Forest of the Damned

2005 1 hr 23 min Horror

A group of friends go on a roadtrip and come to a stop in a forest where legend has it a group of naked bisexual female monsters lurk. Will they awaken them? And if so will they survive?

  • Cast:
    Tom Savini , Dan van Husen , Marysia Kay , Eleanor James



That was an excellent one.

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The movie's only flaw is also a virtue: It's jammed with characters, stories, warmth and laughs.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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It really is a pointless boring film about a half-hearted naked vampire story full of false tension and a truly terrible screenplay. The violence is really rubbish considering Tom Savini is in it and he created some of the best gore ever. The best that they could manage in this was a bit of blood flying around. Boring and pointless as even the semi-nudity and semi-violence gets boring. Lifeforce (1985) is a better version of this kinda film - that was naked vampires from space and this was naked vampires from England. This is perfect MST3K fodder for its sheer stupidity and unimaginative filmmaking. Awful look, really ugly, shots are repeated. The blacks are crushed too much and the whites far too burnt out. It just looks amateurish and low quality. It felt lazy as if some bits were shot on handycam with night-vision as a easy way out! I think that it is the lighting that makes it look bad. The music does not fit. The sound effects are unconvincing and often distractingly bad. Some of the music is passable. The dialogue is generally clear but sometimes distant to the scene. Some of the worst writing of all time. The acting is dire too. There is no atmosphere and that makes the scares shallow and ineffective. There is never any urgency. Let there be naked vampires. Let them be in a terrible film.

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The Forest of the Damned can be classified as this: More than terrible concerning the acting, the script, the shooting, the direction....well, everything this useless thing can spit out into your eyes. Stupid lines, stupid story, unbelievable disgusting pace and cheap nudity. That's how you make a abhorrent movie! If you see Forest of the "Nausea" let me remind you will never be the same again. My brain just couldn't cope with the utter trash vomited by this carnival of fecal matter...I just can't believe there's people out there that liked this crap... no sense, more than horrible/painful performance and a terrifying will to shout "I want my money back and the head of this inept director!" And, please, IMDb administrators, let people give 0 rating to films that shouldn't be produced. I gave 1 star cause it's the lowest grade here, but sincerely this Forest deserved, not 0, but below 0!

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There's a lot of bad films around, but this is the first really *good* bad film I've seen in ages. While some of the sad is no doubt caused by a low budget, I believe a lot of it was deliberate and knowing. (Tom Savini's presence backs this up.) My only quibble is that *all* of the angels were female. When our madman warned us at the beginning, I was expecting seduction by both sexes. What a shame. Oh, well, at least we had the always-lovely Tom Savini, who really did perk things up.There were spots of really good acting, and spots of good camera work, good directing, and even good writing. Then the timing would be off, it would all go awkward, or silly, or very funny in some other way. As another reviewer noted, the checklist of clichés was complete, and yet something felt different and I had to keep watching it. Possibly a **spoiler**: the cameo at the end was very funny.

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Well this is a typical "straight to the toilet" slasher film.Long story short, a bunch of teenagers/young adults becoming stranded in the middle of creepy woods and get hacked down by naked nymphomaniac demons.This movie has all the basics for this slasher fromage:-Naked women, -teens or young adults being marooned in someplace spooky, -gory death scenes, -the last survivor being a well built young woman who will always show off her midriff, but never bra less, -a creepy, crazy man who knows about the evil, -lesbian kiss scene, -sex being a killer, -no plotEven then for a cheesy slasher film, it was really terrible. The atmosphere is totally dead. Nothing, not even the sexually explicit scenes and nudity, was enough to keep the male and lesbian female audience interested. Watching it felt like it was being watched with a nasty head congestion or a nasty head cold.Give the demonic ..... 0/10.

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