Termination Point

PG-13 4.3
2008 1 hr 30 min Adventure , Action , Thriller , Science Fiction , TV Movie

Top secret government experiments with time travel have been shut down and declared as too dangerous to continue. The lead scientist has disappeared with the technology and a government manhunt is underway. When his name appears on an airline manifest after the flight has departed, the government orders the plane to turn back. But the plane drops from the radar, disappearing into thin air! As special agents try to locate the plane, scientists must deal with the repercussions from the time ripples that threaten to destroy the Earth.

  • Cast:
    Jason Priestley , Lou Diamond Phillips , Garwin Sanford , Gary Hudson , Stefanie von Pfetten , Erin Karpluk , Michael Eklund



To me, this movie is perfection.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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An afternoon film with a sci-fi feel to it. Unlike other afternoon films that are older these graphics are a little better, but they are not great as this is not a big budget production.However, follow the storyline to see where it's going and what the outcome will be. Though it may not grip you, it is a decent enough movie to watch. Maybe it will appeal more to Sci-Fi fans and dedicated films buffs; everyone else, I would say, may not like this film as much. Passable, yes, and a true afternoon movie and with a few twists and turns that I found interesting and should keep you interested long enough to see how the movie turns out.

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Matt Kracht

The plot: A teleportation device opens up a wormhole over California, threatening to suck in our entire universe.Termination Point is a stupid movie, but it's not boring. A good argument could also be made that it's a bad movie, but I was still able to watch it to the end. I think that counts for something. Anyone who watches a TV movie starring Jason Priestley and Lou Diamond Phillips probably knows exactly what he or she is walking into, so I probably don't need to give any warnings about quality.Essentially, this is a cheap, poorly acted TV movie, and any attempt to make sense of it is doomed to failure. Luckily, the technobabble is kept a minimum, though some of the scenes are a bit too long. If you've got a degree of patience for that sort of thing (and you're forgiving of cheesy plots), you might be able to wrest some entertainment from this movie.

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Nick Damian

So you are looking for a movie that will entertain you? Looking for something interesting and entertaining and captivating? Keep looking.From bad writing, bad acting, bad special effects and an overall production that stinks as bad as my 3 day old socks.Wow...what a way to spend a rainy day - wondering how long you can stay awake and still stay focused on such a lifeless and dull movie.Time travel should be fun to watch, but in this script; it's not.Need something to do on a dull dreary Sunday? Polish your silverware or build furniture from toothpicks.What ever happened to crafty intelligent stories?

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Joe smith

The actors are C rated, and they show no emotion in the entire movie. When they learn the vortex is the size of California, it like learning they ran out of milk. Caleb learns his wife and daughter will be neutralized, and he shares no emotions.The plot was not bad, but it is easy to see the movie was made on $500K budget, and every scene was shot only once. The special effects are 1970s.The entire movie seems like a rush, worst than 24, and there is no suspense built in. The dialogs are in same tone, with "We are going to die" like "Where should we eat tonight".What a total waste of my time.

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