Sleeping Bride

2000 1 hr 40 min Drama , Romance

Sleeping Bride is the story of a girl, Yumi, who since birth, has never been awake. A boy called Yuuichi finds the girl in the hospital while he is a patient there. A nurse remarks that the girl is 'Sleeping Beauty', and Yuuichi believes that a kiss from a prince will wake her, just like the story. Yuuichi returns to see Yumi every day, says 'Wake up, I'm the prince' and kisses her. Ten years later he restarts his daily ritual to see Yumi, one day she wakes up.

  • Cast:
    Risa Goto , Takaaki Enoki , Yûko Natori , Masako , Toshie Negishi , Morooka Moro , Yoko Ohshima



Just perfect...

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Absolutely the worst movie.

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Ian Clark

To compose into words just how good this film is would be nigh on impossible for myself. As other users have noted this film, packaged with the RINGU trilogy box set, is given a misleading approach by the liner notes stating it is thematically similar to the RINGU films. However what I can say is that this deliberately fools you - horror? NO. Enjoyable? on.......The style of the film with the neutral colours and direction, the way in which it is lit and photographed, is absolutely stunning. I myself put the DVD on thinking it would be a horror - after thirty minutes I was frowning, but by the end I was in awe of how good a film it actually is. It takes you on an unexpected journey and you disembark feeling so much the better! To open with a large scale disaster and end with a more personal one - it comes full circle. Along the way you grow as the main characters develop and see things as they would. For the theological discussion at the end brings home exactly why Yumi has been granted this time on Earth - that God watches over us and tests the human spirit? For Yuuichi to be surrounded by all his friends and loving mother yet he is prepared to risk all on Yumi? Would I be alone in thinking that she is a gift from God? She fell from the sky and therefore the angel-likening stems from that. Towards the end her Father is calling her and she knows she must return - can Yuuichi give back that which is most precious to him? The end reveals the answer to this..To sum up though these petty ramblings I would say that this film is an absolute delight to watch and is up there in my favourites - and I have the most eclectic taste in films!! Watch it - put the DVD on, sit back and enjoy!!

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Garasu No Nou (I'm told it literally means 'Brain made out of glass', or something like that... just 'Brain of glass'?), or Sleeping Bride/Glass Brain, is a wonderful play with the traditional fairytale Sleeping Beauty with a modern twist. Hideo Nakata has made this movie just as beautiful as his fantastic movie 'Ringu'.A love story and tragedy at the same time, a boy named Yuichi is hospitalised for asthma at age 7 but he spends a lot of his time at the hospital visiting Yumi, a girl who has been in the hospital all her life, but asleep all her life. She has never woken up since childhood. The nurses and doctors can't do anything to wake her. Yuichi associates her with the story of Sleeping Beauty and starts to believe that if he kisses her, she will wake up. So he does this for a long time, but he eventually leaves the hospital and grows up. Then, about ten years later, he sees a news report about Yumi's story and remembers her. He goes back to try and wake her up, and eventually she does. She learns fast and he falls in love with her. But can this bliss REALLY last? The acting is absolutely superb, the plot is fantastic and the emotions are definitely stirred up in this movie. It's a magical piece of cinema and it's sad that so few have seen it. I think it only comes with the Ringu box set.WARNING: This film's a real tear-jerker - it makes me cry every time I see it!

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I watched this film without knowing what to expect and was pleasantly surprised.Whilst some of the scenes in the film could be considered decidedly cheesy, much of it is wonderfully sweet and will stay with you long after the film has ended.The basic plot has a charming edge to it, of a modern Sleeping Beauty. Personal favourite parts would be when Yuichi takes Yumi outside for the first time and her joy at the world without even knowing anything about it.Don't dismiss this film. It's worth seeing.

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I got this film in the Ring trilogy box set and according to the write up it was going to be a horror version of Sleeping Beauty and was similar in style to Ring.Its pretty much wrong on both accounts. Although the story is based on the Sleeping Beauty story I fail to see where they got the horror element from.It does have a similar look to the Ring but thats only cause its made by the same guy. But if your going in expecting a horror film then your gong to be a bit disappointed. Then again having said that I was expecting a horror and I came out enjoying it even more then I thought I was going to. Call me a sentimental old fool but when a love story is done well I really love a good love film.I'm sorry my review isn't so good but I couldn't let there be only one review especially one saying it sucked.

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