Hot Blooded

R 4
1998 1 hr 35 min Action , Thriller

College boy Trent is returning home for the holidays when he crosses the path of bad-girl Miya at a truck stop. When he agrees to give her a ride, he becomes part and parcel to all her twisted desires.

  • Cast:
    Kari Wuhrer , Burt Young , David Keith , Nicholas Pasco , Kristoffer Ryan Winters

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That was an excellent one.

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best movie i've ever seen.

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As Good As It Gets

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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(There are Spoilers) Homicidal nymphomaniac hooker Miya, Kari Wuhrer,takes over the life and car of 18 virgin, even though he's too embarrassed to admit it, collage freshmen Trent Colbert, Kristoffer Ryan. By the end of the movie Myia not only deflowers but give poor innocent and naive Trent a lesson in how to spot a dangerous nut job and keep as far away for him, or her,in order to keep from ending up turning into one. Hanging around a trucker rest-stop Miya is picked up by Roy, Burt Young, for some hot and heavy action, in the back seat of his buggy. Roy is either too drunk or stupid to realize that Miya is non other then his estranged daughter! Outraged that Miya is reluctant to get it on with him Roy almost strangles her to death only to be interrupted by first year collage student Trent Colbert who plows into the rest-area side swiping one of the truckers. Seeing her chance Miya jumps into Trent's car and the two are off in what turns out to be the weirdest car chase ever put into a movie. Going all across the North Eastern USA the two end up involved in a truck car smash-up a murder and a shootout with the state troopers that then leads to Trent's parents home, with them being held hostage. It's there that there's another wild shootout between the crazed Miya with an entire SWAT team reinforced by the local police and state troopers. You would expect a movie like "Hit and Run" to be intentionally or unintentionally funny but it's not. In fact the film is very disturbing in how Miya treats everyone in the film that she comes in contact with even her perverted and child-molesting father Roy. Getting Trent to drive her all over the North-East Miya gets the poor slob drunk having it on with him in a motel room, together with whips handcuffs and a lighted candle. Miya also gets it on with the motel owner the horny Mr. Foster by tricking him into giving her his gun, as being part of some weird sex game. After holding Foster up she takes off with Trent's, who out cold in his motel room, wallet with some $400.00 in it yet doesn't bother to drive away with his car. Needing the money to pay for gas to get home to his parents for Thanksgiving Trent gets a call on his cellphone from Miya to pick her up at a local diner to get his money back. Like the jerk that he is Trent picks up Miya, who's now a fugitive from he law, and later gets involved with her father Roy on the open highway as he tries to run both Trent & Miya off the road. The chase ends up in this deserted wear-house that Roy chases Miya,out running him on a muddy road in high-heels, into with him getting it in the you know where with a blast from his own shotgun. Roy was so busy trying to take his pants off that he forgot he left the gun unattended. With both a holdup and murder, as well as a hit and run, charge against them the two desperadoes stop off at a S&M/Tattoo boutique where Trent gets his ear and nose pierced and is dressed up in leather and chains, by Myri, together with a matching his and hers dog collar. This in order to meet his straight-laced and conservative parents for Thanksgiving Dinner. Having a running shootout with the state troopers, with one of them ending up badly injured,the two fugitives from the law end up at Trent's parents Mr & Mrs Colbet, David Keith & Elaine Martyn home with the entire local police force, with a SWAT team, waiting for them there. Obnoxious movie with a truly disturbing final ending that made you wonder what exactly the movie was trying,if at all, to tell it's audience. You felt a lot of sympathy for Miya at first but as the movie rolled along to it's downbeat ending that evaporated as fast as a tray of ice cubs in Death Valley. Even though Roy was the most unlikable person in the movie at first by the time the film ended Miya totally eclipsed him.

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Yet another story of a guy and a girl on the run in a hot car, with a gun. LOVE AND A .45 is perhaps the best of the numerous recent stabs (ouch!) at this genre, though none of the 90s entrants match up to such 70s classics as THE LONERS, JOY RIDE, or BOBBY JO AND THE OUTLAW. College kid, driving from Ohio State to Lancaster, PA (he must be going via Miami; at one point he still has 560 miles to go!), rescues truckstop hooker from assault by trucker. Naturally they become travelling companions. During the trip she attempts to loosen him up with sex and a new wardrobe, but the trucker is in hot pursuit, and there are other complications, and it gets a bit bloody before it gets over.Kari Wuhrer really chews the scenery as the psycho, man-hating hooker and is quite over her head dramatically. The hero is a bit of a schlumpff, and the story fairly sleazy. Shot in Canada but it recovered long enough to hit pay-cable. Not even a good source of cheap thrills, since the filmmakers carefully keep Kari covered up to about PG-13 level during the 2 or 3 m.o. scenes.Try THE LONERS (1972) instead, which has career performances by Todd Susman and Alex Dreier, not to mention Dean Stockwell in his hippie biker phase and wonderful Gloria Grahame as a harridan mom.

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During a sleepless night, I was switching through the channels & found this embarrassment of a movie. What were they thinking?If this is life after "Remote Control" for Kari (Wuhrer) Salin, no wonder she's gone nowhere.And why did David Keith take this role? It's pathetic!Anyway, I turned on the movie near the end, so I didn't get much of the plot. But this must've been the best part. This nerdy college kid brings home this dominatrix-ish girl...this scene is straight out of the comic books -- or the cheap porn movies. She calls the mother anal retentive and kisses the father "Oh, I didn't expect tongue!" Great lines!After this, I had to see how it ended..Well, of course, this bitch from hell has a helluva past, so the SWAT team is upstairs. And yes...they surround her! And YES YES! The kid blows her brains out!!!! AHAHHAHAHAHA!!This is must-see TV.

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If you're a fan of the incredibly stunning and sexy Kari Wuhrer (Kari Salin in this one)...this is a must-see. The acting, apart from Wuhrer is very "Showtime late-night". Which is ok, because that's where I saw it. Kari plays an abused hooker with an attitude (she's a natural). But it's the scenes in which she shows...uh...more that make it worthwhile. Two very revealing sex scenes- one in a barn, and one in a hotel involving handcuffs are unbelievable. Well, actually Kari is unbelievable. This one has a few different names but...whatever you want to call it. See it for ALL of Kari.

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