War of the Planets

PG 2.9
1978 1 hr 29 min Science Fiction

A strange signal arrives on the Earth disturbing all communications, while an UFO appears above the Antarctic sea. Captain Alex Hamilton is sent with his spaceship and crew to the space outside the Solar System to find the origin of that signal. They reach an unknown planet where a giant robot enslaved a whole population of humanoids by taking their psychic energies.

  • Cast:
    John Richardson , Yanti Somer , West Buchanan , Katia Christine , Vassili Karis , Percy Hogan , Giuseppe Fortis

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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In all honesty, I'm probably being a bit generous with the rating here, but, though I've only very recently started writing reviews on IMDB, I figure I'm not going to rate something I do still kind of enjoy lower than a 5. Maybe my ideas will change about this as time goes on. Right now, I can't say. This movie is not boring, even though it's rather inept, and even laughable. I've seen almost all of these Bresccia space movies from 77/80 now and theyr'e all real bargain bin stuff, but this one is probably the best of the lot. Whether that is of any significance, depends on you. Regardless, all these films are of the sort of quality that makes the Gamma 1 films from 10+ years before seem like works of majestic artistry. You should probably be scared by that assertion.I can just imagine some drunk producer, having just gotten out of a viewing of Star Wars in 1977, calling up poor Alfonso on the phone and shouting, "WE GOTTA MAKE A MOVIE LIKE THIS! GET TO IT!" Alfonso, being a patient, quiet sort of man (ok, I'm really guessing, here), could not make his gentle queries about budgetary concerns and such heard. So, it's off to the junk yard he goes, to pick up any vaguely electronic-looking odds-and-ends he can find. Armed with this and a few bottles of super-glue, and a lot of wire, he proceeds to assemble his motley band of space marines.So, I know it's been mentioned before, but the editing of this film is weird, and makes it seem almost more artistic than it probably is. Scenes from the beginning of the film are never explained, or the consequences only kind of reveal themselves at the very end. A few of the scenes might be out of order -- or they might not be. it's up to you to decide. The result is -- actually kind of cool, in a loopy, doped-up way.What's interesting, too, is that while this may have been intended as a Star Wars cash-in, it's really not much like Star Wars at all. What this resembles, to me, is the original Star Trek series crashing messily into Barbarella. So, basically, this film , ather than being in any way on the cutting-edge of a new sci-fi trend, already looks, feels, sounds -- ten, or even fifteen years, out of date. The fact our man Al was probably asked to do the best he could to simulate Star Wars and came up with -- this -- is actually quite something, isn't it?Also, there are about three trick endings, each more hilarious than the last. At the finish, I swear I almost felt like clapping. They had some balls to pull this off, I'll say that for 'em. if you're gonna watch one of these turkeys, let it be this one.

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Despite the fact that they were produced during the same year , "War of the Planets" had nothing whatever in common with "Star Wars". While the former was definitely an "A-Picture", "War of the Planets" is strictly "Grade-Z". The story is nearly incomprehensible, the writing terrible, the acting wooden and the production values about what one would expect in a high-school play. Some cheesy science-fiction films can be so bad that they are entertaining. however, this example of the genre is simply...bad. About all this film accomplishes is to make the viewer appreciate just how good things like "Star Wars", "Star Trek" and "2001: A Space Odyssey" actually were.

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Yup .. this piece of cinematic doodie, is terrible. Why, Oh why, do I have soft spot for crap movies .. we'll never know. At least I'm not the only one. Apparently this is a kind of follow on from "Planet of the Vampires" .. which although low budget, was quite an entertaining and atmospheric film. It's definitely NOT a Star Wars rip off as it has nothing to do with that.It starts badly, teeters off in the middle, and the less said about the end the better. Best thing to do if you want to see this is with it on youtube .. there's a few places that have it. I certainly wouldn't buy it unless it's on one of those sci-fi movie box sets that contains 100 awful movies.I won't dwell on the 'story' .. but needless to say it's badly made. Awful script ... if awful even comes close to describing it. One can't help but blame the director for a lot of the dumb performances because .. well .. it's his fault! Editing is okay, considering the crappy material they had to work with.But hands down the biggest offence in this film is the music score. Ouch!! .. like being rogered with a prize winning cactus. John Barry proved you could have awesome music in a goody film (Starcrash 1978), so there's no excuse to phone in the score like they did here.Watch it if you dare, or if you're a sucker for bad movie .. like me! This movie could have been saved if the boys and bots at MST3K had riffed it, sadly it wasn't awful enough for them :PWould be a good film for a crap-fest!

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First off, what war? Filming a war costs big bucks, (much like the real thing!). This mess barely had enough money to cover the paper mache for the sets. They shouldn't promise a war in the title if they couldn't deliver it. Rather the film should have been titled "Minor Disagreement Of The Planets" or "Trivial Skirmish Of The Planets". A war just ain't happening with this pile of film doo.And doo doo it truly is. It struck me as I was watching this thing that bad science fiction films seem to have an extra layer of crap slathered over them that one just doesn't experience in your run-of- the-mill bad biker flick. Maybe it's because the folks behind it are often bound and determined to make their entertainment "profound". This piece of tripe can certainly plead Mea Culpa to that, although it misses its mark by a thousand light years at least. To get to the heart of the matter, this movie displays incompetence in every frame. The writing, acting, directing, editing, scoring, etc. areall absolutely abysmal. To be sure it wears its influences on its sleeve like a badge of honor. As others have noted, the "2001", "Space 1999" and "Star Trek" references abound, but are all introduced to little affect. The editing jumps from one scene to another with little narrative sense, making the story almost impossible to follow. So many elements are introduced only to be just left hanging by the script that it is difficult to distinguish a plot point from yet another pointless scene. With confusion served up in super sized proportions a coherent sound track might have at least helped us to know exactly how the director intended us to respond to what we're being shown. Unfortunately the score is as inept as the rest of the movie. It jumps from classical elements (a nod to Kuberick, I think) to synthesized bleeps and squawks with no apparent relation to what is being shown on the screen. At one point we are treated to an exterior shot of the space ship and a pop song about being in space starts up only to be mercifully cut short after only a few seconds by the editor.Thanks to Mystery Science Theater 3000 the title of worst movie has been taken from "Plan 9 From Outer Space" and bestowed upon "Manos, the Hands of Fate". But at least Manos actually manages to tell a comprehensible story, albeit not very well. This hairball of a movie can't even manage that. They must have changed the script every day on this thing. That is the only explanation I can come up with for it being so confused, garbled and nonsensical. See it if you must but don't expect anything like real entertainment.

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