Zone of the Dead

R 3.8
2011 1 hr 41 min Horror , Action

A police-escorted prisoner transport supervised by Interpol sets off to Belgrade. The route leads the transport through Pančevo, where they encounter an ecological disaster and infected people who are trying to kill them. Interpol agents Mortimer Reyes and Mina Milius soon realize that their only chance for escape from the zombie hordes lies in allying with the dangerous, mysterious prisoner.

  • Cast:
    Ken Foree , Kristina Klebe , Miodrag 'Miki' Krstović , Vukota Brajović , Bojan Dimitrijević , Ariadna Cabrol , Iskra Brajović



It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Suman Roberson

It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.

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While en route to Pancevo, Serbia to pick up a dangerous "prisoner" (played by Emilio Roso) some Interpol agents find themselves in the middle of a zombie outbreak and realize that their new mission is now just trying to stay alive. Anyway, for a low-budget, Serbian zombie movie this particular film wasn't too bad. The special effects were adequate, the action was brisk, the plot was decent and I liked the performance of Kristina Klebe (as "Agent Mina Milius") and to a lesser extent that of Ken Foree (as "Agent Mortimer Reyes") and the aforementioned Emilio Roso. But the script wasn't that good and I couldn't stand the role of the insane warrior known as "Armageddon" (Vukota Brajovic). Way too hokey. Be that as it may, while I am probably giving this movie a bit too much credit I must say that I have certainly seen worse zombie movies than this. Accordingly, I have rated this movie a little higher than most reviewers. Having said that however, I should also point out that I enjoy movies in this genre and I appreciate it when the director (in this case Milan Konjevic and Milan Todorovic) tries to make a straight zombie movie rather than something supposedly humorous—or even worse—a film that tries to be "so bad it's good". In any case, I can understand it if others don't share my opinion concerning this specific movie. Again, it may be something that only zombie fanatics can appreciate.

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Someone thought they were being oh-so clever when they cast Dawn of the Dead star Ken Foree in this zombie film and then had him reference his role in the Romero classic, when in reality this is one of the most embarrassingly trite things to do in a modern zombie film (along with calling a character Savini, which they also do here!).In fact, there is absolutely nothing innovative or clever about this sorry affair that trots out all the expected zombie movie clichés—which might not have been quite so bad if the film hadn't been performed by a bunch of untalented Serbians struggling with the English language and directed by a pair of horror rookies who clearly think that an excess of shaky cam makes a zombie attack more scary (and who also have their undead roaring like wild animals just to be sure) .Some reasonable make-up/gore effects prevent the film from being a complete waste of time, and a few unintentional laughs can be had from an out-of-shape Foree as he attempts to outrun the undead (even the slow ones—this film features zombies of all speeds) and struggles to squeeze his gut through the window of a railway carriage.3.5 out of 10, generously rounded up to 4 for the blood 'n' guts.

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Panos D

This one is another zombie flick from a non-Hollywood production. In the passed years we have seen so many movies based on the contamination-turns- men-to-zombies from around the world (even Thailand). To be honest, this particular movie could have been much better 'cause the atmosphere is good and creepy, the zombies are greatly done and the action is OK. But all this package is ruined by the poor (to non-existent) performance of the actors/actresses and the bad -not to say crap- lines. BUT -yes there is a BUT here- if you're a fan of those bloodthirsty creatures called zombies, walkers etc and you love to see shooting, chopping and all the relevant stuff these movies produce and provide, you can gather some friends, make some popcorn, watch it and then, turn off your DVD and just forget about it.

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There are so many other problems with this film. While making a zombie film shouldn't demand a huge budget, this film demonstrates that you need mostly a BRAIN rather than budget. Even the cheapest and silliest spaghetti-zombie is more interesting and entertaining... and they have been done 20 years ago. Even the shaky videocam Blair Witch is deeper than this flick. Here a new list of problems:1. Character roles: stereotyped and oh so boring.2. Acting: embarrassing.3. Script and dialogues: terrible.4. The plot: pointless and unoriginal.5: the horror: which part exactly is meant to be frightening?6: Photography and aesthetics: grey grey grey.7: Zombies: rabid outcasts led by a white masked pierrot8: Srating/ending titles: is it meant to be a sort of live action video game?9: Music: was there any?Better go see "VIRUS / Hell of the Living Dead" by Bruno Mattei.

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