Deadliest Sea

2009 1 hr 27 min Drama , Action

Based on the book Working on the Edge by Spike Walker, Deadliest Sea tells the story of a young man who joins the crew of a King Crab trawler in Alaska seeking to make some real money. The captain of the vessel plays a hunch about where to set traps in the Bering Sea, but the boat and crew are soon victims of a powerful and relentless storm.

  • Cast:
    Sebastian Pigott , Greg Bryk , Ryan Blakely , Kristen Holden-Ried , Eugene Clark , Peter Outerbridge , Doug Lennox



It is a performances centric movie

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i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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Tyreece Hulme

One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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BC Kelly

.OK, some of the others reviewing here lasted only 10 minutes into thisI made it to almost 14As an ol' Navy guy who has seen my fair share of Blue Water and White Waves, was interested in this Film and its Story. Love Rough Water and Bouncing Boats.And even have a Nephew who took a turn on one of these Alaska fishing boats. ONE turn, then as he put it - felt half lucky to make it back to shore, and never go out again.So had great hopes as this Film started, but they quickly sank, like this Film.Am always willing to grant 'literary license' to the Teller of a Tale, and even be forgiving for what may be shortcomings in how 'good' a Story could have been Told. Either in reading a book, for example, or here in a Film.But, when the Young Kid - in town for less than an hour - signs on with a Boat and Crew he knows nothing about ?Damn, what a dumb azz.THEN, the one guy empties the Kid's stuff on the deck and throws the suitcase onto the pier ?AND - the Kid still wants to stay with THAT boat and crew ?Damn, what an Official Dumb Azz.OK Kid - you'll get what you deserveBut you won't get me to 'sign on' with the crew of this film and story. Like said above - willing to give a little bit, but this is too far from reality for my taste. OK, yes, perhaps it is realistic in the context of this Story for the Kid to be a Dumb Azz and sign on with that Boat and Crew only after JUST meeting them, but I'm not him.So yes, like a smart rat - I know when to get off a sinking ship, even at 14 minutesIf you're reading this - you'd be advised to do the sameAnd be like my Nephew - don't go back .

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The film opens with "Based on a true story". Sure, that's nice. Of course, they never do tell you what story it was. They do mention a book I don't have. That doesn't help me.But the end of the film is where things get legal, and the truth comes out. "... any resemblance to persons living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL" (my caps).You can't have it both ways. It's either "based on" or it's "purely coincidental". I call BS.But it doesn't matter anyway. With typically poor Canadian acting and cinematography, the movie is barely watchable. And for something supposedly happening in the open sea, those were not stormy ocean swells we were seeing. You'd have more dangerous waves at a water park wave pool. That said, I do feel badly for the actors who had to suffer through the wet to make this thing -- even if they did reuse some of their reaction shots to water hitting them, instead of hitting them multiple times with water.Some of the special effects were so bad I burst out laughing. Even the original Gojira movies had more believable effects. It was hard to remain interested in the story after that. Not that they made it easy. As the movie goes on, it gets harder and harder to figure out what people are saying, who is speaking, who is on screen, and whatever. I never did figure out the whole thing about sucking the water out of the hose, or who died at sea, or why. The IMDb plot says there was a rogue wave. Really? When did that happen? Was that the CG part? On the flip side, a lot of the dialogue was not stuff people would really say, but was instead put in there to tell the viewer stuff that should have been explained other ways. Like "how long can he survive out there?" Who would ask that, as their crew-mate is drifting away at sea? Is there something more important to do, besides saving him, like play a game of chess, or serve tea?The great Canadian writer-director James Cameron gave the world Titanic (not to mention Avatar). Scott and Young give us this. James must be so proud of what his work has inspired.

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bad acting, worse effects, and the most terrible thing is the ridiculous conversations and antics between the "actors", if they could even hold the title of "actor" after this filming. I'm deeply disappointed in discovery for this one. And, more disappointed in myself for not changing the channel 10 minutes into it. Don't make the same mistake I did and throw away 2 hours of your life! I just signed up for your website. I proceeded to comment on a movie. Your guidelines require 10 lines of text? That is way more than 500 words. This is ridiculous, you recommend 200-500 words and no more than 1000. Why couldn't you leave it at that? By adding ten lines 200-500 is out of the question, its damn near impossible actually. Please take me out of your system. Its already absurd. I just want to comment on a movie and have to go through this?

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Ouch, why did I watch this? .... Specifics: wooden acting, inconsistent personalities, bad special effects. Most of it looked like it was filmed in a bath tub. Water seemed to come from places it couldn't possibly come from. Occasionally when somebody threw a bucket of water at the actors from off set, they seemed genuinely surprised. The plot (and I use that term loosely) seemed to fall apart at every turn. I have to give the camera crew credit, they were able to induce the true feeling of sea sickness in me, even as I watched on a fairly small screen. I am sure that all the people involved in this are nice and everything, but this production did not come together well.

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