shoes (which Kaoru and Shiho encounter back in Tokyo) into the train. Upon arriving in Kyoto, the warm greeting that Aoi's junior brother Yuuki quickly turning frigid and dangerous due to Aoi's father Daisaku misunderstanding Aoi's affectionate description of Minamoto gives way to Ken and Minamoto disagreeing on whether to solicit Aoi's navigation assistance for their mission: apprehension an esper vandal called Clyde Barou that sees historical landmarks as his personal canvas. Minamoto lashing out at Ken before turning his frustration on Aoi becomes a horrible mistake when Ken detects that Clyde is on the move. Fujiko and the Comerican esper squad being of no utility, it falls upon Minamoto and Ken to take action alongside Aoi. When Clyde turns the tables on her during the first battle, Minamoto gives Aoi a quick lesson in navigating around using her esper powers and reminds her that she has done well on her own in combat. Aoi challenges and successfully defeats Clyde as he is computing his next desecration. A flashback of Aoi's workaholic father regretting his very poor government of Aoi when Kaoru barged into his office to confront him (and Shiho cooling her down thereafter) gives way to the present where Aoi comes back into the room to announce the arrival of Fujiko-tachi (Fujiko with Natsuko and Hotaru in convoy) joining the Nogami-ke banquet. As Aoi laments her plans being extinguished, Shiho is inspiring Kaoru to ignite a plan of her own upon Dr. Sakaki . .

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EP6 - Rare delicacies! Touch Me If You Can
November. 09,2008

While Aoi is helping Minamoto and Ken to wrap things up in Kyoto, Dr. Sakaki is arriving at Minamoto's Tokyo apartment expecting to impress Oboro into a dinner-and-movie date but finds that Oboro is rushing back to B.A.B.E.L. Headquarters citing the drama in Kyoto from the previous episode. After she gets over the euphoria of winning the race (and conking Dr. Sakaki on the head with a game controller), Kaoru's full-blown temper tantrum and accusation of Shiho of losing the race on purpose prompts Sakaki to advise Shiho to hold back a bit from commenting on what comes to mind. Shiho is about to riposite her perspective on Sakaki's advice when Kaoru suggests that Sakaki and Shiho race against each other, the duration thereof defined by lots of psychometric trash-talking -- and Sakaki losing to Shiho's concentration and his overconfidence. Shiho psychometrically teaching herself how to use the fishing pole to catch the quarry fish on the first try (to the astonishment of Sakaki who is a veteran angler) gives way to an encounter with Dr. Sakaki's old instructor from Touto University that teaches Shiho to turn her back on ignorance and morally be the bigger woman as Sakaki tends to the seasick Kaoru before seeing to the Professor who is bleeding internally from a ruptured spleen. As he operates on the Professor, Sakaki explains to Shiho (who is grossed out by all the blood/gore) that psychometric inspection is not the same as actual viewing before confessing that he is envious of Shiho's fortune. Sakaki tells Shiho that Minamoto is the one normal that could understand/celebrate him for the person he is and that she is lucky that she can be a kid thanks to having Minamoto to intercede for her when/how appropriate. Professor Saisen's ruptured spleen being successfully repaired (along with the misunderstanding between the two) gives way to Dr. Sakaki and Shiho preparing the fish that they caught as a welcome-home dinner for Aoi and Minamoto.

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EP7 - Autumn Holiday-making! Lunchbox is in the Underbush
November. 16,2008

This episode is more of a comical retrospective analysis of a camping/hiking school field trip conducted as a hybrid between a police interrogation and the Christian sacrament of confession as is demonstrated with Chisato who begins by explaining that Kaoru (and to a lesser extent) along with Shiho and Aoi were all excited about the field trip during the bus ride there. During the actual hiking trip, Kaoru and her teammates painting their leader Minamoto as a common relative of theirs prompts Chisato to recount that she has had euphoric company with Minamoto. Chisato's euphoric daydream example is quickly extinguished when a small pebble hits Kaoru who immediately accuses Touno of the offense in spite of the evidence indicating the inverse. Kaoru bragging about her homemade lunch ignites Touno's jealousy and a keep-away game whose aftermath is a scavenger hunt that nobody was prepared for. During a layover to wait out the rainstorm, Shiho and Aoi debate how to locate Kaoru (who is out of communication range) while Chisato jumps to conclusions from the limited data provided by her Level 2 telepathy. Kaoru and Touno's heart-to-heart to understand each other better quickly yields to the below-ground facility being elevated at-ground at Taizou's behest. Kaoru reunited with her teammates/classmates and her lost lunch has all the makings of a happy ending -- and would have been if Mio had not seized Kaoru's lunch away. P.A.N.D.R.A. seems to have learned of the below-ground facility that Taizou had built and has charged Mio, Muscle, and Momotarou the exploration and appraisal thereof. The resolution of some enigmas gives way to a comical keep-away game with Kaoru's lunch that ends in a B.A.B.E.L. victory due to Momotarou's inability to stay aloft with the mass of Kaoru's lunch.

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EP8 - From Flies to Mosquitoes Everywhere! Minamoto is Using His Hands and Legs too!?
November. 23,2008

While the P.A.N.D.R.A. subordinates and administrators ponder and speculate what rationale Kyousuke is utilizing to put his faith in »the Queens« (a.k.a. Kaoru and her teammates who know to steer clear), B.A.B.E.L. is predicting a large-scale biological disaster and mobilizing to pre-empt it. Once inside the building, the B.A.B.E.L. crew finds several unconscious workers with swelled bumps on their heads. As he watches a mosquito fly around to land on Kaoru and then on Aoi, Minamoto realizes that the contamination is not why the workers are unconscious while he recovers himself from crashing into the wall. Shiho psychometrically confirming what Minamoto already knows and explaining the whole situation at hand quickly yields to Minamoto having been taken over by thousands of mosquitoes much to the delight of Kyousuke and Momotarou. Frightened for his gonads, Kyousuke advises that incapacitating the mosquito psychometer and exterminating the mosquitoes should resolve the situation -- a task Kaoru finds easier said than done since her telekinesis repels them right against the glass windows containing the whole pestilence. The deux es machina comes when Kaoru is advised to subjugate the mosquitoes by telekinetically moving the air around and instigating the fire extinguishers. The mosquitoes drowning in the water from the fire extinguishers (and Shiho adding washing detergent to accelerate their demise), the mosquito psychometer trapped in a vice, the emergency responders doing their thing down below, and Minamoto's factual *destination perdition* counterargument . . . none of that convinces Kyousuke to soften his heart toward human-esper peaceful coexistence.

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EP9 - Much Dramas and Hates! Hatsune Runs Away from Home
November. 30,2008

Inhibited and encumbered by the mass of his ill-gotten payload as well as the police, Takashi desperately tries to compute a deus ex machina while Taizou and Oboro speculate upon Keiko Kojika's success prospects. Even as she detects his decreasing proximity and rushes to intercept him, Takashi uses a decoy rabbit to distract Hatsune and scores the unexpected bonus of Keiko being a lupine lunch for having Hatsune's necklace in hand. Minamoto being none too thrilled with the prospect of Hatsune's residence with his esper charges quickly takes a back seat to Takashi synthesizing a website to auction off his ill-gotten payload. Mio having successfully evacuated Takashi, Hatsune turning her anger on Keiko illuminates the root cause for Hatsune's absconding: Keiko's clumsy leadership being exacerbated by Akira's sycophantic and uxorious affinity for her. Everything goes according to plan during the simulated polar medical rescue mission until a solar flare induces a magnetic storm that occludes communication. Unable to abort the mission and the B.A.B.E.L. rations of no utility, Hatsune first tries to make a meal out of Keiko before turning her attention to a baby narwhal she had captured without much effort only to find that the baby narwhal's parent emphatically disagrees with her menu plan through a fierce roller-coaster sequence of deep dives and breaching the ice. Keiko realizes her groove in within B.A.B.E.L. as The Hound team leader when she urges the baby narwhal back to sea with its parent and quickly extinguishes Hatsune's hysterical tirade with an abrupt and potent »Get a grip on yourself!!!« slap across the chops before wrapping herself and Hatsune with insulating blankets under the luminous reward of the aurora.

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EP10 - Guys Prohibited! Afternoon of the Angel
December. 07,2008

Bored and frustrated with her homework, Kaoru longs for any kind of excitement not caring anything if it is a B.A.B.E.L. mission or playing a video game unaware that Ichirou (who has taken multiple photographs of what appears to be a lesbian affair between Naomi and her art teacher Ruriko) is the emissary of her volition when he approaches Minamoto for his help. Galvanized by lechery and libido, Kaoru cares nothing of the deja vu parallels of Ichirou's exhortation as she leads her teammates to the park where Naomi rendezvous with Ruriko to lead her on a date to an art gallery, a restaurant, and a cinema before heading to the high school art room. Once Kaoru telekinetically knocks the door down, she and her teammates find that Ruriko has painted three pictures of a man on a horse in spite of not wanting to. Suspecting that an esper is involved, Naomi had approached her art teacher with an offer of her services to resolve this imbrogilo. A telekinetic compression of disgust upon Ichirou for his lechery is the prelude for Naomi to explain what is really happening in the photos and for Kaoru to volunteer to resolve the situation. B.A.B.E.L. sets up an ambush for the perpetrator at Ruriko's apartment . . . sure enough, the perpetrator esper does his thing as soon as the art teacher begins drawing. Kaoru and her teammates give chase but are shocked to find that the horse decides an »Enough is enough!!!« forcible dismount. Once in B.A.B.E.L. custody for abusing his Level 5 exogenous metempsychosis, it is explained that Kikuchi Naoya only wanted Ruriko to acknowledge his infatuation for her but went about it the wrong way.

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EP11 - Formidable Enemy Shows Up! Black Phantom
December. 14,2008

Ken's precautionary explanation about the extremely dangerous Black Phantom esper crime organization obfuscates the preparations through which Kyousuke is leading P.A.N.D.R.A. in order to fiercely counterattack while B.A.B.E.L. mobilizes to provide security for a foreign political leader attending a meeting in Japan that is most likely a formal party considering that Kaoru, Shiho, and Aoi are perplexed and disgruntled about their participation being precluded despite the probability of Black Phantom mortal designs on the political leader being at most 3%. Kyousuke's injunction to Minamoto of distance between his esper charges and P.A.N.D.R.A.'s vendetta with Black Phantom yields to Oboro and Taizou charging Minamoto the salvage of the aerial escort wreckage while P.A.N.D.R.A. successfully foils the Black Phantom assassination attempt. Detecting at acuity that the esper sniper is in mortal danger, Kaoru leads her teammates in a mad dash to the rescue -- and right into Magi along with Momotarou's explanation of Kyousuke's volition regarding Black Phantom. If the victim cannot be emancipated from the Black Phantom subjugation, extermination is the only recourse . . . hence this being an ethically dirty mission. Meanwhile, Kyousuke successfully holds the esper sniper Barret at a stalemate and has decided extermination when Kaoru arrives to appraise her fortunes which improve with Shiho and Aoi's arrival on the scene with last-minute insight from Minamoto about how to pervert Barret's attacks to their advantage before combining energies with Kaoru to finish off Barret using the healing spell Psychic Force of Absolution which successfully emancipates Barret from Black Phantom without killing him -- the spectacle thereof Kyousuke declaring as his rationale behind Kaoru being declared as Queen and the savior of all espers.

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EP12 - Transient Life! Dream Maker
December. 21,2008

Following right on the heels of the battle in the previous episode, Minamoto finds that P.A.N.D.R.A. has pulled the ol' switcheroo regarding Kyousuke who has evacuated the scene while leaving behind the unconscious Barret. A chess-computation campaign regarding the next counterattack against Black Phantom commences as Kyousuke administrates over a housekeeping conference with his subordinates over the previous operation while B.A.B.E.L. medically appraises both Kaoru and Barret. While he and Dr. Sakaki are computing how to interpret Barret's esper powers and life memories being extinguished with the Black Phantom subjugation, Fujiko's admonishment about wielding at all times a powerful hand blaster developed to kill espers whose corporeal constitution defies normal weaponry prompts Minamoto to renew his resolve to extinguish Kyousuke's volition unaware that P.A.N.D.R.A. has decided upon its next move which Shiho psychometrically detects among the mail Aoi has brought in. Their leader now in a cerebral psuedo-reality developed based upon Ikyuugo's final prediction, Taizou and Oboro finding the former B.A.B.E.L. special esper Setsuko Kuromaki to be the perpetrator does little good as P.A.N.D.R.A. tries its best to interfere with her capture. B.A.B.E.L.'s desperate endeavors to emancipate Minamoto from Setsuko's cerebral pseudo-reality spanning three fruitless days inflame tensions between the normally placid Shiho and Aoi while Kyousuke approaches the anguished and frustrated Kaoru with the exhortation to join P.A.N.D.R.A. even though the subjugation is his design.

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EP13 - Evanescence! Psycho-Diver
December. 28,2008

Kyousuke's coercion attempt from the previous episode prompts Taizou's intercession and ignites a brief battle. After a moment of jubilant intrigue, Kyousuke gets the best of Aoi before preparing to demonstrate his disappointment of Kaoru refusing to join P.A.N.D.R.A. but instead decides to leave behind a photograph with the proposal that Kaoru endeavor to rescue her leader. Before anybody can stop her, Kaoru finds herself in Minamoto's cerebral pseudo-reality and that Minamoto bearing the burden of Ikyuugo's final prediction by himself is the engine driving the pseudo-reality. While Kaoru conscripts Minamoto into what she thinks is the deus ex machina needed to emancipate them both, B.A.B.E.L. has successfully located Setsuko holed up by herself but finds that it will take more than a Taizou Kiritsubo bulldozer blitzkrieg to apprehend her since there is a minefield surrounding the place. Wielding the darkness and the internal design of the house to her advantage, Setsuko knocks Naomi and Aoi out of action with the click of her camera shutter along with Shiho who successfully recovers herself to fire a bullet right into her camera lens thanks to matching psychic mechanics. Desperate but undaunted, Setsuko energizes a time bomb before racing away. Unfortunately, even with Setsuko in custody, B.A.B.E.L. is no closer to locating P.A.N.D.R.A.'s headquarters or emancipating Minamoto. Polluted by the cerebral psuedo-reality, Kaoru becomes introspective and pensive as she states that she does not want to forget her newly-discovered thoughts and feelings even if that means she never returns to the real world because she has fallen in love with Minamoto. Back in the real world, Kaoru exhorting that Kyousuke explain to her what kind of dream world she was in ignites an argument between Kyousuke and Minamoto over who will successfully change the future that suggests a friendly rivalry between the two men.

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EP14 - Tsubomi Lodge! Go In!
January. 11,2009

Annoyed by her telekinetic exhibition and her childish insistence on skiing to Fujiko's mountain villa in spite of its obfuscation by the snowstorm, Minamoto galvanizes Kaoru's limiter before leading his esper charges to the villa where Fujiko warmly greets them. Dr. Sakaki arrives shortly thereafter with Natsuko and Hotaru who are anguished at the scrutiny being directed at their vehicle at whose anterior is affixed a large conical drill. Hatsune bringing Keiko after B.A.B.E.L. One comes in for a landing so that Taizou, Oboro, Ichirou, Naomi, and Akira can disembark signals that the vacation can begin in earnest. Wielding Hanae as a maid, Fujiko pulls Taizou aside to explain of the difficult trials ahead before helping herself to Minamoto's energy and leading everybody in charging Minamoto an explanation of a Comerican woman whose company he was in. Promptly seizing the wine bottle to extinguish Sakaki's explanation with an emphatic »Not another word!!!« cranial blow, Minamoto bellows an austere injunction against inebriation and interloping. While Kaoru has found seventh heaven with the broad and eclectic anthology of mammaries, Shiho decides to investigate the epilogue of Minamoto's earlier story and encounters what she thinks is an adversarial interloper who (after Minamoto computes all the factors) turns out to be Hanae with her hypnotic metamorphosis fully dormant. Minamoto explaining to Hanae that her conduct is more important than the construction of her visage prompts Kaoru, Shiho and Aoi to confront their leader frightened of a placid paramour displacing his paternal affection for them. Ultimately, the lesson is demonstrated is that a frenzied genius like Kouichi Minamoto converged upon into a corner is just as dangerous as 100 espers . . . especially with a remote-controlled drill tank.

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EP15 - Marital Vows! His Majesty and The Children
January. 18,2009

Seeing that unsolved probability case file #666 (better known as »Do The Children become demons or angels in the future?«) now boasting a 44% probability of The Children falling to vice along with an uncertainty score of 16%, Fujiko decides to reach out internationally to find that Prince Badjura is doing the same for his country Impalahem. Upon arriving in Imapalahem, Badjura has Kaoru and her teammates very exquisitely customized so that they are as princesses. Minamoto's vapid apprisal quickly gives way to Masara introducing herself with an energy ring attack and Fujiko quickly extinguishing the battle. Prince Badjura's explanation of his country Impalahem being in many ways similar to B.A.B.E.L. and boasting as its greatest treasure a statue that houses the souls of deceased espers and priestesses explicitly illuminates his volition -- to emancipate his esper priestess paramour Sera from Masara's metempsychotic subjugation which will only be extinguished by nothing less than combat. With the aid of some specially made armaments and the metempsychotic energy perimeter, Kaoru and her teammates easily stalemate Masara's attacks. Between the combined volition of Kaoru and Badjura for destroying Sera's body and a desolate global wasteland in order to be victorious along with the souls of the espers and priestesses against continuing to aid her, Masara sees the light and capitulates. Though amused at the scene of the uxorial affection Kaoru and her teammates have for their leader, Masara's anxiety for the girls' future is mirrored in Kyousuke having second thoughts about his past conduct and realizing that the effects thereof are beyond his power to reverse.

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EP16 - Transformation Problem! Fantastic Toy
January. 25,2009

While Black Phantom divides its emphatic energies between appraising the capabilities of a recent acquisition and computing how to acquire the Triple Boost for itself (and to prevent its adversarial utilization), Kaoru is driven off to another medical facility to be appraised for the most minuscule sign of structural damage brought about during the past battles. Unfortunately, the resultant »all systems go« does nothing to allay the concern shared by Minamoto and Dr. Sakaki that Kaoru's portal limiter will eventually be emasculated to nothing more than a fancy accessory with each successive incidence of the Triple Boost function being availed. The prospect of Kaoru emancipating herself from her portal limiter and falling to vice wanes in urgency as Shiho and Aoi are charged the apprehension of Black Phantom's recent acquisition Tim Toy alongside Naomi. In spite of Aoi successfully discerning the mechanics of his powers, she and Shiho prove to be no match for Tim Toy on their own. Naomi deftly dodging the robot's attacks and Fujiko's intercession hold the battle at a stalemate until Kaoru flies onto the scene to destroy the robot before flying Shiho and Aoi out of his aggression radius. Galvanized by the Triple Boost, Kaoru leads Shiho and Aoi through the delivery of a blistering reproof of Tim Toy's very destructive misconduct driven home with a collaborative flying kick. While Tim Toy is successfully emancipated from the Black Phantom subjugation, poor Minamoto is subjugated to replacing the destroyed fighter plane while the amused Kyousuke decides that he has seen enough for the time being.

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EP17 - A Quirk of Fate! Caroline, Reunion of Fate
February. 01,2009

As he leads Kaoru and her teammates through an underwater training exercise to emulate outer space, Minamoto is thunderstruck when his former paramour Caroline Magi blasts her way into B.A.B.E.L. Headquarters to pay him a visit driven by her childish alternate personality Carry who is just as zero-sum regarding Minamoto as Kaoru and her teammates whom she knocks out with an acoustic shockwave before flying off with Minamoto in full view of Ken and Mary along with their leader Colonel Grisham who decide to give chase. While B.A.B.E.L. works feverishly to locate Minamoto and Carry, Dr. Sakaki explains the prologue thereof. Unfortunately, because of the incomplete rehabilitation whose greatest symptom is Minamoto's abduction at Carry's hands, Comerica seems to have decided extermination for Caroline so that it can continue the experiment that spawned the advent of Carry. Kyousuke amusedly observing the confrontation set aside for the moment, things get even more complicated when Aoi and her teammates phase in demanding an explanation for the situation. Frightened by the aggregate agitated ambiance, Carrie immobilizes everybody with an acoustic shockwave before phasing out with Minamoto. Anguished at not being able to save her leader and frustrated that she is being kept out of the loop, Kaoru prepares to discharge an energy blast . . . and would have if not for Fujiko phasing in with the revelation of neutrality for B.A.B.E.L. in this matter. After Colonel Grisham phases out with both Ken and Mary, Fujiko detains Kaoru and her teammates (who are not dispassionate actors) as she explains that their sentimental interference will complicate the whole operation and will be treated as aiding/abetting a fugitive.

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EP18 - The Anguish of Parting From One's loved Ones! Carry, Eternal Separation
February. 08,2009

Seeing the circumstances continuing to deteriorate even with B.A.B.E.L. staying neutral to Comerica's retrieval mission, Fujiko decides to break out alone to investigate the prologue behind Carrie and append some kind of euphoric epilogue while Kaoru and her teammates bristle with the resentful frustration that they cannot help Minamoto who is anguished that Carrie has made that choice for him as they endeavor to escape from their confinement by entreating Taizou and then initiating their own escape plan. The political and sentimental frenzy obfuscates Minamoto's computation of the fundamental ethical dilemma: while his esper charges are important and their development is his primary responsibility, Comerica sees Carrie as nothing more than a scientific mistake to be erased. Furthermore, setting aside Comerica for Japan, Kyousuke is always on the prowl for more espers to wield as soldiers -- Carrie being his quintessence volition because she knows no better. Carrie brushes aside Minamoto's explanation attempts before conscripting him into a whirlwind tour all over Japan not caring about the circumstances. While he fails in coercing induction into P.A.N.D.R.A. as the price for his intercession against the Comerican agents, Kyousuke does give B.A.B.E.L. the perfect excuse to abandon the unethical neutrality and come to Minamoto's aid. Appalled at everybody fighting over her, Carrie cries out an anguished entreaty for her euphoric memories. Kyousuke's departure, Dr. Sakaki leading Kaoru and her teammates in sweeping away the Comerican agents, and Fujiko arm-twisting a comprehensive withdrawal of the Comerican president makes Carrie realize that she needs to resolve her unfinished business quickly. Carrie now in dormancy within Minamoto's heart with the promise of perpetual proximity, Caroline rockets off into space to realize her childhood dream.

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EP19 - The Natural Gift! Gift of Children
February. 15,2009

While Hotaru and Natsuko keep order with the queued children outside the exam room, Dr. Sakaki conducts appraisals of ESP aptitude and discovers a third-grader named Takashi Kawamura that has significant ESP aptitude. Minamoto summons the girls to charge them surveillance thereof. Fortunately, in spite of basically waylaying him, Kaoru and her teammates quickly befriend Takashi as they demonstrate their respective powers and explain that ESP is nothing bad or shameful. There is little that can go awry as Takashi is in seventh heaven with Kaoru and her teammates warmly accepting him as is . . . except for the sudden arrival of Takashi's father Tekeno who has written his antipathy for espers into a book. His psychic powers now active in earnest, Takashi rushes off to settle the score with a bully. Once Aoi successfully locates him, it is a simple matter to phase in upon Takashi with an austere reproof and an emphatic injunction against abusing and misusing his powers. What drives this lesson home, however, is a terrorist attack by The Normal People who show their anger at Aoi frenzily teleporting the people to safety by driving several tanker trucks loaded with fuel into the congregation. The deus ex machina consists of the triple punch of Minamoto confronting Tekeno at the news station, Takashi psychokinetically immobilizing the bridge while Aoi phases out the casualties and Kaoru sweeps the bridge clear, and Dr. Sakaki wielding a squad of B.A.B.E.L. agents to confront the masterminds. The euphoric epilogue is enhanced even more when Tekeno sees the light and demonstrates that the love for his son is greater than his ignorance regarding espers having realized that it is the virtue or vice within the heart that determines whether ESP is wielded constructively or destructively.

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EP21 - Summer's Day Dream! Tomorrow's Feelings
March. 01,2009

Fujiko summoning Minamoto to an exhibition of unsolved probability case file #666 (better known as »Do The Children become demons or angels in the future?«) now boasting an almost 50% probability of The Children falling to vice along with an uncertainty score of almost 12% before again presenting to him the high-powered blaster from before obfuscates Kyousuke's poor health and hints that time is not on Kyousuke's side. An extrapolative epilogue set in the future features Kaoru (as an adult) flying back to Minamoto's apartment knowing that she will encounter her teammates Shiho and Aoi who give her a frosty greeting over her P.A.N.D.R.A. allegiance/affiliation. The altercation that ensues is only interrupted when a music box floats onto the scene -- an anniversary gift to the trio from Minamoto symbolizing the good times they once shared. In the present, Kaoru and her teammates being disappointed that Minamoto has chosen to congratulate their promotion to fifth grade with a scaled-down pastry sets the stage for Kyousuke to summon the girls into a dormant amusement park to encourage them to have fun with their psychic powers. While making a meal of reheated food, Kyousuke explains his prologue of basically hating all normals because of his commanding officer's mortal attempt on his life. Incensed by his prejudice, Kaoru flies Kyousuke out of the apartment into a fierce battle that starts out as the latter mocking the former. After turning the tables on Kyousuke by concentrating her powers, Kaoru leads everybody into the important lesson to seize upon today since it is not certain what will happen tomorrow as is demonstrated in several forums near the end of the episode.

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EP22 - Power Struggle! An Invisible Threat!
March. 08,2009

An undercover operation at a hotel to apprehend illegal weapon dealers proceeds along swimmingly until Kaoru is sent into a frenzy by a bevy of bombs meant for Minamoto only for her psychokinesis to short-circuit and become its own beast that is only subjugated by Minamoto energizing Kaoru's limiter. Minamoto decides to have Kaoru sit out the next mission due to her neural damage -- a wise decision except that the lack of supervision is read as a signal for Mio to phase in with an exhortation of her assistance against Black Phantom. Hearing the name Black Phantom after a snapshot of Kaoru's prologue involving Yoshimi is more than enough reason for Kaoru to leap into action against her better judgment. After a brief battle with Kazura and Kagari, Momiji stopping Kaoru and smashing her limiter without realizing the consequences gives way to a demonstration of how a P.A.N.D.R.A. mission is conducted that thoroughly incenses Kaoru. While searching for Black Phantom's latest vassal Patty Crew, the P.A.N.D.R.A. espers share their prologue and that they rely heavily on brute force which Patty perverts to their detriment. Galvanized by a new perspective on the past, Kaoru combines psychic energies with the P.A.N.D.R.A. espers to extinguish the Black Phantom subjugation. While successfully emulating the Collaborative Deluge limiters is a marvelous engineering feat in its own right, the P.A.N.D.R.A. espers do not have the per capita power and goodwill to make their Collaborative Deluge work the way that of B.A.B.E.L. does.

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EP23 - Shifting and Changing. Huh, Minamoto is . . . ?
March. 15,2009

While enjoying the epilogue of a job well done, Naomi delivers a »Keep away from me!!!« psychokinetic shove to Ichirou before flying home completely unaware that her repulsion sets the stage for the Black Phantom vassal Yuri to initiate her mission. Minamoto's computations on the significance of the thistle found with Ichirou give way to being charged a mission. It is no problem for the girls to apprehend the perpetrator esper even as their mammaries breach their uniforms. Upon finding another thistle, Minamoto decides to stay behind to prosecute an investigation along with some computations only to find that Black Phantom's volition is to wield his esper charges as their vassals. Further inflaming matters, Kyousuke has decided to »rehabilitate« Minamoto by wielding Momotarou to effect the mirage of Minamoto as a 12 year old boy before phasing out. Dr, Sakaki's explanation of the cerebral reconfiguration that has been done gives way to Kaoru and her teammates having the time of their lives with their leader in his child state setting aside for the moment the amplified danger of Black Phantom. The scope of Kyousuke's »rehabilitation« is most emphatically demonstrated when P.A.N.D.R.A. occupies the girls' school and configures everybody's computations as if Mio and Kyousuke have always been their classmates while Minamoto expounds upon his prologue. Akira and Hatsune now in estivation and unable to challenge her, Yuri resumes her mission .

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EP24 - Hardest Struggle! Over the Future
March. 22,2009

Akira availing his metempsychosis through a bird to explain what happened to his team along with Oboro watching over Fujiko and Dr. Sakaki as they combine energies to repair the damage done to Ichirou's mind establishes the ambiance as Kaoru continues to be in seventh heaven with Kouichi (Minamoto in his child state) while Yuri regroups to compute her next move. The P.A.N.D.R.A.-polluted school day proceeds along without incident although the lunchtime ambiance hints that P.A.N.D.R.A.'s control is starting to weaken. Kouichi asserting himself when Kaoru and her teammates attempt to feed him prompts a sequence of the adult Minamoto telling Kouichi to reject this phantasm even as Kyousuke offers to expend his life energy reformatting the circumstances. Shiho's appraisal and collaborative congratulations for the successful bootstrapping ignites a fit of hysterical ambivalence that sends Kouichi racing to meet Kyousuke and rouses Yuri into commencing her true mission: exterminating Kaoru so that she cannot wield the Collaborative Deluge against Black Phantom. Upon detecting Black Phantom's machinations, Taizou calls B.A.B.E.L. to arms but finds P.A.N.D.R.A. inhibiting their advance so that Kyousuke can hypnotically subjugate Kouichi. Naomi arrives on the scene to capitalize upon Yuri's reluctance about her mission and exhort Kaoru's intercession before collapsing in exhaustion. Kaoru's collaborative remonstration with Shiho and Aoi instigates Yuri to take Kouichi hostage -- a futile gesture that is as dust before a maelstrom to a constructive and altruistic relationship as is evidenced in the epilogue of Kaoru, Shiho, and Aoi's affirmation for Kouichi Minamoto's guardianship.

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EP25 - Cherry Blossom Festival. Well, See You Again
March. 29,2009

An opulent party aboard an oceanliner that P.A.N.D.R.A. swiftly commandeers in its perpetual avarice for finance and infantry sets the stage for Mio to wonder about Kaoru and her teammates whose emphatic exhortations for a trip to the beach are consistently met with an abrupt but paternal »Schoolwork first!!!« repulsion from Minamoto while The Hound special esper team is busy assisting the police in trying to apprehend an esper that misunderstands what a gift his Level 5 powers are. Considering the difficulty Hatsune is having and how much she hates homework, Kaoru is only too happy to leap into action with her teammates. The injunction against excessive force along with counsel to corner the fugitive firmly in mind, Kaoru and her teammates chase the perpetrator into a tunnel and intercede for him against an oncoming train; a rousing inspirational speech later, the perpetrator reneges on his suicide threat and capitulates. The epilogue is a collage of scenes depicting the immediate future of several people. Kaoru, Shiho, and Aoi have all graduated from elementary school while Naomi has graduated from high school into being a college student. Keiko is charged the supervision of Barret and Tim as special espers. The P.A.N.D.R.A. espers driving each other bananas while Kyousuke drinks tea obfuscates Chisato and Touno's encounter with Yuri already dressed in the school's uniform either having been purified by the Collaborative Deluge or is simply an excellent actress while she waits to be wielded by Black Phantom. Kaoru is sent on another mission with her teammates adorned in their new mission uniforms.

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Seasons 1 : 2008


26 Episode
