Fatal Reunion

2005 1 hr 36 min Thriller , TV Movie

Jessica is a housewife, unhappy in her marriage, who decides to "spice it up" a little bit. But she gets more than she bargained for when she contacts an old high school classmate she once had a crush on.

  • Cast:
    Erika Eleniak , David Millbern , Michael Bergin , Juliet Landau , Barbara Fixx , Lucia Walters , Sonya Salomaa




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everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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An action-packed slog

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Raymond Sierra

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

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guil fisher

2 votes for David Millbern and Michael Bergin as the two leading men in this silly empty headed nonsensical TV movie starring my least favorite actress, Erika Eleniak. Look like a whore, dress like a whore, you are a whore. This vacant woman (Eleniak, now a blond) thinking her husband (Millbern) is seeing another woman, goes out on the town with an old flame (Bergin) leading him on. Of course, proved wrong, she decides to end the romance, even though they only had one luncheon date. Now get this. She shows up at a pre-invited dinner to tell him she doesn't want to see him anymore. She shows up in this very low cut ensemble, baring her breasts as much as TV allows, one of Eleniak's trademarks. You see, her claim to fame is large bosoms. When he acts confused she slams the door in his face and the rest is history. Someone is stalking her. We don't know who till the end. By then, who cares anyway. Another loser in this horror film is a friend played by horsey mouth Sonya Salomaa. If you can remember that far back, she played the dip-so in another loser TV film Ties That Bind, about another dip-so using a married couple's guest house for evil purposes. My feeling is the male roles should have been reversed. For certainly Bergin would be better as the husband and Millbern the suitor. A waste of an evening except to watch the guys do some decent work. While the women run around with their brains on empty.

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Sean Kaye

The movie is basically like any daytime soap opera. The writing is what I imagine a 13 year old girl would come up with. The acting was okay in a soap opera kind of way meaning middle of the road.The director, George Erschbamer, has made all sorts of trash like this. I'm pretty sure all these 'movies' shot in Vancouver are some sort of tax write-off scheme for wealthy or semi-wealthy individuals to horde money. Why would you make such terrible films unless you were making them with the intention to purposely lose money? I'm very curious about how this racket works. I'd like to get in on it myself one day because they're obviously making money at it.

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I saw this movie was coming on tonight. After reading the comments about it I decided to give it a try since it is a Lifetime movie. I usually enjoy Lifetime movies but this was, by far the worst Lifetime movie I have EVER seen. It was so horrible I created an IMDb account to write about it. When viewing a television movie I do not expect to see the greatest acting skills, but this was a disappointment. I cannot think of any movie that may have been worse than this. I think this may have been the worst movie I have ever seen. The only reason I gave this movie one star was because there was no possible way to give it zero stars.

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Interesting film where a woman, suspecting her husband of infidelity, starts a romance with a guy she knew from high school only to immediately discover that her husband was not unfaithful. Problem is that she can't get the guy away from her.Unlike the other comments that I read regarding this film, the film is a good one as there are many plot twists and you should possibly be able to see an array of people who might be doing the harassing other than the jilted guy.The ending is excited although it does become quite violent. You have to watch out for the internet because you don't know what it shall bring. Surely, hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.

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