The Demon

R 3.6
1981 1 hr 34 min Horror , Thriller , Mystery

Random people are terrorized by a malevolent man who brings their worst fears to life.

  • Cast:
    Jennifer Holmes , Cameron Mitchell , Peter J. Elliott

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Simply A Masterpiece

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Fresh and Exciting

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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Rainey Dawn

This film is originally from 1979 the re-released in 1981. It's know by two different titles: "The Demon" and "Midnight Caller".This one started out good, went to boring, back to interesting, back to boring then got good again in the end of the film. It's sorta a roller-coaster ride in entertainment value. It's NOT a good film but it is mildly entertaining.As others have mentioned this one is kind of a poor man's Halloween in the way we have a Slasher in a mask (this one likes to wear gloves with cat-like nails or claws on the end of them) and we have a Dr. Loomis type of character hunting him down (but this guy has ESP on top of it).As far as The Demon goes - they really don't say if he is an actual supernatural demon OR just meaning he's a really bad guy (a murderer). I thought he was just a psychotic human murderer but at the end of the film you hear demonic noises (the bathroom scene) - I'm not sure if it was just suppose to be part of the music score OR if those sounds were suppose to be coming from the murderer. Maybe the film makers decided to leave that to our imagination.4/10

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Andy McGregor

Actually, although it fits that sub-genre and quite clearly is attempting to copy the associated clichés and tropes, technically no such slashing or gore actually takes place. Obvious similarities to other movies aside, clearly some attempt was made to be even a little different in it's structure and approach. Suffocation, the masked killer's preferred M.O., actually comes across very effectively and gives the film at least a hint of originality. His preference for stalking and terrorising young, pretty girls is fortunate from a voyeur perspective and so occasionally we are treated to a bit of nudity, purely exploitatively of course!To say Cameron Mitchell was under-used in this film would be a huge understatement; his untimely and inexplicable end comes all too abruptly to have felt the remotest emotional investment in his character. Not that we do with any of the array of The Demon's victims, who all act frustratingly random and stupid, although somehow ironically this propels the action further by giving it a bizarre and unpredictable quality.Shots of apparent action in complete darkness and cut-aways of waves crashing on a beach only hinder the already confusing and disjointed plot; it was seemingly structured and edited by a mad-man! And don't get me started on the insane script!Overall, what this movie lacks in technical value, appears to gain in atmosphere and individuality (which helps a bit considering it's a shameless Halloween rip-off). It's not a terrible movie, it's just not that well done.

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kai ringler

first off the only thing this movie has going for it , is the scantily clad half naked women... other than that, it's wretched,, it's seems to start off decent enough with a killer kidnapping a teen girl,, later on we find out she was killed,, fair enough,, a psychic was brought in to investigate and all of that.. but then suddenly out of left field,, comes a second plot, which heads nowhere some guy hiding behind shadows starts stalking the cute teacher,, and we don't know if it's the same guy who took the girl.. it goes from being a movie about a psychic trying to help to some other guy stalking a teacher,, this movie has so many plot holes it isn't funny ,, this is so very hard to watch when you have no idea in the world what is going on.

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What a mess this one is! This South African production appears to be two movies put together with only the relation to the "Demon" connecting both the stories. The first part of the film concerns the family of Emily Parker who was kidnapped during an evening home invasion by a tall man that may or may not wear a mask and may or may not have gloves with blades sewn onto the ends of the fingertips even though he chooses to strangle his victims anyway. Confused yet? Yeah, this is a real doozy. Anyway, the Parkers enlist the aid of Col. Bill Carson (B-movie royalty Cameron Mitchell slumming for a paycheck so he can afford some Capetown prostitutes one would guess) a former Marine with ESP who can pick up the "vibes as the kids like to say" of the crime. This begins Col. Carson's bizarre trances and seemingly useless psychic drivel, "he's less than a man, yet more than one - much more". Thanks, that really helps. At one point Carson has a creepy extrasensory wet dream in Emily's room complete with tearing pieces of her clothing and sniffing them while sweating profusely. Luckily he didn't find her panty drawer. Mrs. Parker becomes apprehensive when Carson turns up no leads as her husband seems more concerned with catching the kidnapper rather than finding his daughter. Mr. Parker pursues the killer to his apartment thanks to a vision Carson had and is promptly dispatched by the hulking madman. When Carson returns to the Parker residence to speak with the newly widowed Mrs. Parker he is shot in the head for no reason whatsoever. You trusted a psychic instead of the police, what the hell did you expect? Maybe, I dunno, you're fired? Thus ends the Col. Carson/Parker storyline with about a half hour to go.The bulk of the movie centers on Mary, an American teacher that is being followed a la Halloween by the Demon/Strangler/badguy whatever. Mary works with her eighteen year old cousin Jo who speaks curiously with a South Afrikan accent. Jo is dating some rich American playboy which is useless to the plot yet gets a stunning amount of screen time instead of establishing why the killer has targeted Mary and what motivates him to murder various customers of the town's redlight district. I appreciate the fact that the various nude scenes placed throughout the film were added strictly for the American version as both ladies' extended nude scenes broke up the monotony of the bloodless murders and boring date footage (What, no mini golf scene?). It doesn't matter as all the attention paid to Jo's courtship are dashed when she's murdered anyway along with her new boyfriend. Mary is a little clueless as well. If some beast of a man was stalking you would you fling the front door open in the middle of the night at the slightest knock? Mary does quite frequently. The finale features the Demon sometimes in a mask and sometimes not toying with Mary suddenly when he killed every other victim quickly allowing her to escape through the house wearing just her panties. Can't say I'm complaining but I'm just a lowbrow American. (Smiling wryly)The editing is so disjointed that it's hard to get your bearings while watching this train wreck. Scenes such as the waves crashing into the shoreline rocks appear here and there for no explicable reason that I could see. At one point two boys playing soldier stumble upon a skeleton in a tree with a blonde wig on it. Who the hell is that supposed to be? There is no insight into the Demon as well. Was he really a supernatural force or just some psycho that grunted and growled a lot? The movie never gives a clear answer. Cameron Mitchell's gonzo performance is one of the only saving graces of this movie. He's just so over the top with his psychic theatrics. Hope that check didn't bounce Cam. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to this disco that's right up my alley.

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