We Are the Strange

2007 1 hr 34 min Fantasy , Animation , Drama , Horror , Science Fiction

Two outcasts fight for survival in a sinister fantasy world. Their lives are constantly in jeopardy after they're caught in the middle of a deadly battle between bizarre monsters on their way to the ice cream shop.

  • Cast:
    David Choe



Admirable film.

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Mehdi Hoffman

There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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Blake Rivera

If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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We are the Strange is a unique piece of animated art. The visuals are very strange but sometimes breathtakingly beautiful. The plot progresses extremely slow, especially if you are used to fast paced Hollywood action. Everything but the last 20 minutes is too slow and too strange for most people i guess. Also a lot of scenes in the movie seem to be completely random. This movie is best compared to a David Lynch movie, although I feel it is darker and stranger than even Mulholland Drive.This is a cult movie. Love it or hate it, but either way it is very unique...

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The man responsible for this film is called "M. Dot Strange."That kind of gives you a hint of what you are going to see - something very "strange."Listen: you'll either think this is super cool and love this film, or you'll get so disgusted you'll yank it off your screen within minutes. Actually, I was somewhere toward the latter, but I lasted longer than a half hour before losing interest. I really tried to like this.The good aspect of this film is the clever animation done on a low budget. This is an original film, that's for sure. The visuals and the sound are different and mostly interesting. You also have the option of hearing various soundtracks - now that's unique!The bad part of the movie is that it's hard to watch much of it in one sitting. It gets to be too much and is weak in the area of getting the viewer involved with the characters and story. Very little of the story is explained, so you can get lost in a hurry and never recover. After a while, I found myself not caring what was happening and just attempted to enjoy the strange visuals and sound- effects. The visuals are a combination of computer-generated, stop motion and bluescreen effects. It is also a combination, according to its writer-director- producer-etc, of 8-bit and anime. I'm not versed enough in all of this to explain it. I'm just trying to give you an idea how different this film is from other animated movies you've seen.Also, it was first released on the Internet instead of movie theaters, I think, but did play in the Sundance Film Festival in 2006 and the following year put out on DVD.For the average movie viewer, this film would be torture to sit through. It would be a long hour-and-a-half. For someone who enjoys something different visually, this is a unique film that deserves a look and might prove to be fascinating, especially for some young person interested in becoming a filmmaker. I'm sure one could learn a lot of techniques and be inspired.

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First off, orthodox people who follow mainstream trends in thinking and who digest politically correct thought with glee will most likely HATE this film.This is a film which is truly free in itself. It is not a calculation designed to conform with and satisfy any expectation. This film is not swayed towards any preconceived notion of how a film should be done, or even what a film should in any any be about.The film is an abstract, highly creative masterpiece of expression. Its genius is in how it rejects so many subtle preconceived "rules". In fact it is obvious the creator is indeed very aware with the general patterns of how things are done, but has decided to go his own direction in almost every single way. The connection the viewer has the potential to make with this film is so different that they may find themselves questioning many hidden assumptions about what they are looking for in a film, or even in life in general.The end result of the experience of viewing this film is truly unique. Nothing is like this. This is the free, uninhibited imaginative expression of a masterful artist. Visually mind blowing, conceptually from another planet, with awesome (and often hilarious) sound and music this movie is simply on a different frequency from everything that has gone before it.I am certain this represents a milestone. I see this film as opening a door, and a window of great opportunity. That a person from an "average" background with nonetheless great artistic talent, may with the modern wonders of computer technology compete with multi million dollar studios to capture the heart and imagination of the masses. To me I see this movie as a rebellion against the aristocracy that exists in the movie business and indeed perhaps a rebellion against capitalism and conventional thought altogether.I know certain types of thinks will hate this, others won't get it at all, but this is without a doubt now one of my favorite films ever.

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would be better than this movie. This is unequivocally the biggest POS I have ever seen (and I've seen some really terrible movies, "the saddest music in the world" was my previous #1) This film defies description, but in a bad way. Anything, and I mean anything, I write in this review about the movie will make it seem better than it actually is. It is that bad.Someone said this is the future of film. If true, I guess I won't be watching any movies in the future.There is absolutely no story. (accept the last 10 minutes when it turns into a very basic and predictable story) It is not beautiful. It is too random to be meaningful. It evokes no emotion except rage at having wasted over an hour watching the film.M. Strange was at the screening and he has this whole act about how he is different and interesting. Please. He may think he is being edgy or cool, but it just comes of pathetic. Much like this movie. I am appalled anyone wasted all that time making it.More irritating than the visuals is the music and soundtrack. Grating and dissonant, it just sounds bad.

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