32 Pills: My Sister's Suicide

2017 1 hr 29 min Documentary

Traces the life and mental illness of New York artist and photographer Ruth Litoff, and her sister's struggle to come to terms with her tragic suicide.

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How sad is this?

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It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.

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Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

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I was only inspired to write this review after reading another review that put the movie down for not putting an emphasis on what that review thought should be the "lessons" of the film. That reviewer suggested that we don't know how good we have it and need to focus on that, and the movie should have talked about that. I think that is a bizarre and oppressive opinion about what the film "should" have been. What was the film then? I don't see this movie talking about lessons, but rather being an exploration of a sister's struggle with the aftermath of her sibling's suicide. It documents a personal journey that only one person could document. It shows Hope's feelings, regrets and actions after the death of a sister with whom she had a complicated, though loving relationship. It was, as you would expect, moderately paced, relatively serious, lacking "action, but had occasional moments of optimism. When you live with mental illness, there are not always easy answers or firmly defined messages about how you need to feel about it. The movie is well made, without any serious flaws besides being what it is: a movie that will not appeal to everyone for obvious reasons. I enjoy hearing about people's personal experiences, and I thank the sister for making it.

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I sat in disbelief watching this well done and edited version of a tragedy that befalls so many people. I was also disturbed by what I feel was something that could have been helped. The following is going to sound to some as a hick like "Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" lecture, but it would have been better than dying at 42.I live in a small town in Washington State. Is it the big city, the east coast, or WHAT, that assumes that for every perceived ailment you have you - that you must take pills? Was I alone in seeing that her usage increased in what I thought was a good idea in putting the pill containers by year on the 12 foot long - barely able to hold them all - tables? Even the first year would be 5 times more pills than anyone other than an organ recipient would need. Do these people not know that they are the product of millions of years of evolution and that synthetic pill garbage, let alone the mixing of them would cause ANYONE to go psychotic let alone a gorgeous woman with everything to live for. And what does her sister say - "None of these worked" As if to say if she had only found the right medicine. Where is the common sense What doctors would allow this?. I think it went out with anyone there using shampoo. Not meaning to be cruel here but I heard nothing about all the good things these two reasonably intelligent and yes abused mentally by a drunk father and mother incapable of the strength needed to raise a proud defiant child. Sad story. As a teacher I constantly tell my class how GOOD they have it compared to so many, and that they need to appreciate the time and place in which they live Ruth killed herself and will never live again.. I heard NOTHING even remote to this line of thinking here. Was that on purpose or totally not perceived or irrelevant? The lesson here is appreciate the good things, quit with the medication, and maybe get a job or hobby too.

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The loss of a life--of any life--is so horrible. But Ruth's life and death were true tragedies. It was interesting to have this sort of voyeuristic view of Ruth's life. But, overall, I felt like the poetic complicatedness of her life and subsequent death were vastly overshadowed by her sister Hope.What struck me as incredibly unfortunate was the upbringing that Ruth and Hope both survived (though barely). No amount of money can save a young child from the burdens of their parents--and what a horrible situation both of these women were stuck in at such a young age. The filming was excellent; the original music by T. Griffin superb. But I wish that the main idea of the film hadn't been stepped on by Hope. She seemed to be the primary focus of every scene, and the combination of Ruth's complicated story as well as Hope's current struggles made a muddy display of this film. And for what it's worth: it's obvious that Hope struggles with addiction and emotional turmoil. I sincerely hope that for the sake of herself, her husband, and her children she can find the help she needs.

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Paul Allaer

"32 Pills: My Sister's Suicide" is a documentary directed by, and starring, Hope Litoff about her sister Ruth's suicide in 2008 at age 42. As the movie opens, we get to know Ruth and Hope, and not before too long we also get to know what it was like for the Litoff sisters to grow up.Couple of comments: this is the directing debut of Hope Litoff, who previously was edited a number of TV movies and documentaries. Here she investigates the effects of Ruth's suicide on her life as we know it today. Through the extensive use of primarily the thousands of pictures that Ruth had taken during her life, but also the many journals she left behind (and which she apparently wanted to be found after her death), we get a pretty good picture as to her troubled (bi-polar) mind. Seems like Ruth lived on the edge of suicide for many years. Then there is Hope, 3 years younger than Ruth. Where to start? The documentary at first sight is about Ruth, until it shifts and becomes the Hope show... Hope shows up in virtually every frame of the movie, while she ostensibly suffers from Ruth's suicide. But I have to say, some if not much seems contrived, if not outright weird. Does she really fall off the wagon after 17 years sobriety--WHILE FILMING HERSELF? Then later, is her husband really following her around with a camera when Hope decides she needs another drink for no apparent reason? It just didn't make any sense, and it all felt very much self-centered and self-serving, as if Hope found a perfect vehicle (Ruth's suicide) to make a movie where Hope is the center of attention. If it was meant to stir up compassion for Hope's situation, I'm sorry to say that the movie simple didn't move me in that way. Bottom line: it may be well- intended, but ultimately this wanna-be important documentary should be called "My Sister's Suicide: A New HOPE" (pun intended).This movie started playing on HBO as part of its documentary series, and that is where I caught it a few days ago. I have to say, I was really let down in the end. For a truly devastating look at the events surrounding a sister's suicide, I'd readily recommend the deeply moving and overall excellent 2015 memoir by Jill Bialosky called "History Of a Suicide" (about her 21 yr. old sister's suicide when the author herself was 30). Simply outstanding. "32 Pills: My Sister's Suicide"? not so much...

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