Low Winter Sun

2006 2 hr 30 min Drama , Crime

Frank Agnew is a police detective who kills for revenge and naively believes he's engineered the perfect crime.

  • Cast:
    Mark Strong , Paul Higgins , Burn Gorman , Michelle Duncan , Brian McCardie , Neve McIntosh , Michael Nardone



That was an excellent one.

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Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

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Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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This is a brilliant film noir and Edinburgh, possibly the most haunted and haunting city in Europe, is the perfect backdrop for this gripping drama of deception, corruption, love and moral conflict. Though the film is downright grisly at times, it is completely in line with Scotland's brutal history and Auld Reekie's Burke and Hare past. In fact, the town and its history are one of the main characters. Low Winter Sun is a murder/missing person mystery that is a classic tale of human evil that also addresses today's urban problems, such as, illegal immigration and the weakening of religious faith. It is superbly acted with outstanding performances by Mark Strong and Brain McCardie. The cinematography is disturbingly beautiful and the editing is seamless. My only complaint about this film is that it is not available on DVD!

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I tried to like this, but in the end I had to give up. It was all too dour and it was too gruelling to try to make out what everyone was saying (strong Scottish accents). It was also too wearing hearing all the endless swearing. (Often these were the clearest words spoken.) This language may be realistic, but this is entertainment, not a documentary. The story, after all, is not very believable.I saw this on BBC Prime, the endless-repeats-from-a-bin-of-old-tapes channel the BBC half-heartedly throws together for people outside the UK. This was one of the few programmes not from the BBC's own dusty archives. It's a pity it was not better, since the channel is very short of material.

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'Low Winter Sun' is an atmospheric, complex and exceptionally nasty crime thriller set in Edinburgh, with a story centred on no less than three rampaging policemen. Agenw is perhaps a sanest, a man chasing his disappeared girlfriend and furious with Geddes, who has tricked him into murdering McGann. McGann, coke-fuelled and corrupt, is the out-of-control vacuum at the heart of the tale, dead when the story begins; while Geddes, his former partner, slowly self-destructs under the pressure of the vice in which he has become trapped. Lacking the stagy melodrama of most similar material, this is above average fare: even so, one can't help but feel that a story that features three (possibly four) murders and a suicide, as well as numerous lesser crimes, is just a little bit over the top. One to watch shivering on a cold winter's night.

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Up there with Prime Suspect (another Mark Strong arena). A wonderful piece of Brit suspense/thriller writing and acting. Highly recommended viewing. Although it was a good 2.5 hours long it never lost its pace or dark feel. Great title too - a real piece of TV noirNice to see John Session acting again, haven't seen him in anything for a while. His scenes will put you off your dinner though...I did find some of the story a little convoluted and found the pass the parcel with 'the bag' a little hard to believe, but these are small criticisms; it is great edge-of- the-seat drama.Nice one Channel 4 - more please.

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