Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru

2016 1 hr 55 min Documentary

Granted unprecedented access, Berlinger captures renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins behind the scenes of his mega seminar Date with Destiny, pulling back the curtain on this life-altering and controversial event, the zealous participants and the man himself.

  • Cast:
    Tony Robbins



The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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Benas Mcloughlin

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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The use of the f-word as punctuation is very carefully designed. There's a different breed of celebutainers in town.....famous for no or mediocre talent, ultra-hyped to the point of nauseating, ubiquitous, use of cuss words their trademark. You can generally group them under "Illuminati." I've observed this increasing use of vulgar language, like f*** and p****, in broadcast, print, streaming media with much dismay! It's entirely unnecessary, but the use is rather calculated. Their fan-base, or the demographic they appeal to, somehow identifies with them over this overt use of cuss words. The leaders of this particular cult resuscitate flagging, or nourish fledgling, careers by utilizing their wide network of employers like ABC, Fox, Netflix etc. One basically "sells his soul to the devil" if they sign on with this cult, as you might have heard many a celebutainers cop to. Tony, likewise, is playing his part in this deal he appears to have signed with the devil. They will bankroll you big time, but will expect you to work your f****** a** (language solely used as a pun) to make you repay their investment. Their patrons win awards like the Golden Globes, Oscars, Grammies, American Music Awards, VMA's, MTV Movie Awards, Emmies, Tonies, etc. etc.; they cover tabloids and glossies; they make all kinds of "100 Influential..." lists with Time, Forbes, People, etc.; they're always doing one insipid project after another; they are notorious for featuring their cult members in nearly, semi, or totally-nude shots, or in shots with crotch and butt prominent. They get giddy with talk and thoughts of disgusting sex acts. Just a sexploiting cult, really!

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Sean Jahanbigloo

After being an attendee to Tony's events for more than 6 years, I owe so much of my success, happiness, and my leadership skills whether at my business or my home to Mr. Robbins. This movie shows a glimpse of an amazing and life changing seminar called Date With Destiny. An event that if you decide to attend, you will never forget as long as you live. You will learn to love and have compassion for others, stop your selfishness and focus on others and contribute beyond yourself. You will learn how you are wired and the reason behind every thought and decision in your life. This movie has been masterfully filmed and Tony's art of intervention is displayed in such authentic way as I'm use to seeing him at every event that I have attended. His compassion and care shines through the movie. The only thing that I have to say to the viewers would be, watching this film should not give you any indications that you don't need to attend Date With Destiny because you know what the seminar is all about. The best comparison example would be the same as going to Disneyland vs. watching the tour of Disneyland on your TV set. If you have any desire to grow, to love and to receive love, to understand who you are and who you want to become and the legacy you want to leave behind, JUST GO. The best give you can give to yourself and everyone around you.

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This documentary does a fantastic job of showing viewers the power behind the experience of this event (Date with Destiny). Tony Robbins has invested his entire life working to create breakthroughs for people (whether someone simply attending one of his events to professional athletes, multi-billion dollar entrepreneurs, and even Presidents of the US). What you'll find in this movie is a backstage look at how Tony takes all the skills & techniques that he has used through the years to help businesses and executives experience real world financial breakthrough ... and uses those techniques to help individuals to experience the emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychological breakthroughs that they've been seeking for decades. I, too, was a skeptic at first. However, I attended this event and was blown away by the fact that Tony Robbins literally gives everything he's got to ensure participants truly have a transformative experience. He is in the room for 12+ hours and doesn't "cut corners" to make it easier for him. After attending, you will quickly find that what he brings to the event is far more than what you paid to attend. I would wager a bet that the majority (if not all) of the critics of this movie have never attended an event. I honor them & respect where they're coming from ... as I mentioned, I was also skeptical at first. However, they are speaking from a limited perspective. It was Theodore Roosevelt who said "It's not the critic who counts; Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could've done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..." The critics of this film are good people, well-intended citizens who are just doing their best to look out for others' best interest. The only difference is ... they've not been in the arena and seen the countless lives changed who've attended Tony's events over the past couple of decades. Check out the film and make your own informed, intelligent decision. It is very moving and, if you're open to it, you may even find your heart tugged in a direction to see life from a new perspective. Many blessings & happy viewing!

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Erica Nitti Becker

Watching this film gives you an up close and personal look at transformation in real time. It will teach you, it will challenge you, it will open you and it will leave you feeling love for those who are featured in the film, whose lives will be forever richer and more fulfilled. It also may have you question what you believe is 'right' or 'PC' in how people can change, and what we have been taught. You don't need to be a fan of Tony's or a current client to receive value from this film, what you do need to be is open to watching with open eyes and an open heart. Look for the greatness in the rawness and truth of what's happening in real time in front of the cameras. You can only walk away with appreciation, love and the will to do more and be more in your own life!

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