Angora Ranch

2006 1 hr 36 min Drama , Romance

Justin is an ad executive whose father sends him on his first solo run to a place in Texas. While driving to his appointment Justin swerves to avoid a rabbit in the road and his car gets stuck in a ditch that just happens to be in front of the home of Jack and his loony senile father. After Jack's previous life partner died, he planned never to love again. Will this change?

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Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Three stars for what should be one. I enjoy gay themed cinema. And I try to be generous with indie films. The strength and resources it takes to bring any indie film to any screen is an achievement. But this one is just...B-A-D.An advertising guy, his gay son, rabbits, an account presentation, rural gays met by accident and an old man straight out of George S. Kaufman. It's a silly, unfunny premise. Turned into a silly, hackneyed script with some of the worst dialog ever imagined.Then it's all directed poorly and the acting. Oh my God don't say you had to pay any of them. No better than a high school play. The actors playing the business people they are making an ad pitch to would have been better cast as domestics. Seriously. Save your time and your life.But, still, everyone showed up and they got the thing made. That deserves something.

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I would really love to believe that in the hundreds of little redneck hamlets in the State of Texas I'd dearly love for one like where Paul Bright and Tim Jones live and where Bright can fall in love with young Thomas Romano and have no fear of reprisal. It's what makes this Texas based gay film a true fantasy. But having said that it is a nice fantasy.Young Romano works for his father in the advertising business based in Austin and Kyle Evans the father is forever on his case. He can't seem to do anything right. Evans is also in an incredible state of denial as far as his son's sexual orientation is. On assignment from his father to meet with a client Romano's car breaks down avoiding hitting a white rabbit nowhere near the size of Harvey. It is the special pet of Paul Bright who lives with his father Tim Jones and is still mourning the loss of a life partner. He's got some additional responsibilities taking care of Jones who is in first stage of Alzheimer's Disease.Romano and Bright are soon in love and in the sack, but both have some severe father issues to deal with.Angora Ranch is a pleasant enough film. I liked all the players especially young Mr. Romano on many levels. I hope that Angora Ranch does not remain his sole film credit.Though I want so much to believe there is a tolerant and accepting town like this somewhere in the state that elects Rick Perry and Ted Cruz.

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This is one of the worst gay-themed movies of all time. As soon as the first line of dialogue is spoken I wanted to stop watching, but it was like a train wreck. You don't want to watch because it is so horrific, but you can't stop for the same reason. The dialogue is dreadful and acting worse. The story is lame beyond belief. It is astonishing that they were able to take some of the most universal themes in the gay community and make them trite and superficial. I cringed throughout. I forced myself to watch the whole thing in the vain hope that it might get better but it just sank to deeper depths by the minute. I want to give movies representing gay- positive messages a chance, but this one was so painfully bad and clichéd that I hope no one else has the misfortune to lose the time from their lives spent watching it. There are absolutely no redeeming factors.

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The simple-minded script for this abysmal film might have been partially rescued by a competent cast, but the acting is absolutely excruciating to watch. I've seen better in beginning acting classes -- no, wait, make that "I've never seen worse, even in beginning acting classes." After an opening scene where our lovely young hero Justin drops trow, steps into the shower, and sings "A Hard Man Is Good to Find" (yeah, that's original), the action begins with a completely contrived confrontation between Justin and his overbearing father over what Justin will wear to The Big Meeting where he will make a pitch to a new client of Dad's ag agency. OK, both Dad and Justin look like people you'd be more likely to find behind the counter at Dairy Queen than in an ad agency, and Dad comes across gayer than Justin, but let's see how this plays out . . . Justin drives off to the meeting, dressed as Daddy insisted, and comes to a dead end and roadblock sign that is straight out of a Roadrunner & Coyote cartoon. On second thought, make that a Bugs Bunny cartoon, since there are cutesie-poo rabbit references throughout the film. In fact, Justin goes off the road to avoid a bunny in front of the home of a crankily kindly stranger, thereby setting up the rest of the action with all the subtlety, but none of the wit, of the car breakdown at the start of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." He goes to the nearby house to ask for help, and meets Jack, the owner of the place, and his father Peter. Love is sure to bloom thanks to this chance encounter, because circumstance and a little interference from kindly bumpkins in the Texas village he has stumbled upon conspire to pair him up with the rather neurotic, unattractive older man whose bunny he swerved to avoid. Played atrociously by the screenwriter and director of this disaster, incidentally.By the way, how is it that Peter, this straight father, also seems gayer than his tres gay son? Could it be that Tim Jones, the "actor" playing him, is the producer of this vanity production?Gag! It just keeps going downhill from there. It could have been a creation of some retarded younger brother of John Waters. Absolutely dreadful.Do yourself a favor -- watch something else. ANYTHING else.

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