The Sky Has Fallen

2009 1 hr 13 min Drama , Horror , Action

Within a couple of hours, a new disease wipes out almost all of mankind. Trying to avoid infection, people flee to remote locations, but they start seeing mysterious black figures, carrying away the dead and experimenting on them. Now, Lance and Rachel, two survivors determined to fight back, must kill the leader of these creatures before the rest of humanity disappears

  • Cast:



Best movie ever!

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Anthony Robu

People need to realize what starter indie films are all about before jumping over the line and discrediting certain diamond in the rough gems. Watched the movie last night, it loaded and played just fine. Image quality wasn't bad either, little choppy in a couple spots. The storyline, dialogue, music score were all done very well for such low budget. The special FX were pretty good and well needed in this day and age of CGI overkill. I think it could have really benefited from a stunt coordinator for the sword fighting scenes, they seemed very repetitive especially with the cam cutaway with every slashing move. Again a low budget downfall. The main actor guy,(Carey MacLaren) was pretty terrible. His acting and the way he timed his lines kind of did a lot of hurt. Sometimes he ran his lines together too fast, and sometimes it was too drawn out. The emotion he tried to show didn't come through naturally and seemed very forced, making it look like just overall terrible acting. The supporting lady wasn't bad at all. She kinda carried the main guy along acting wise. I think with a better lead actor this movie would have had a much greater impact (not to mention someone that looked like it wasn't the first time they had ever picked up a sword, though they had "been practicing since they were a little kid") would have helped the overall flow and emotional feel to the entire story. All in all a good flick, by far not the worst low budget I've seen. Nice camera work, so glad to finally see an apocalypse with out the stupid shaky handy cam feel!!! Too much of that nowadays. The flash away during every sword and gun scene seemed to take away a little from the flow of the fight. I'm sure that had a lot to do with budget and not being able to show the direct slice or gun impact shot all in one screen frame. For what its worth I liked it, would love to see it re-done with a decent budget to get deeper into it! Best of luck in the dog-eat-dog film industry!!

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The reviews for this film are all over the place.This was a low-to-no budget indie horror film. Where it doesn't show is in the effects and the score. Both of which are excellent. The audio and visual effects people get a gold star.The concept of the film is interesting, though it never really pans out. I was left wanting to know more.The camera-work -- really, the editing, is less than desirable. Mostly the quick cuts to and fro. As another reviewer mentioned, the effects are fantastic, but you only see a few moments before cut-cut-pan-cut.The writing was good. The acting was acceptable. Some scenes were better than others. A few over-acting moments, and some with not enough depth and emotion. But who are we kidding? The same could be said about Kristen Stewart.A solid 5, and a great effort from all involved.

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I'll be completely honest, I went into this film expecting it to be a pretty bad. I was not disappointed. I only picked it up because the monster make up looked pretty interesting for a low budget zombie flick. The make up was great when it was on screen, but the shots were so brief in most cases it was hard to really appreciate what was there before it was gone. It's a shame such good make up was squandered by not putting it on screen enough to really sell the rotted and disfigured looks they achieved.The score was pretty decent as well, with the exception of a few cues that turned quick shocker moments into more comical cheesy cuts. Unfortunately the praise ends there pretty abruptly. The film is essentially a guy and a girl wandering the forest. Sound boring? It is. Painfully so. Then some zombies show up and you're treated to hectic choppy quick cutting action that is jarring to watch and the leads sword swings are so slow it's hard to believe he'd do any real damage to anything.To top that off the acting was abysmal. Much of the film sounded like they were reciting the dialogue from memory instead of putting any thought or feeling into it. Doesn't help that the dialogue itself was awkward and clunky either. No amount of talented acting would have delivered the lines without them sounding cliché and ponderous.For all it's flaws it is an interesting twist on the zombie apocalypse genre with some decent camera work and some beautifully disgusting monster make-up. If you're into cheesy horror flicks, and I know there are plenty of you types out there, it's an interesting watch. If you go in with low expectations you should come out okay.

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Saw this at the horrorfest in Ky and was happy I chose this flick.It obviously had a minimal budget but it seemed to have a solid story and good acting. The camera quality was good and the "Strangers" in hoods were filmed with eerie perfection. I enjoyed this much more than most horror because it "Did what it could" and didn't try to be something bigger than it was. It did get a little long winded with dialogue at some points, but it is an indie film and is expected with low budget film-making. I would like to see this movie remade with a bigger budget, maybe so we could get a more satisfying "ending" and some flashbacks of how the two characters intertwined. But overall, I say it was one of the best at horrorfest.

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