The Undefeated

PG-13 1.9
2011 1 hr 57 min Documentary

A documentary that chronicles Sarah Palin's pre-political life; her tenure as Governor of Alaska, and her time spent as John McCain's running mate.

  • Cast:
    Sarah Palin , Pamela Anderson , Roseanne Barr , Joy Behar , Sandra Bernhard , Joe Biden , Andrew Breitbart



SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Just perfect...

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Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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David A. Orts

I think based on this rating that has been given, it is by most likely by people who have SPDS (Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome) and didn't even see the film. I have shared this with friend who are not politically aligned with me, and they found it very informative. But if people want to truly be open minded they'll watch it and not take the lies and bait that HBO and the left wing offer. See for time and channel this Sunday Mar 25 5:30 PM I saw Game Change and it was Garbage. Sarah is quite smart, not at all like the phony portrayal HBO produced based on a disgruntled quite disgusting set of Steve Schmidt fabrications and prevarications.

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John Baker

This is a very informative documentary about Sarah Palin's career.In Alaska, Sarah Palin's top priorities included fiscal restraint, limiting the size of government, resource development, education, equitable oil valuation as well as transportation and infrastructure development. Sarah Palin fought for ethics reform and transparency in government.Many people don't know Sarah Palin's record of accomplishment and reform.The media dismissed what she achieved as mayor of her hometown, commissioner of the state's oil and pipeline board and governor of America's largest state.Most of the documentary is about her time as Mayor of Wasilla, how she helped to bolster the infrastructure and in doing so, helped to create an environment where small businesses could develop jobs.It showed her as a reformer, unafraid of standing up to Big Oil, and corruption within her own party.The movie also did a great job pointing out her legislative accomplishments.Sarah Palin was a capable and popular Governor, but one who was vilified and was subject to all sorts of frivolous ethics complaints which eventually led to her resignation.

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I am a political moderate and don't agree with Sarah Palin on such things as religion, evolution, abortion and gay rights. However, as the movie shows she is a remarkable fine woman who has done wonderful things in Alaska by fighting corruption and fighting the oil companies so that Alaska could get its fair share of oil money.The movie starts by showing the unrestrained and even insane hatred some liberals, leftists and show biz people have for her: about 5 minutes or more of prominent people in the media doing obscenity laden rants of hatred looking like they want to murder Sarah Palin on the spot. That was scary to watch.The rest of the movie is all pro Palin, but it is true information. Some of the parts have over-dramatic symbolic things going on. Also, it does show some of the sneering media attacks on her to falsely portray her as dumb. The hatred against her has not slowed down even as one can see in many of the reviews here. The Obama supporters have put in hateful reviews and dumped here a mass of scores of "one." It is very doubtful that even a modest portion of them actually watched the movie.They have this rabid insane hatred of Sarah Palin because she is a threat to Obama staying in the White House and other liberal politicians staying in power. Also, the truth makes people furious. To counter the truth they tell lies about Sarah Palin. They don't want any open minded people seeing this movie. Yes, even though the movie is all pro Palin it is good because it gives her real life story. I give it a 9 score.

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Tony Heck

"Moments that surged into a wave of momentum, republican party leaders didn't see it coming." A documentary covering Sarah Palin's rise from Mom to Mayor to VP candidate and beyond. Looking at all the reviews for this, including IMDb, Amazon & Rotten Tomatoes I noticed that they were all politically biased. Palin lovers gave it high grades,haters gave it low. I'm going to try and do the first non-politically based one. The movie begins with Palin talking about Alaska in the late 90's and the Valdez oil spill. Then the interviews begin. The entire time I watched this I couldn't help but compare it to a Michael Moore movie (who I do not like at all). The comparisons are based on the entire movie is 100% one sided. All the interviews are with former staff workers of hers. I'm not saying that you should only interview people against her or not put in people to defend her, but one guy continuously compares her to Reagan while another compares her to a marine. Some of these are a little over the top. I can go either way with Palin, but I feel that she went from a politician who cared about the people and her state to a celebrity. From a governor to a Kardashian if you will. On a side note, the music was distracting. Using music that would be used at the end of a sports movie, but only a 5 second clip, that repeats itself, for 2 hours. The movie could have been a half hour shorter and not lost anything. I refer to this as a movie on purpose, I can't call this a documentary in the same way I can't call a Michael Moore movie a documentary. They are too one-sided to be taken seriously. Overall, this is the type of thing you would see at a political convention that hypes you up to see the candidate. This does not work as a documentary released to the public. On the other hand it is not deserving of all the negative politically biased reviews that it got. In hopes of staying out of a debate, and due to the fact that there is really nothing of substance in this I will not give it a grade.Would I watch again? Most likely no.

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