Death Tunnel

2005 1 hr 37 min Horror

For an initiation stunt, five college women are locked in a Kentucky hospital built in 1910 where 63,000 people died from a disease known as the "white plague". Deep under the hospital is the "Death Tunnel" which once were used to secretly remove the dead from the grounds.

  • Cast:
    Melanie Lewis , Yolanda Pecoraro , Gary Wolf , Gill Gayle , Jilon VanOver

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A lot of fun.

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I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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There are bad films and bad films. Bad films like Night of Horror, boasting a set up excremental enough that not even Orson Welles teamed up with Ray Dennis Steckler could have gotten something good out of it. Then there are bad films like Death Tunnel, which could have been a good film were it not seemingly made by pubescent coke heads. Interesting story, check. Great location, check. Decent freaky designs, check. Unbearable directing style, uh oh, back to square one. Essentially Death Tunnel is the most intrusively directed film I've ever seen. Put together by the Booth brothers it tells the story of five girls who get chosen to take part in a college initiation game, exploring for five hours the five floors of an abandoned local sanatorium with sinister past. Needless to say much weirdness goes down as it turns out they aren't alone and that their company isn't friendly... The right elements are in place. Filmed at a genuine abandoned sanatorium (Waverly Hills), Death Tunnel looks sporadically great, all decaying walls, dripping ceilings, sickly green pallor, the times when the camera stays still there are even a few nice compositions. I don't know exactly how much set dressing went into the place to make it look scarier but I'll wager its a great location even without. Then there are all the design touches, surveillance cameras like robot eyes, foul hued plague spectres, fiendish suited and masked creatures, lots of grisly interest to be seen. But rather than the time tested tactic of using decent writing to build characters and suspense whilst gradually feeding in an ever increasing flood of scares Death Tunnel seems to assume that the audience has the attention span of a gnat and no means of processing storytelling, hence requiring constant visual stimulation to stay interested. Every 30 seconds or so there bursts of sepia tinting, monochrome, camera jerks, subliminal apparitions, flashbacks, loud noises and every imaginable overbearing audio-visual gimmick one can imagine. Perhaps a lot of time and fun went into putting it all together, but the net result is dull within twenty minutes, and by the last twenty minutes I could hardly wait for the whole darned thing to be over. The acting wasn't great either, but to be honest I give them the benefit of the doubt as this film would have made an idiot of Olivier I wish I could like this one more as there's the kernel of something quite cool in there and if the film was shortened and drastically re- edited it could have been quite fun. But it just irritated me for the most part. Pretty much the most satisfaction I got out of this were a couple of kill shots (one being nicely bloody), one decent pair of live tits and a couple pairs of plague ridden ghost tits. This could almost make me score the film higher, but its not enough and this film isn't recommended. 3/10, screw it.

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Paul Andrews

Death Tunnel is set in Kentucky where the notorious Vangard Sanatorium has been closed for years, during the early part of the twentieth century tens of thousands of people died there from an incurable disease known as the 'White Plague' & the countless bodies were secretly taken from the sanatorium by a train through a tunnel under it which has since become known as the 'Death Tunnel'. High school medical student Heather Reed (Steffany Huckaby) is invited to the annual 'Truth or Scare' initiation party & decides to go, during the party five girls are chosen to spend the night in the old creepy supposedly haunted Vangard Sanatorium & Heather is one of them. While Richie (Jason Lasater) looks on using hidden cameras the five girls find themselves stuck in the rundown sanatorium but they are not alone as it becomes clear that there is a supernatural presence & past horrors come back to haunt the present...Edited, photographed, co-written & directed by Philip Adrian Booth this is yet another really bad low budget indie horror film that is a total bore from start to finish, makes no sense, is annoying to watch & has little or no entertainment value. The first thing I noticed about Death Tunnel that annoyed me was the broken narrative, for some strange reason Booth has decided to place sequences out of order so within the first twenty minutes there are dream sequences, flashbacks, flash-forwards, montages & a complete lack of linear structure which would be alright if he was building up to some twists but there aren't any. It just seemed to me Booth was jumbling up the logical order of the plot to try & be clever but it fails, badly. I mean as an example the first thing that actually happens in Death Tunnel is a blonde girl stabbing someone else to death with a shard of glass which then isn't referred to again until it actually happens again latter in the film at the point it should have, the flashbacks, dreams & flash-forwards just didn't make any narrative sense to me & it carries on throughout the rest of the film. There are numerous instances of people doing idiotic things, why doesn't Richie remember the fire escape at the end in order to get out? Why does Ashley suddenly decide to take a shower in a rundown, decrepit old mental hospital? Even though I get the idea that the initial of each of the girls names spells out Death (Devon, Elizabeth, Ashley, Tori & Heather) what does that have to do with anything? Why did that ghost paint their initials on their clothes? Was no-one else meant to check on them? Did Richie not have a mobile phone? Who set all the camera equipment up? Why was it so hard to just walk out of the bloody place? The character's are poor, the plot has momentum & features endless shots of dark corridors & people wandering around in order to stretch the running time out & the plot is near incomprehensible. At an hour & a half Death Tunnel is far too long & there are better films out there.Death Tunnel can't even provide any gore to liven things up, there are a few dead bodies & a little bit of blood splatter but all the kills are off screen & really tame. Death Tunnel looks like one long music video with the constant jumpy editing, shaky camera, the fact that no shot seems to last longer than five seconds & all the black and white montages, the lame attempts at ghostly patients & doctor's & a silly overdone soundtrack full of whizzing & flashbulb type effects to go with the machine-gun editing. Death Tunnel is a real irritant to watch & even think about. There's one scene of gratuitous nudity which is appreciated but hardly compensates for the rest of the film being pretty terrible.With a supposed budget of about a million bucks this was at least partly filmed at the real-life Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Kentucky. The film looks alright in terms of on set footage I suppose but the editing ruins it & it just becomes an eyesore. The acting is bad, simple as that.Death Tunnel is a bit of a painful experience to sit through, the constant pointless changes in narrative & time-line annoyed me & serve no purpose that I could see. The lack of gore, the lack of any coherent or logical story & a low body count don't help it.

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This movie was the worst movie I've ever seen. I couldn't even watch it to the end. The story is that 5 dumb girls are put into a haunted sanitorium as a prank but then there are also these 5 ghosts and something happens. It's impossible to tell what happened because the whole movie was composed of 5 minute scenes that are all mixed up.It also seems that they picked random people to play the main characters because the acting was horrible. All the lines were made up of high pitched screaming that makes your ears bleed, and your typical scary movie dumb blonde clichés. Not to mention that the characters do have the intelligence of a 3 year old. Every character will say to themselves "where am I", then they will call out to someone, see a ghost, ignore it at first, something jumps out of the shadows, and finally the girls scream for 10 minutes and run around.This movie has it all! Bad editing, bad lighting (everything has a stupid tint to it), bad acting, bad script, nonexistent plot, and a large amount of breathing and shouting. Do not see this movie, do not rent this movie, do not make eye contact with this movie. I cannot stress this enough. This movie gets a 1 out of 10 for FAILURE.

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Love or hate this I've seen far worst,also far better,maybe it's entertaining factor is not work as far as the creators wanted,but the message is just shocked me,that is what I will not forget for my life.Interiors of the big scary,abandoned hospital,just take what creators wanted to take from you,attention,but sometimes they need more,and clear story.Creators wanted use sound editing to be more entertaining,sometimes it's worked for me,but not every time,the whole film becomes boring,and getting better only at the last 30-minutes,but finally the ending is not as satisfying as creators dreamed about it.This is a low budget film,but it would be better with bigger budget.(Rare situation)5/10

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