
PG-13 6.3
2003 1 hr 47 min Drama , Family

"Spin" tells the story of a boy who loses his parents in a plane crash, is taken in by his uncle (Tucci), who then leaves him for ten years in the care of his Hispanic ranch hand (Blades) and his wife (Delany). Once in high school, Eddie (Merriman) reconnects with a girl from his past (Garces), and their growing interracial relationship teaches the sometimes-sullen Eddie to think of others before himself.

  • Cast:
    Rubén Blades , Stanley Tucci , Dana Delany , Ryan Merriman , Paula Garcés



Sadly Over-hyped

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How sad is this?

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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I bought the DVD many years ago, but I just watched it today, and this is my thought about this movie.This movie is a good quality beautiful drama that will gives you a good and nostalgic feeling. The shots are so cinematic, this movie makes you like you're reading a novel (as the matter of fact this movie is based on novel). And the background music is so beautiful, really fits with the story. And the other plus point is the actors are so good looking on those 50s style that make the scene more enjoyable to watch.The acting quality of the actors are so amazing, no need to ask about the main actor Ryan Merriman because his acting performances are always amazing (but I don't know how his performance in his newer movies since the last time I saw him when he's in Final Destinantion 3 (2006)).Actually I wanted to give this movie 10 stars, but I decided to give it 8 stars because it has a lack for the story. The direction of the story (the theme, the genre) is inconsistent.At the first half, the premise of the story is like about an orphan boy named Eddie (Ryan Merriman) who try to follow his father step to become a pilot. It will makes you think Eddie will train so hard to fly the plane while he also has to face the problem with his uncle (Stanley Tucci), his care taker family Margaret (Dana Delany) and her husband Ernesto (Ruben Blades), and the support from her pretty friend Francesca (Paula Garces), but no, it turned out it's not about that.The last half the story change direction to about Eddie love story with Francesca, how they care each other, and then Francesca is raped by her father, the depression of Francesca, then her father committed suicide. Eddie seems forgetting his plane training and his head is full of Francesca. The story change direction from what they gave at the beginning. I mean yeah, love life of the main character will give a good flavor for the story, but not by changing the story line and the theme from family drama genre to romance genre. This made me disappointed. Just stick to one story premise.But other than that, like I said at the beginning, this movie is a good quality beautiful drama that really really worth to watch, I really suggest you to watch this movie.

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Air Force Major Frank Haley(Mr S.Tucci)is a typical John Ford hero.Detached and somewhat remote,taciturn,more used to giving orders than taking them and completely comfortable in his own skin.You'd better listen when he speaks because he isn't going to say anything twice. When his brother and sister - in - law are killed in a plane crash("Stormin' Stan Haley" - a very evocative name),the Major acknowledges his responsibilities and takes their 10 year old son into his care. However,he has his duty to perform and flies off to Guam leaving the kid at the family ranch looked after by the Mexican top hand and his Anglo wife((Mr R.Blades and Ms D. Delany). When he returns,the boy has become a somewhat difficult teenager although much - loved and very fond of his foster parents. It is time for the Major to step up to the plate and help the boy become a man. I watched "Spin" on Freeview the other afternoon perfectly prepared for it to be the usual soporific,superficial,glossy and instantly forgettable stuff that is the staple of a channel where the ads are for ambulance chasers and loan sharks, but I was surprised that in fact it was quite harsh and it took me somewhere I hadn't expected to go just when it was looking at it's most routine. Set in 1950's Arizona,it is to all intents and purposes a Western although their is not a horse in sight. Instead we have photogenic old aeroplanes slipping through the endless sky and stunning light,almost like a perpetual gloaming. There is Fordian darkness before the dawn,but the boy grows tall and true, a credit to his father,and is accepted by the Air Force Academy (I nearly wrote "West Point")much to the Major's delight. Mr Tucci is excellent as the Ethan Edwards/Tom Doniphon type. If Andrew McClaglen took the reins from John Ford,then Mr Redford has seamlessly carried on where he left off. "Spin" is a fine film and deserves to be better known.

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Mikal Mullaly (MTucsonAZ)

It really IS too bad that this film didn't get more publicity. I was an extra for this film (the funeral scene) and I must say how very professional and delightful the entire cast and crew were. I've been on many sets, and this one by far was the best! The days were LONG and COLD (filmed in Winter) but we got through it.I enjoyed watching the finished product and I'm sad that more people don't know about this film. Working with James "Jamie" Redford was awesome, and the day I was on set was Dana Delaney's birthday. We sang "Happy Birthday" and got cake...WOO HOO! Yeah, it's been a few years, but it's it never too late to see a touching coming-of-age movie. TELL YOUR FRIENDS! :-)

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This film left me feeling good; however, I admit that the story struck a chord with me in more than one area that other viewers may not experience. Being a pilot, I thoroughly enjoyed the aspect of the story that pertains to flying. Furthermore, Eddie is a character with whom I connected. The photography, particularly the sunsets and aerial shots, are beautifully captured. In all fairness, the story had a dry spot or two, but when I think of crappy films, this film is NOT one of them.The acting was well done, too. Stanley Tucci portrayed a retired Air Force Major and was quite believable as Eddie's strong, collected Uncle. Ryan Merriman, whom I've not seen elsewhere, also gave a sound performance.I give the movie an overall Bravo!

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