Fighter in the Wind

2004 2 hr 1 min Drama , Action

An account of karate competitor Choi Yeung-Eui who went to Japan after World War II to become a fighter pilot but found a very different path instead. He changed his name to Masutatsu Oyama and went across the country, defeating martial artists one after another. This film concentrates on the period when he is still young, and developing his famous karate style, Kyokushin.

  • Cast:
    Yang Dong-geun , Aya Hirayama , Masaya Kato , Jung Doo-hong , Sachiko Kokubu , Jeong Tae-woo , Yeom Hye-ran



Highly Overrated But Still Good

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Don't listen to the negative reviews

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A Disappointing Continuation

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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To all you haters,It's real simple....the film never said "based on a true story" AND lets think for a moment, (sarcasm here), what would Koreans have to hate Japan for anyway? Only 40 years of martial law, dictatorship, kidnapping and jailing the royal family, forced participation in Japanese army during WW2......could fill a novel. Then lets look at Nanking!

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Action: Before I watched the whole movie, I saw a short clip of a spectacular fight scene from this movie and I thought if the whole movie had scenes like that, this movie could be pretty cool. Unfortunately, that cool scene that I saw doesn't happen until the end of the movie and it was rather short. The rest of the fights were even shorter. Some good moments of action here and there, but generally nothing as good as the fight at the end, which didn't last longGeneral complaints: I usually like martial arts movies, but found this one to be not very enjoyable, even an uncomfortable experience to watch - partly because watching people treating each other badly, which is almost all that happens in this movie, is no fun, but also because the main character is not likable and his behavior makes no sense. For instance, right from the start, he's Korean, but goes to Japan during the WWII era to become a fighter pilot, which doesn't work out for him, because of course they don't let him become a fighter pilot. But why in the world did he think this was a good idea in the first place? Join the country that's devastating his own? Willingly go to a place where they don't like him? I'm already confused. Then for the rest of the movie, he's a jerk to his friends, yet overly respectful to his enemies. I didn't understand the guy at all.

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yeah I love this movie first for its great and powerful acting by the main actor playing Choi, and as well it makes me think that Choi is a real person and everything you see in that movie is all true and actually happened around WW2. The Story is very serious, and isn't like most martial arts movies mainly because its based on a true story, which gives it its serious feel. the fighting scenes in it are so different from other martial arts movies which i find good in this movie, i think if you're karate practitioner like me, u'll get a better understanding of the different fight system in this movie as some people didn't favour it because they looked at the movie as an actually fictional martial arts story, wen its actually based on a real man and real events, a man who could eliminate him opponent in one punch and karate chop a bulls horn off. The actual man (Choi Baedel) or as his Japanese name which is Masutastu Oyama, Went through hard intense training on a mountain away from the public, all by himself for 4 years, but only stayed there for 18 months, going back to the public he fought the worlds greatest fighters some only defeating them in one single punch after there was no human opponent who could match up to his amazing fighting power, he started fighting bulls mainly defeating them by karate chopping the bulls horns, if I can remember Masutatsu Oyama fought 55 bulls in his life time, killing 11 of them and knocking the rest out. Because of his powerful karate chop/strike he was named the "God Hand" as well as the USA called him "The most toughest man in the word" This movie portrays his first part of success as the worlds toughest fighter greatest martial artist ever lived. I Say read about this man first then watch the movie to give You more more of an idea of what he has been through.

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james billings

i cant believe the comments made about this movie!this has to be Korea's best output in the martial arts genre since musa!!the fights certainly pull no punches you can hear heads and bones crunching!!i suggest you take another look and as you will see this a fine movie!!acting is good,the locations brilliant as the camera takes you around ghetto's to the wondrous scenes in the mountains,the training he puts him self through would make rocky balboa blush!!!the ice climb is excellent,you also get a feel for the period,this guy took no prisoners i can tell you,don't be put off from some reviews see this as a ruff n tumble session of extreme!!the last shot has to be seen to be believed!!!10/10 for a real gem of the martial arts kind!!!

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