Farewell, Friend

1968 1 hr 55 min Adventure , Action , Thriller , Crime

After serving together in the French Foreign Legion, a mercenary and a doctor leave the service and go their separate ways. Later, they are reunited and become involved with a caper involving millions in a high-security safe. The two men become locked in during a holiday weekend as they attempt to crack the safe's combination.

  • Cast:
    Alain Delon , Charles Bronson , Olga Georges-Picot , Bernard Fresson , Brigitte Fossey , Ellen Bahl , Jean-Claude Ballard

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Aiden Melton

The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Adieu L'ami/Farewell,Friend is a near perfect film in which a viewer is assured that there is all possibility of entertainment guaranteed.This is because apart from strong men in the form of maverick actors namely Alain Delon and Charles Bronson,there are also good performances by beautiful women such as Brigitte Fossey and Olga Georges Picot.It is true that "Adieu L'ami" respects all the conventions of heist film genre but it cannot be classified as an ordinary heist film as it is only until the end that the viewers have to guess about the actual perpetrators of a financial crime.This effect has been created by treating everybody as a suspect.As a different type of heist film, the theme of men being overshadowed by women develops slowly.This gives viewers ample time to develop their loyalties.Before directing this film, Jean Herman had already made around 15 short films.As far as screenwriter is concerned, this is Sébastien Japrisot's second film.He is best remembered for having written "L'été Meurtrier" for Jean Becker (Jacques Becker's son) which starred Isabelle Adjani and Alain Souchon.

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Ilya Eckstein

An engaging psychological thriller, it's got some fights, girls, guns, muscles and chase scenes, but that's not the point. Ultimately, this film is about friendship and honor. It's a guys' flick, although girls too will be rewarded with Alain Delon's divine mug in plenty a closeup. It is probably Charles Bronson's finest performance ever, and one of Delon's best films. Made entirely in English, this is a good chance for an American viewer to appreciate French thrillers. While trying to imitate Hollywood first, they ended up being much better than the original. This movie will probably not change you as a person, but it will resonate with you.

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Short synopsis This film opens with soldiers being released from the company of men. One of them pursues another with a weird scheme the other repeatedly refuses. Later they both get trapped in an office building in which they want to crack a safe during the Christmas holidays. Hostility turns into playful banter and then into a desperate fight for survival (during the bantering they lose all drinkable liquids, so it is really serious). With exposed, well built and well oiled torsos they ram a hole into a wall and finally manage to escape – only to find out that they have been betrayed and set up by women. One gets caught, the other remains free and is not given away by his companion. A last encounter, a last light for a cigarette, adieu l'ami, farewell, friend.I found it hard not to see closet homosexuals in the two main characters, played by classical he-man superstars Alain Delon and Charles Bronson. They are obviously attracted to each other, their treatment of women is abominable and marked by contempt throughout. The whole story seems to have a strong symbolic undertow, a little like Deliverance. It is also very stylish. The safe the two men want to crack is in a – for the time – ultra modern glass and aluminum tower. It is the seat of a publicity firm, so there are many fancy posters and wall coverings around. The wardrobe is also very good. The ultra stylish Citroen DS (maybe the most modern and elegant car of all times) features large in this movie – perhaps a subtle kind of product placement.I can recommend this movie for the actor's performances alone. Delon and Bronson are really sharing the top billing, in a manner that struck me as very fair and sporting. Both do a considerable amount of acrobatics. I have never seen Bronson better than here, he really acts - and speaks French throughout, with a heavy accent buy very passably indeed. And it is certainly the man himself we hear. (So the French language version is highly recommended). The police inspector who pursues the two is played by on of my favorite Franch character actors, Bernard Fresson who was Gene Hackman's partner in French Connection II. He is the best brainy police inspector I know. Also very good is former child actress Brigitte Fossey as the young ingénue who, as it turns out, is not so Innocent as it first seems.Anyone who expects the „old in-an-out" of classical heist movies might be disappointed with this film. For those with a little patience this will be a rewarding experience, full of novel and original ideas and directorial quirks, although it my be a little too brutal and sadistic for its own sake.

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Rui Miguel Duarte

This movie is definately one of my favorite movies in it's kind. The interaction between respectable and morally strong characters is an ode to chivalry and the honor code amongst thieves and policemen. It treats themes like duty, guilt, word, manipulation and trust like few films have done and, unfortunately, none that I can recall since the death of the 'policial' in the late seventies. The sequence is delicious, down to the essential, living nothing out and thus leading the spectator into a masterful plot right and wrong without accessory eye catching and spectacular scenes that are often needed in lesser specimens of the genre in order to keep the audience awake. No such scenes are present or needed. The argument is sand honest to the spectator; An important asset in a genre that too often achieve suspense through the deception of the audience. No, this is not miss Marble... A note of congratulations for the music is in order A film to watch and savor every minute, not just to see.

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