Hungry for Change

2012 1 hr 29 min Documentary

We all want more energy, an ideal body and beautiful younger looking skin... So what is stopping us from getting this? Introducing 'Hungry For Change', the latest 'Food Matters' film. 'Hungry For Change' exposes shocking secrets the diet, weightloss and food industry don't want you to know about. Deceptive strategies designed to keep you craving more and more. Could the foods we are eating actually be keeping us stuck in the diet trap?

  • Cast:
    Carla Nirella , Christiane Northrup , David Wolfe , Joseph Mercola , Kris Carr , Mike Adams , Jamie Oliver

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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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I saw this movie a few months back and recently referred a friend who is struggling with health and weight issues. I feel this movie is an excellent primer for those who either have little concept of what comprises nutrition, or for those who need a reminder. I agree with some of the reviewers that there is an over- emphasis on juicing, but I don't feel that this is the real focus of the movie, rather, to shift your food intake from processed foods to foods that you prepare at home, processed or not. Really, if you look at popular food movements over the past several years, Paleo, 21 day fix etc, they focus on lean meats, healthy fruits and veggies, good fats. Perhaps they go about it differently, but the message is largely the same, which it should be. Long term health comes to 1% of us by luck, and 99% of us by working at it through mechanisms that have been evolutionary programmed. Eat right and exercise. Period. Are the 'experts' interviewed Nobel-prize winning researchers in the field of physiology and nutrition? No. However, they have devoted considerable time and effort, if not their career and personal well being into familiarizing themselves with the topic. I have a Doctorate in Medicine and don't discount any information given to me based solely on the lack of degree credentials following a name. Regarding the food industry's 'plot' to make us real smoking gun there. I understand this part of the plot as a cautionary tale about profit margins, bringing back returning customers (food addicts) and bottom lines, not about a larger collusion amongst Kraft, General Mills etc to make America fat. My father is a retired food scientist for a major American food company. A food scientist's job is to engineer the product to make it taste better, give it better 'mouth feel', last longer on the shelves, all the while fulfilling the whim of the market. What that has translated to over the past few decades changes...remember Crisco and Margarine being touted as the healthy answer to butter? Ha. We are programmed by design to gravitate towards foods which are high in sugar, fat, and to some degree salt. The fat free craze of the 80's and 90's gave us a whole host of processed food items which did nothing in the long run for our health and left us wishing for more. I was able to experience this first hand at home, 'behind the curtain' seeing the scientific aspect of food manipulation. I think the movie does a great job of initiating a dialogue and exploring the complex venn diagram intersection of anthropology, economics, and physiology. In a sense, profits from the food industry paid for my parent's salary, which helped pay for my college, and opened a door to me for medical school (which I paid for myself). Now I tell people to avoid eating the very foods which made my education possible. If you're looking to this light documentary movie for a new magic bullet for weight loss, you've come to the wrong place. There is no magic bullet (not even juicing, ha). But, understanding the roots of your eating behavior will help you disengage from 1) a blame game and 2) may help you format a path for change.

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This is truly an eye opening film and a must see if you're facing unwanted weight, as well as, many kinds of sicknesses. Thank you guys for putting this very comprehensive film together, the ending is so informative, I think everyone should prepare to write this remarkable stuff done. This is truly an eye opening film and a must see if you're facing unwanted weight, as well as, many kinds of sicknesses. Thank you guys for putting this very comprehensive film together, the ending is so informative, I think everyone should prepare to write this remarkable stuff done. This is truly an eye opening film and a must see if you're facing unwanted weight, as well as, many kinds of sicknesses. Thank you guys for putting this very comprehensive film together, the ending is so informative, I think everyone should prepare to write this remarkable stuff done.

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I don't understand why some people here keep on saying another infomercial. Really? You did not get the point at all? Just because the people in this documentary are authors selling books about health doesn't mean they are promoting their products. Where in the film did they promote it because I want to see.The message is CRYSTAL-CLEAR. CHOOSE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. It's sad that some people fail to see it instead writing a negative review that this documentary gave them BS after 10 minutes. If this film judged the fat people, call them names, and blame their choice of food in an unspeakable terms then I will surely write a negative review. But none of it was delivered in this film. I'm not going to buy a juicer. But after seeing this documentary participated by health experts and medical doctors, I now have a different approach to eating food. I choose healthy lifestyle because I do not want to get sick and pay for high health care costs. It is my choice.

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Robert W.

Another reviewer sort of nailed the major issue with Hungry for A Change by saying it was an infomercial. It really is an infomercial. They are trying to sell their book and other documentaries based on the same concept but they're also trying to sell you on a new lifestyle. I truly believe they are trying to get their message out there about how dangerous our food and lifestyle has become. However, Hungry For A Change could have done this in about a half hour. The same three or four people repeat literally the same information over and over and over again. Sometimes I wondered if they weren't just looping the interviews to try and drive home the point. They could have absolutely included more science behind what they were saying or more interesting facts about our food supply. Instead we see a group of people (all who were very, very unhealthy which bodes well for their point) saying the same two or three things over and over. Now that being said, it absolutely did get through to me. There were one or two facts that made me go wow and that is the point of a documentary really. There was also some new information that I had never heard before about ancestral genetics and why our bodies choose to be "fat." That was an interesting take...told three or four times.The "experts" all seem very enthusiastic about what they're talking about. Seeing a tiny bit of their backgrounds and how unhealthy they were definitely makes you pay attention. Even still I would have liked to have seen a little more about their backgrounds. As usual with most health based documentaries they do little to actually tell you HOW to change your lifestyle. Perhaps its because they want you to purchase their book. Well it worked for me enough that I did get their book. It has some great recipes that actually are fairly simple but the rest of the if we didn't hear the same thing enough in the the exact same stuff from the movie word for word. I guess repetition gets the point across. Basically the entire concept is eat nothing but natural and it does make sense! Its captivating but perhaps done in a less appealing way. It does try though. 6/10

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