
2014 1 hr 40 min Drama

EMULSION tells the story of a dejected salesman who is inadvertently drawn into a dangerous blackmail scheme that forces him to fight for control a life he never thought was worth living. Painting a murky film noir world where no one is exactly as they appear, Emulsion follows Dane Allen as he evolves from an utterly forgettable cog into a potent activist who brings the powers that be to their knees. It is a story of discovery, manipulation and the never-ending struggle between complacency and self-actualization.

  • Cast:
    Claudia Bassols , Sam Heughan , Lex Shrapnel , Mem Ferda , David Ajala



Expected more

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Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.

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Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.

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I love British mystery movies bit this one just wasn't up to snuff.First the acting. Having seen Heughan in other venues, this month vie did nothing to challenge his talented acting skills. He seemed a little bland most of the time. At first I thought it was the bbc.co part he was , playing but even the emotional seems lacked depth. The supporting cast was on about the same level.Second, the plot. The movie had a lot of twist and turns that left you asking more questions. Never did figure out how the guy in the restaurant figured in to the story. At first you think it's some kind of spy movie only to find out it's not. Third, the soundtrack. The music didn't really seem to fit in with the movie at all.I would give it two stars and that's being generous.

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I like movies that make me think, movies that keep me guessing and movies that keep me talking and thinking about it for days. Emulsion did it all. Sam Heughan did an amazing job as Ronnie Maze and deftly carried the film from beginning to end. The reason I gave it 8 out of 10 was because the same, unfortunately, couldn't be said for some of the supporting cast. Maybe it was just the strength of Heughan's acting that made the others feel weak by comparison...IDK. Maybe they were just weak. Another review elsewhere mentioned the editing being choppy but I never saw this as an issue but rather lending itself to the edginess of the film. The plot was extremely unique and full of twists and turns that reminded me of some of the Hitchcock films I've seen. It's not quite a psychological thriller, not quite a mystery, not quite a love story but more than a drama. Well done and definitely worth the price of a ticket!

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Having seen Emulsion at Eden Court, Inverness, I was impressed by the quality of the writing, brilliant story lines, the acting, superbly paced and smouldering, and the cinematography bringing subtle contrasts to a rather dark story. Even a concrete multistory car park in Bournemouth played its dark role wonderfully. If you get the chance to see Emulsion take it, don't be put off by it's low budget status, the rich talent on display (and behind the scenes) makes that category somewhat meaningless. There was a question and answer session after the screening with director Suki Singh, and Lead actor Sam Hueghan which concluded a fantastic night. I do hope Suki and Sam have the chance to work together in the future as they make a great team.

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I have seen this film twice so far and hope to see it again as soon as the opportunity arises. It's a very intelligent film with lots of clues and secrets hidden within it. It's the kind of film you want, and need to watch a number of times before you can start piecing the threads together. The director, Suki Singh, is heavily influenced by David Lynch, whose work I also enjoy. The lighting, setting and locations all add to the dark, menacing ambiance of the film. The lead actor, Sam Heughan,(Soon to star as the lead in Starz Outlander series) gave an intense, yet balanced performance, as a man trying to solve the mystery of his wife's disappearance. The climax of the film will leave you with as many questions as answers. Highly recommended.

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