Come Clean

NR 7.2
1931 0 hr 20 min Comedy

The Hardys wish to have a quiet evening in their apartment, but are interrupted when the Laurels pay a visit. Stan and Ollie go out for ice cream, and manage to prevent a shrewish woman from committing suicide on the way back home. The woman is ungrateful and makes threats against the them unless they look after her. They spend a chaotic evening trying to keep her hidden from their wives.

  • Cast:
    Stan Laurel , Oliver Hardy , Mae Busch , Gertrude Astor , Linda Loredo , Eddie Baker , Gordon Douglas

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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Jackson Booth-Millard

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films. Ollie and Mrs. Hardy (Gertrude Astor) are hoping for a quiet night alone, but Stan and Mrs. Laurel (Linda Loredo) come along spoiling this. To make the best of the evening, Ollie and Stan go out to buy some ice cream, only afterwards to spot Kate (Mae Busch), wanted by the police, jumping into the river. She blackmails them to take her with them, or she'll tell people they tried to kill her. So near misses, amusing methods of disguising noise and a small chase or two follow as they try to hide Kate from their wives, until eventually the police show up. Ollie points Stan out to be responsible, not realising whoever finds her gets $1000 reward, and it ends with Stan going down the drain of the bath, or as Ollie says, "he's gone to the beach". Filled with good slapstick and all classic comedy you want from a black and white film, it is an enjoyable silent film. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were number 7 on The Comedians' Comedian. Worth watching!

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Come Clean (1931) *** (out of 4) Laurel and Hardy save a woman from killing herself only to have her follow them home, which will get them in trouble with their wives. Plenty of funny segments here including the fight to save the woman and their attempt to buy some ice cream.Politiquerias (1931) ** (out of 4) Spanish version of Chickens Come Home once again suffers from sluggish Spanish-spoken dialogue from Laurel and Hardy. Two extra sequences were added for this Spanish version and they hurt more than they help.

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Come Clean is one of Laurel & Hardy's domestic comedies in which they're each married. Here the boys must grapple with their perennial ethical dilemma: when they get into trouble, should they tell their wives the truth or try to bluff it out? Needless to say, they always try to bluff it out, which only makes matters worse. And man, do they get into trouble this time! The situation in Come Clean is decidedly darker than usual and surprisingly risqué, i.e. about as "Pre-Code" as anything the boys ever encountered. The plot involves a suicidal woman named Kate with a mysterious criminal past who punishes Stan & Ollie for saving her life, refusing to leave them in peace unless she's given money. Kate is portrayed by the formidable Mae Busch, who played a similar role as a blackmailing ex-girlfriend in the silent comedy Love 'Em and Weep and its talkie remake Chickens Come Home. She raised plenty of hell in those incarnations, but here she is a bundle of sheer malevolence. Kate is the middle-class husband's nightmare: a crazy gold-digger with nothing to lose. She responds to good will gestures with contempt, and threatens to scream the place down if she doesn't get her way. And Mae sure could scream!Recently I saw this short comedy again for the first time in many years, and while it's not at the very top of my L&H's Greatest Hits list it's nice to report that Come Clean stands as one of their funniest domestic comedies. (And hey, how often is it that you watch a movie you haven't seen since grade school and still enjoy it?) In getting reacquainted with this film I realized I'd misremembered a major detail: in my memory Mae Busch's character was a prostitute, perhaps because of her Anna Christie-like outfit, her demeanor, and her demands for money, but in fact we never learn exactly what she does for a living or why the police are looking for her, or why they're offering such a generous reward for her capture. $1,000 was not small change in the depths of the Great Depression! Perhaps Kate is a gangster's moll, or maybe she's a crook who lost her ill-gotten gains somehow, but we never find out and have to fill in this gap on our own for the story to make any sense. In a way, however, Kate's past is irrelevant, because her true function here is to cause Stan and Ollie grief, and this she does with ruthless efficiency.A bare plot outline for Come Clean would suggest it's a pretty grim excuse for a comedy, but actually the laughs begin almost immediately and seldom let up. The opening sequence is a reworking of a routine the guys first performed in their silent comedy Should Married Men Go Home?, but it works better with sound; this is the bit where Ollie and his wife hope to have a pleasant evening at home by themselves but are interrupted by the unexpected and unwelcome arrival of Mr. & Mrs. Laurel. The Hardys pretend to be out as the Laurels ring their buzzer, but give the game away when Stan slips a note halfway under the door and Ollie foolishly pulls it through while they're still watching. Oops! A lot of forced conviviality follows this faux pas, and when the boys go out to buy ice cream we observe that much of the humor (as in the best Laurel & Hardy comedies) comes not from elaborate gags or chases but in the little moments: just trying to exit the apartment, for instance, Stan & Ollie confound each other repeatedly. After that, the visit to the ice cream parlor is an exercise in confusion and barely-averted hostilities, due mainly to Stan's ineptitude but thanks in part to ice cream vendor Charlie Hall, an actor who must have been put on this earth to serve as a surly nemesis for our heroes.Once Mae Busch's world-weary Kate has entered the picture, i.e. after the boys have rescued her from a watery grave, the situation turns scary for them and grimly funny for the viewer. When she learns the guys are married she knows instantly that their wives will jump to the obvious conclusion if they catch her lounging around the Hardys' boudoir, wearing one of Mrs. Hardy's negligees-- and she's quite right, of course. Kate insists on going home with them, forcing them to hide her from their wives. Ensconced in the master bedroom, Kate is in no mood to be quiet and when she blasts the radio the boys' attempts to drown out the noise cracked me up when I was a kid and did so again when I saw the film the other day. The ending feels quite abrupt, however, leaving those aforementioned unexplained plot points and suggesting that this two-reel comedy might have benefited from an additional reel. But even as it stands, Come Clean is a brisk, amusing and slightly naughty comedy with dark undertones, and a stark demonstration that no good deed goes unpunished in this world.

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bob the moo

The Hardy's are planning for a nice evening in when the Laurels come knocking. When they can't pretend to be out any longer, they let the Laurel's in and Stan and Oliver go out to buy some ice cream. On the way home they see a woman drowning in the river and save her. Less than grateful the woman follows them home and the duo try to hide her from their wives. Meanwhile the police continue their hunt for a wanted woman.In terms of plot, this short is quite weak. The main plot doesn't really happen till the end of the short and, even then, it doesn't really make any sense and it feels like the writers had an idea about L&H hiding a woman in their home but couldn't work out a better way of setting it up. Aside from this the opening of the film is good, as is the scene in the ice cream shop. The scenes involving hiding Kate from their wives are OK but the final short is quite underplayed considering how quite funny it is.Laurel and Hardy play their parts well. Laurel has some very good scenes of his trademark confusion early on and Hardy does well without dominating the film in the way it is often easy for him to do. Busch does OK as the wanted woman but I couldn't understand her part one little bit!Aside from these complaints the short still contained enough funny moments to be worth watching. It's just a little distracting that the writers came up with the basic sequences first then trying to crow bar them into a poor plot.

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