The Unicorn in the Garden

1953 0 hr 7 min Fantasy , Animation

Based on James Thurber's short-story about a mild, henpecked man who, while preparing his breakfast, looks out the window and sees a unicorn eating flowers in the garden. He rushes upstairs to inform his domineering wife, and she accuses him of being crazy and threatens to have him put away. He persists that he did see a unicorn in the garden, and she phones for the authorities to come take him away. But when they arrive, with strait-jackets, they find the wife rambling and raving about seeing the unicorn, and promptly take her away.

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It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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I remember reading this story in middle school. I became enamored with the wonderful wit and insights of James Thurber. I thought "The Night the Bed Fell" to be one of the funniest stories ever written, all under the guise that these were Thurber's relatives. This tale is a short one. We empathize with the husband whose I'll-tempered wife won't listen to him. He sees a unicorn in the garden eating roses and wants so badly to be listened to. When his dreams are crushed, he manages to work things out to his advantage. It reveals a real sense of justice. Thurber's simple drawings still create wonderful personality among his characters. One of the best animations I've seen despite its simplicity.

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Animated short about a man who sees a unicorn eating flowers in his garden one morning. He tells his wife who refuses to believe him and tries to have him committed...but it doesn't end up that way.The animation is a mess and the voices of the man and his wife don't quite match the drawings but I liked it. It was only 7 minutes long, the narrator was good and there are a load of clever visual jokes throughout. Also the music perfectly fits the mood of the piece. The moral of the story is puzzling and doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Still, all in all, it's a fun short. I have nothing more to say but we do have to have 10 lines of text for every review so I had to write this sentence out:)

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This story is based on a James Thurber story. It's told using very simple Thurber-style drawings.A man sees a unicorn in the garden. He tells his evil and cranky wife and she tells him to get lost. Again he sees the unicorn and wakes her once again. She tells him they are mythical creatures and tells him again to get lost. Then, she gets out of bed and calls a psychiatrist and the police to have him committed. When they arrive, they think she's crazy. The beleaguered husband, when asked about the animal, responds that "unicorns are mythical creatures" at which point they shove a straight jacket on her and take her away as the film ends.While this is a cute and moderately diverting cartoon, it definitely has a dark edge to it, as both husband and wife are pretty sinister people. Worth a look but younger kids will probably get nothing out of it.

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Unlike his close friend and fellow humorist Robert Benchley, James Thurber was never able to become a movie personality and actor. There talents were equally wonderful as writers and humorists, but Benchley (despite some alcoholic problems) was basically photogenic. You look at him in his films and see someone...well who was worthy to both listen to the voice and watch the physical presence. Thurber was handicapped - literally. He was a tall, thin man, who had been injured in his youth accidentally - it resulted in him having worsening and worsening eyesight until he finally went blind before his death in 1961. The American public has tolerated many physical problems, and even once gave a best supporting Oscar to Harold Russell, a genuine war hero and double hand amputee. But it would have been more than it could expect to support a film career for an exceptionable writer that everyone knew could barely see the film set.It is as a creative writer of comedy (THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY, THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES, MY WORLD AND WELCOME TO IT, THE WAR BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN) that Thurber left his mark on screen. And bless 'im for it. But there is much that was never tried because Thurber wrote in so many styles, from plays (THE MALE ANIMAL) to short stories (MITTY), to essays comical ("THE MACBETH MURDER MYSTERY"), to serious historical essays on crime ("A KIND OF GENIUS" - about Willie Stevens, one of the defendants in the Hall - Mill Murder Case). One thing he liked was the old form of the fable, a la Aesop. As he was a cartoonist of great ability as well as writer, his fables frequently were accompanied by the drawings of his imagination of his scenes. When he did a series on the "THE LAST FLOWER" every event is a captioned cartoon.Modern readers of the female sex will not be quite so fond of Thurber as I happen to be - he being male, his views of women are generally hostile (witness Mrs. Mitty, in the short story - a shrewish wife). This is an unfortunate habit of his - like similar habits found in other comic geniuses like W.C.Fields and Laurel & Hardy. Except Fields and Stan & Ollie had some nice women (or understandable ones) occasionally. I have to acknowledge this misogyny as a dark point against Thurber. I can't, off hand, think of a similar female writer with a serious comic grudge against males.One of his best comic fables - in fact the one most people recall - is "THE UNICORN IN THE GARDEN". It is a very clever and unexpected example of the worm turning.A husband has woken up on a week-day before his wife, and is making his breakfast. As he eats the breakfast he looks outside the window at the kitchen nook and sees a unicorn calmly in the garden, munching grass and roses. The amazed husband goes out and looks at the beautiful unicorn (Thurber's drawing is actually simple and lovely) in silence. He gets excited and runs up-stairs to tell his wife. In the cartoon we have already HEARD the wife, angrily wanting to know about the noise she heard (a dropped egg earlier). Now the husband is trying to show his wife the wonderful site of nature or whatever inside their garden. But she is angry or mean, and dismisses the news with a snide, "The unicorn is a mythical beast". It disheartens the husband who goes down to the garden again. This time he feeds the unicorn a lily, and he pats it's horn. He races upstairs again to tell the wife what he has just done. And now she becomes threatening and says, "You are a booby, and I'll have you put in a booby hatch." He angrily replies, "We'll see about that!". The conclusion of the film follows how the wife does try precisely what she threatens. She calls a psychiatrist and the police and requests they bring a straight jacket with them. Then she tells them what the husband said, and how he must be crazy. But by now the actual unicorn is gone, and the husband is just quietly napping under a tree. The wife is considered insane and bundled into the jacket. Her fate is capped off by the husband telling the doctor that everyone knows a unicorn is a mythical beast. As the wife is taken away in protest, the husband smiles at the reader.The moral is given: Don't count your boobies before they are hatched.This cartoon followed the basic drawings of Thurber in the original version, and filled them out quite well. Gently told, and compactly, it is a small marvel of a comic genius of the middle 20th Century.

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