The Slaughterhouse Massacre

2005 1 hr 37 min Horror

Follow the story of several attractive teenagers as they try to have a fun time in a slaughter house after dark...

  • Cast:
    Paul Gagné



Instant Favorite.

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A lot of fun.

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an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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It is majorly flawed, I'll admit. But yet I fairly enjoyed watching it... I am not a fan of low-budget horrors, but this is nowhere near the worst. With fine tuning it could have been much better, but felt the essence was there. There is no storyline (what a surprise), but just remember most horrors are re-gurgitated anyway; however there's enough nudity to get through it. To put another way (analogy), it's like buying a scratchcard, winning, but only getting your money back - perhaps you'd feel a bit short changed, but it could be worse...

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The director of Blood Predator provides another movie with little of anything people would watch it to see, although whats lacking in any motivation for viewers to watch, happens to get compromised for by the director playing the killer, reciting some of the worst one-liners ever written, for example:"I see you", "She'll call you back"Hilarious, right? Obviously not.This time around, Gagne replaces the obvious continuity errors from Blood Predator with slightly subtle continuity mistakes; for example if you're paying attention to the light shining through the boiler, you should realise the, um... actors there aren't actually present in the shots of the killer staring into the shadows. We're supposed to believe they are hiding yet... actually never mind. But it somehow gets "better"; one scene in the middle of the night clearly was shot in the daytime. Might not be so obvious if the daytime-as-daytime scenes were not ridiculously dimly lit.

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My friends and I frequent the horror section at every video store we're members of when we're up for a lazy weekend in. We came across this movie plenty of times in the 2 yrs before we decided to rent it ( we were running low on options ).We didn't hold high expectations before pressing play and they dropped even lower during the first scene. A bunch of teens at a party hear the story of Marty Sickle from the character used for comic relief "Stoner" which is absolute garbage just in the poorly used cliché of his name and gave us our first giggle.As he's telling his tale of a slaughterhouse worker who snapped and killed the abusive manager/owner he explains that if you repeat a certain rhyme Sickle will come and kill you.Fortunately singing Sickle once Sickle twice etc does not need a mirror to work. The Plot is stupid but no worse then other horror flicks. Needless to say a group of those Teens decide to go to the infamous Slauaghter house and its where this bad script and even worse acting become entertaining and not in the way the makers of the movie expected.Its so bad it had me in stitches with tears of laughter spilling out of my eyes. *SPOILERS* besides the most awful kill scenes I've ever seen there are two utterly ridiculous things in a movie made up of ridiculous things. 1. The main girl and her boyfriend a trapped in a room with the killer outside and for some reason in the midst of the poorly acted terror main girl decides to let the boyfriend know she's pregnant. Just before he gets hacked up.Why was that even put in ? Good for a laugh at the sheer stupidity of the whole scene though. And 2.When the main Actress is the only one still living there's a moment where she jumps through an opening in a wall and she loses her skirt. A tight denim mini, by the way, ( having already lost her shirt previously ) the opening was large enough to have her practically walk through yet she deliberately takes it off as if to help her squeeze through ? And yet these idiotic things are hardly funny compared to the special effects, which just shouldn't be called that considering they were not special and they were hardly effects. Eg. Girls head gets chopped of and a mannequins head with a bad wig rolling away is clearly seen. I've seen other ppl write about BG&G in this movie ????Where ?Some red paint and dog food tossed around is not gore !All in all, watch this movie with friends for a laugh. If you don't have much of a sense of humour, steer clear because you'll just see it for the crap that it is.

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this film by far has been the worst one i have watched all year. i have just finished watching it and it was terrible. the special effects were rubbish, the acting was diabolical and the way it was shot was shocking. the only reason why it was an 18 was because of all the scattered breasts at the start of the film. i looked at the case of the film thinking I'm in for a good horror film and then this load of rubbish started to play. me and my friends were watching and laughing at how corny some of the lines. it was utterly predictable you knew who was going to die and who was going to make it. they say never judge a book by its cover, well they were so right with this film, from the case it looked like a good film and then it started to play. do not watch it.

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