Blue Seduction

2009 1 hr 31 min Thriller , Romance

A middle aged music composer finds himself trapped in the seductive web of a young, sexy vocalist who is looking for her own fifteen seconds of fame...

  • Cast:
    Billy Zane , Estella Warren , Bernard Robichaud , Jane Wheeler


Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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kai ringler

Billy Zane wasn't that bad in this movie i thought, i thought that Estella Warren stole the show as Matty ,, the up and coming artist,, our main character,, former musician is down on his luck and struggling so he goes back into the music business to make another record and he is smitten by a very young and sexy cute girl named Matty, she also has a lot of musical talent, so the two are drawn closer,, then end up collating on some music together, as he sees that she has talent as well as beauty, the two get closer romantically as well he falls for her,, she convinces him to go back to the drugs alcohol, sex days of rock and roll , and later on she also convinces him that he can't be successful without her,, she is like a groupie, that won't take no for an answer, she stalks him throughout and when he finally doesn't want to be with her anymore, she can't stand that and takes some action.

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The film started off promising but it slowly spiraled into unbelievable territory. The character of Mike was also unbelievable because someone that had been sober for 15 years would not suddenly abuse drugs and alcohol because some young thing put some in your mouth. It was also ridiculous that Joyce's mother was celebrating her birthday one day and dies the next. I was disappointed because I really like Billy Zane and believe that he should still be able to make classy movies. The acting of Estella Warren was very wooden and it was so obvious she was miming her songs. The film tried very hard to be an edge of the seat thriller but was no where near it. The ending of the film was a major turn off.

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This movie was totally misleading in it's title. What surprises me is that it is being rated "MA" by the cable channel that is showing it. I have seen more action in a PG-13 movie than appears in this film.The story about a fallen idol battling demons when he tries a comeback has been done before and done much better. The dialog was terrible. The acting is little better than an amateur film. Billy Zane sleepwalks through the whole picture.Despite what another reviewer said about being tested and getting good results, I have to believe they were either high or drunk when viewing the film. They could not have seen the same film I viewed.The film only had a $1.6 million budget, filmed in Canada for TV and there are no box office stats available. I suspect the reason for that is it went straight to DVD.

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BLUE SEDUCTION was tested in three states and came up with an APPROVAL rating of 8.9. It seems to be more favorable to females rather than men, and of course, mostly favorable for viewers who are not in the film business, trying to make a name for themselves! (Most of these so called critics appear to be wanna be's looking for attention, or hopefully fore their own film produced.) The basic fact that B.S., as it has become known on this page, is placed in the same category as FATAL ATTRACTION (one of the best BUT most expensive thrillers of its time), is a compliment, but NOT one that was seduced by the BLUE SEDUCTION producers. But since the majority of these "male critics" know nothing more exciting than "one bare nipple", it seems obvious that FATAL ATTRACTION is the only thriller they can remember.Females love Billy Zane: sleepy eyed, walking or talking, outside of Hollywood California, as the film WAS tested, and that is what was stated! If a man ever dreamed of being seduced, I am sure the drawing of that femme fatal would not look much different than the beautiful and talented Estella Warren....So it appears, Hollywood "wanna bes" would rather bash a film which the public viewers have already voted favorably for... how disappointing.Nevertheless, BLUE SEDUCTION, with the approval of STARZ INTERNATIONAL, will continue, because it has been offered a theatrical release....based upon its high testing numbers outside of Hollywood....something none of these so called "male wanna be critics" will ever understand because it appears they have never been outside the box of their own fantasy life in front of their old rusty Hollywood computer.

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