Coyote County Loser

2009 1 hr 32 min Comedy , Romance

In the lonely American Southwest, life is slow for the desert inhabitants of Coyote County. Although it reflects the diversity and pride of the Coyote County residents, local talk radio station K-RAP struggles financially, withering like a tumbleweed on its way to oblivion. Meanwhile, a rising radio personality from Los Angeles reluctantly drives through the hot desert toward Coyote County. His name is Jack Proctor. Upon visiting K-RAP, Jack meets the motley crew that works to keep the place running. These odd but charming individuals are a snapshot representation of the population living in this desert region. Jack meets Mr. Sanchez, the "maintenance engineer" and host of a "fix it" show; Raymond, the former-military accountant and host of an alien and paranormal phenomena talk show; Doyle, the sound engineer and host of a technology "geek" show; Mrs. Hopps...

  • Cast:
    Wayne Grace , K Callan , Everette Scott Ortiz



Absolutely the worst movie.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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Coyote County Loser appears to be a low budget entry that holds together due to a tight family orientated script. The "fish out of water" premise plays better than usual because it avoids making the man the clueless ape. An LA hip guy with radio skills stumbles into rural Coyote County only to go at odds with the female "love doctor" of the town. His goal? To get the biggest loser in the town to go out with HER, his "relationships are like cars" radio opposition.This was a Netflix gamble for me that gave some above board interest because of the "romantic" tension between the two leads. The film plays like a big safe worded high school play that gets it right. The male and female stars have no name recognition to me but deserve some praise for there exposition of quickwittedness that keeps a steady hum "gotcha" throughout.Finally a film that shows a professional woman that doesn't have all the emotional answers to love. And smartly, the film shows how all men are not super tool users and mechanics as well. The two butt heads with the female radio host becoming unarmed by this guys bravado yet still desiring to hold onto her core belief system.A few more twists and turns prevent the traditional road to an ending. A subplot with two misfit radio staff young adults goes nowhere and drudges up the films hokey origins while displaying some real bad acting. One reviewer mentioned a "Hallmark" film. I see that clear as day in this better than average quickie.Ultimately though the film could stir up an argument or two if watched with your significant other which means it effectively projects humanity. The low end style of film making does detract. Some indoor shots look like the road crew was used for regular speaking lines. I saw a recognizable face in the female radio stars mom, it was the woman who played Supermans mother in the Lois and Clark TV show. Hey, there's something. But, the amateur look of the movie prevails as it becomes an almost forgettable film saved by some punchy lead roles. I can see why a romantic would appreciate it though. I have to say, in this film, I wouldn't mind getting the girl (with some modification).

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Totally believable...I live in S.W. New Mexico and the population density here is sparse, to say the least. Good story line, fine acting, no profanity (o.k. he does say 'crap' but they work for station K-RAP for heaven's sakes). I can recommend this movie to anyone.This movie is of the boy-meets-girl variety and manages to hold one's interest from start to finish. The support actors are a bit above Night of the Living Dead quality and certainly add to the simple charm of the movie. Several sub-plots are present to give the movie some depth and the setting has plenty of charm. (Note: Early in the movie Jack should have asked Dr. Hartford if she used the same NNCL for selecting a car that she advocated for selecting a boy friend. During her radio broadcast she suggested that normal folks used better sense in selecting an automobile than they used selecting a mate. Possibly Dr. Hartford's auto troubles were put there for a reason.)

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Doug Kamm

This is your average feel-good story. Due to the small town atmosphere of this movie I found it fun to watch. Also, I enjoyed the country scenery in the film. A person looking for a relaxing movie with a country feel will enjoy this movie. However, the story is fairly basic and the conflicts subtle. I felt the characters were a tad predictable. Also, I felt the jokes were a bit fake. The emotions of the characters weren't quite on either. The main characters were fine but the supporting characters real didn't have much substance and dragged the movie to a below average standard. For these reasons I gave the movie a 4 out of 10 rating.

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It's rare that an independent film with a minor-league budget achieves real cinema magic, especially when it's just telling a boy-meets-girl story without gimmicks or shock value. But Coyote County Loser is one of those magical rarities, and don't be surprised if the music fades, the lights come up, and you find yourself keeping your seat to immediately watch it all over again.The hook for the film involves a big time radio "love doctor," Jack Proctor (Beau Clark), getting stranded in a podunk town while driving through the desert southwest. It turns out the town already has a local AM radio love advice expert, the lovely Lauren Hartford (Nikki Boyer). The two immediately get under each other's skin when the cocky, impulsive Jack decides to prank call Lauren's earnest, practical advice hour. Sparks fly and conflict ensues as the two relationship "experts" each find their own approaches to love stymied by the other, and of course, it wouldn't be a romantic comedy if they didn't finally fall in love in the end. While giving that away doesn't exactly spoil anything the audience can't see coming, one of the delightful surprises of Coyote County Loser is how the plot throws some curveballs just in time to keep the finale interesting.With Jack stranded in town, Lauren's radio station manager offers him the chance to stick around and stir things up on air. With Jack and Lauren bumping elbows in what was once Lauren's solo domain, Jack is provoked into entering a bet with Lauren: if his love advice can't get the most pathetic sap in the county a date with the girl of his dreams, he'll leave town and never look back. What Jack doesn't realize until it's too late, however, is that Coyote County's biggest loser might just have his eye on the same girl he does, and to win the bet, he may end up helping someone else win Lauren's heart. The scenery is possibly the film's greatest asset, as the brilliant skies and open vistas in and around Roswell, New Mexico, where the film was mostly shot, immediately make plausible the idea that a big city radio jockey might just be willing to lose himself forever with the girl of his dreams in this desert paradise. It is a landscape made for longing hearts, and it draws the audience in from the first minute.Coyote County Loser enjoys a cast that has the right mix of Hollywood experience and undiscovered talent (with, admittedly, a few obvious amateurs making the most of their first opportunity in front of a camera).The star of the film is, without a doubt, Nikki Boyer, probably best known as the spunky studio hostess for the TV Guide Channel. The camera renders her mesmerizing in the light of New Mexico's sunsets, and the script gives her a range of personality aspects to navigate between. She alternates among confident, accomplished Ph.D. in her field, vulnerable girl wishing for the very romance she's terrified of, tomboy car mechanic, snarky on-air sparring partner, and doting daughter. She plays them all with total authenticity.Beau Clark may not be a recognizable star, but on screen as Jack he's magnetic. He throws a casual, roguish vibe that, for most of the film, is pitch perfect, though there are moments the script asks him to walk right up to the edge of playing the kind of cocky slimeball that risks losing the audience's sympathy. To be sure, Jack evolves quite a bit throughout the film as the romantic narrative gradually draws the leads together, and it's apparent Clark as an actor evolves, too. It's fairly obvious which scenes were shot earliest during the principal photography, as some of Jack's initial scoundrel moments overshoot the character's center. But once established, the rapport between Boyer and Clark resonates and you're rooting for love to finally take hold.Playing third fiddle in the love triangle is Frederic Doss as Lyle the junkyard auto mechanic, who very nearly steals the show with his handful of scenes. He plays the classic shy country boy with a golden heart and a secret crush, and it's a credit to the scriptwriters, director Jason Naumann, and Doss himself that for a while, you're not sure who you'd rather see find happiness with the lovely Lauren Hartford – Jack or Lyle? Longtime Hollywood role players Wayne Grace and K Callan play a delightful older couple who alternately give sage advice and play mischievous matchmakers to Jack and Lauren. Unexpectedly, the story finds them to be the strong core around which all the other players revolve. Both Grace and Callan have moments on screen where their passion for this little indy film is clear, as lines that surely would have looked quite ordinary on the page become little gems of human insight in the subtle delivery.The film has an engaging score and a toe-tapping musical selection, including several songs composed for the film, that bring both an authentic desert southwest flavor to the journey and also drive the momentum of the storyline forward.And the movie does build momentum. As the pieces of the plot ultimately come rushing together in a dramatic crescendo, it's hard to believe the energy of the finale didn't require a car chase to bring it home – although you might literally see one coming on first viewing.The producing/writing team of brothers Jacob and Lucas Roebuck and Robert Bethke strove to make a film that was engaging, dramatic and cut no corners in its absorbing entertainment value – while sticking to a commitment that it should be a family friendly film with a wholesome outlook on love.The result is a film that is delightfully good, in spite of occasional clues to its budget limitations.

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