Dark Side of the Moon

2002 0 hr 52 min Documentary

A French documentary or, one might say more accurately, a mockumentary, by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick.

  • Cast:
    Philippe Faure , Christiane Kubrick , Vernon Walters , John F. Kennedy , Yuri Gagarin , Nikita Khrushchev , Richard Nixon

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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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just watch it!

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Ever wanna see Kubrick's widow, Buzz "man-on-the-moon" Aldrin and other real life conspirators like Lawrence Eagleburger, Alexander Haig, Richard Helms, Henry Kissinger & Donald Rumsfeld together in a movie talking about the obviously faked moon landing and other great conspiracies as JFKs assassination? (google for the names if your are absolutely clueless & innocent.)This is the one and only real Dokyou have to see to believe how the Illuminati rule the world and even the hole universe. ... and after all, this is an excellent film about how "documentaries" are made of and work. If ever the word "conspiracy" was in your treasury of words, this Dokyou is a must!

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This movie serves as a classic ploy to "poison the well" of information ( though it may not have been created for that purpose, this does explain the peculiar high-level cooperation... ) questioning whether NASA successfully landed on the moon or merely orbited Earth and faked the rest. This question won't go away until NASA releases proof of the lunar missions, which they have not only not done - they in fact have behaved in a most guilty manner by covering up and hiding and recently "losing" audio tapes of the missions.... as well as the boast by ESA that they would end the controversial questions by releasing new images of the landing site of Apollo:esamultimedia.esa.int/images/smart_1/1888_40L_Hi.jpg...guess that ends that, eh? You do SEE the landing site, don't you?.... hello?..... ESA?.... NASA?... Hubble telescope? Can someone simply point a large telescope at the moon and snap a few photos showing some residue of the Apollo missions? Ask yourself WHY hasn't this simple action occurred in nearly 40 years hence? After all - there's a lunar rover parked up there somewhere, right? ... tire tracks all over the place, left-behind equipment... Imagine how simple it would be for NASA to put this all to rest for good... it really makes you wonder....The technique used by intelligence agency disinformation pros is called "poison well": ... adding a little false information among factual information.... later the planted inaccuracy is pointed to, the "conspiracy theorists" ridiculed, and for most of the huddled masses this instantly "de-bunks" the entire subject. This tendency results from "cognitive dissonance" and of course from most people's mistaken belief that the corporate news media is telling the truth.... which they are most definitely NOT doing. NASA cancels book rebutting moon hoax: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/ 2424927.stmNASA rebuttal of the alleged 'hoax": liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/News/2001/News- MoonLanding.asp ... having first watched "Operation Lune"... ( "Dark Side of the Moon" - video.google.com/videoplay? docid=3288261061829859642&q ) ...is this de-bunking satisfactory? It may seem to be a first glance, but are you truly thinking? Or are you being told what to think? Most importantly as always: what is being left out?en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_Moon_Landing_hoax_accusationsxenophilia.com/zb0003.htmMoon rocks: the alleged existence of 842 lbs. of moon rocks seems to be a sacred piece of information that few challenge. Is this "fact" beyond question? Are any of these "facts" beyond question? Is it wise to place ANYTHING "beyond question"?Fake moon dust: science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/28dec_truefake.htm( keep in mind that it doesn't require a MANNED mission to retrieve lunar rocks and dust ... )NASA plans to return to the moon... perhaps by 2020... space.com/news/061204_nasa_moon.html... they admit overcoming the damaging effects of gamma rays beyond the Van Allen Belt will be the greatest challenge... Was light-weight foil enough to protect astronauts in 1969? How did they have enough fuel for the return trip? Where are the blueprints? Why did so many program insiders die a series of strange deaths afterwards? Why have all audio recordings disappeared? Why no picture showing the Lunar Rover on the moon in almost forty years? Why do the astronauts' photos look as if they were lit by huge spotlights in a studio? Why the tremendous secrecy in all aspects when a few strategic de-classified documents or a single Hubble photo could lay this whole thing to rest?The existence of a cover-up is the most damming evidence of all... I give this movie ten stars due to it's mind-expanding potential. I'd also ask each and every one of the readers to "think for yourself and question authority!".

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The documentary is not about the discussion if the moon landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz is fake. The've been there all right. However there is no actual evidence because of defect equipment. To avoid this setback in 'the race for space' the CIA have used Stanley Kubrick's studios in London to make a few moments of footage which was later on showed to the world as if they where original.This movie shows the world how emergency footage was already shot before the landing and used to impress the world. The information given by such people as Rumsfeld is to me unbelievable..Watch this for start to end, and don't judge based on a few minutes as sarastro... Du taget fejl min Ven, den her film er bare ved!

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* * * CAUTION the following comment may or may not contain SPOILERS * * * Hahaha, never thought the man responsible for tens of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians (oops, collateral damage) could be so charming when being interviewed.It's amazing that such a busy man as Rumsfeld could find the time to cooperate in this documentary.Another person who seems so much more human after viewing this product, is of course Henry Kissinger.Then there's some more big wigs who graciously gave their full support to this humorist documentary. Among them: Buzz Aldrin, Alexander Haig and Stanley Kubrick's widow.I never heard of this documentary maker before but he must be reallyreally famous: why else would all these powerful and famous people willingly give their sparse free time to make this product the thing it has become?

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