Blue Valley Songbird

1999 1 hr 32 min Drama , Music , TV Movie

Country singer Leana Taylor (Dolly Parton) struggles to escape from her controlling manager/boyfriend Hank (John Terry) as well as her troubled past. After turning to her guitarist (Billy Dean), Leanna finally faces her past, including her estranged mother and the death of her father. Through flashbacks, Leana deals with her past as she attempts to move her life forward and begin a recording career.

  • Cast:
    Dolly Parton , John Terry , Beth Grant , Kimberley Kates



Wonderful character development!

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I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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Best movie of this year hands down!

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Singer, Leanna Taylor, is in a comfortable rut; touring with her band, singing at the same places and living with her manager of 15 years, who, as the movie unfolds, is seen to be a manipulating father figure.Into this mix a couple of new elements are added; a new band member who sees her genuine talent with fresh eyes, word that her father (whom she hasn't seen in 25 years) has died, and a talent scout spots her and relights a hope of going the next step in her career. With flash backs that explain her personal history, she finds herself moving away from the her safe place and opening her eyes to what maybe out there for her now, if she's willing to take the chance. The music is delightful, the acting is believable. The ending is not a disappointment to the romantic hearted.

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I have always loved Dolly Pardon, her singing and her movies. She was really good in this movie and Joe Tinoco was especially good in the birthday scene. Joe Tinoco should do more movies! He is a really good dancer and he absolutely made the show. Billy Dean is great so it had some of my favorite people in it.

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I am a fan of Joe's and his performance in this movie was great. I am sure Dolly knew something was very special about him when she picked him for this movie - she knows how difficult this business is and the movie reflects the life of someone 'paying their dues'. Joe has talent and I do believe with his continued hard work and don't give up attitude he will become a bigger "star". No matter what, he is a superstar now - we all know that for sure. Really great plot on movie and I look forward to seeing it again. critic in North Carolina

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I thoroughly enjoyed this film and was pleasantly surprised at the appearance of my favorite guy, Joe Tinoco, whom I have always admired as a country singer but never knew he had this hidden talent of dancing. I thought he added a little "spice" to the film and showed how really multi-talented he is. I hope we see more of him in films in the future.

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